import { values } from 'lodash' import { extname } from 'path' import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize' import { AllowNull, BeforeDestroy, BelongsTo, Column, CreatedAt, DataType, Default, DefaultScope, ForeignKey, HasMany, HasOne, Is, IsUUID, Model, Scopes, Table, UpdatedAt } from 'sequelize-typescript' import { ActivityPubActorType } from '../../../shared/models/activitypub' import { Avatar } from '../../../shared/models/avatars/avatar.model' import { activityPubContextify } from '../../helpers/activitypub' import { isActorFollowersCountValid, isActorFollowingCountValid, isActorPreferredUsernameValid, isActorPrivateKeyValid, isActorPublicKeyValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/actor' import { isActivityPubUrlValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/misc' import { ACTIVITY_PUB, ACTIVITY_PUB_ACTOR_TYPES, CONFIG, CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS } from '../../initializers' import { AccountModel } from '../account/account' import { AvatarModel } from '../avatar/avatar' import { ServerModel } from '../server/server' import { throwIfNotValid } from '../utils' import { VideoChannelModel } from '../video/video-channel' import { ActorFollowModel } from './actor-follow' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger' import { sendDeleteActor } from '../../lib/activitypub/send' enum ScopeNames { FULL = 'FULL' } @DefaultScope({ include: [ { model: () => ServerModel, required: false }, { model: () => AvatarModel, required: false } ] }) @Scopes({ [ScopeNames.FULL]: { include: [ { model: () => AccountModel.unscoped(), required: false }, { model: () => VideoChannelModel.unscoped(), required: false }, { model: () => ServerModel, required: false }, { model: () => AvatarModel, required: false } ] } }) @Table({ tableName: 'actor', indexes: [ { fields: [ 'url' ], unique: true }, { fields: [ 'preferredUsername', 'serverId' ], unique: true }, { fields: [ 'inboxUrl', 'sharedInboxUrl' ] }, { fields: [ 'serverId' ] }, { fields: [ 'avatarId' ] }, { fields: [ 'uuid' ], unique: true }, { fields: [ 'followersUrl' ] } ] }) export class ActorModel extends Model { @AllowNull(false) @Column(DataType.ENUM(values(ACTIVITY_PUB_ACTOR_TYPES))) type: ActivityPubActorType @AllowNull(false) @Default(DataType.UUIDV4) @IsUUID(4) @Column(DataType.UUID) uuid: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('ActorPreferredUsername', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActorPreferredUsernameValid, 'actor preferred username')) @Column preferredUsername: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('ActorUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'url')) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.ACTORS.URL.max)) url: string @AllowNull(true) @Is('ActorPublicKey', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActorPublicKeyValid, 'public key')) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.ACTORS.PUBLIC_KEY.max)) publicKey: string @AllowNull(true) @Is('ActorPublicKey', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActorPrivateKeyValid, 'private key')) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.ACTORS.PRIVATE_KEY.max)) privateKey: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('ActorFollowersCount', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActorFollowersCountValid, 'followers count')) @Column followersCount: number @AllowNull(false) @Is('ActorFollowersCount', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActorFollowingCountValid, 'following count')) @Column followingCount: number @AllowNull(false) @Is('ActorInboxUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'inbox url')) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.ACTORS.URL.max)) inboxUrl: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('ActorOutboxUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'outbox url')) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.ACTORS.URL.max)) outboxUrl: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('ActorSharedInboxUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'shared inbox url')) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.ACTORS.URL.max)) sharedInboxUrl: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('ActorFollowersUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'followers url')) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.ACTORS.URL.max)) followersUrl: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('ActorFollowingUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'following url')) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.ACTORS.URL.max)) followingUrl: string @CreatedAt createdAt: Date @UpdatedAt updatedAt: Date @ForeignKey(() => AvatarModel) @Column avatarId: number @BelongsTo(() => AvatarModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'set null', hooks: true }) Avatar: AvatarModel @HasMany(() => ActorFollowModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'actorId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) ActorFollowing: ActorFollowModel[] @HasMany(() => ActorFollowModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'targetActorId', allowNull: false }, as: 'ActorFollowers', onDelete: 'cascade' }) ActorFollowers: ActorFollowModel[] @ForeignKey(() => ServerModel) @Column serverId: number @BelongsTo(() => ServerModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) Server: ServerModel @HasOne(() => AccountModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: false } }) Account: AccountModel @HasOne(() => VideoChannelModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: false } }) VideoChannel: VideoChannelModel @BeforeDestroy static async sendDeleteIfOwned (instance: ActorModel, options) { if (instance.isOwned()) { logger.debug('Sending delete of actor %s.', instance.url) return sendDeleteActor(instance, options.transaction) } return undefined } static load (id: number) { return ActorModel.unscoped().findById(id) } static listByFollowersUrls (followersUrls: string[], transaction?: Sequelize.Transaction) { const query = { where: { followersUrl: { [ ]: followersUrls } }, transaction } return ActorModel.scope(ScopeNames.FULL).findAll(query) } static loadLocalByName (preferredUsername: string) { const query = { where: { preferredUsername, serverId: null } } return ActorModel.scope(ScopeNames.FULL).findOne(query) } static loadByNameAndHost (preferredUsername: string, host: string) { const query = { where: { preferredUsername }, include: [ { model: ServerModel, required: true, where: { host } } ] } return ActorModel.scope(ScopeNames.FULL).findOne(query) } static loadByUrl (url: string, transaction?: Sequelize.Transaction) { const query = { where: { url }, transaction } return ActorModel.scope(ScopeNames.FULL).findOne(query) } static incrementFollows (id: number, column: 'followersCount' | 'followingCount', by: number) { // FIXME: typings return (ActorModel as any).increment(column, { by, where: { id } }) } static async getActorsFollowerSharedInboxUrls (actors: ActorModel[], t: Sequelize.Transaction) { const query = { // attribute: [], where: { id: { []: => } }, include: [ { // attributes: [ ], model: ActorFollowModel.unscoped(), required: true, as: 'ActorFollowers', where: { state: 'accepted' }, include: [ { attributes: [ 'sharedInboxUrl' ], model: ActorModel.unscoped(), as: 'ActorFollower', required: true } ] } ], transaction: t } const hash: { [ id: number ]: string[] } = {} const res = await ActorModel.findAll(query) for (const actor of res) { hash[] = => follow.ActorFollower.sharedInboxUrl) } return hash } toFormattedJSON () { let avatar: Avatar = null if (this.Avatar) { avatar = this.Avatar.toFormattedJSON() } return { id:, url: this.url, uuid: this.uuid, name: this.preferredUsername, host: this.getHost(), followingCount: this.followingCount, followersCount: this.followersCount, avatar, createdAt: this.createdAt, updatedAt: this.updatedAt } } toActivityPubObject (name: string, type: 'Account' | 'Application' | 'VideoChannel') { let activityPubType if (type === 'Account') { activityPubType = 'Person' as 'Person' } else if (type === 'Application') { activityPubType = 'Application' as 'Application' } else { // VideoChannel activityPubType = 'Group' as 'Group' } let icon = undefined if (this.avatarId) { const extension = extname(this.Avatar.filename) icon = { type: 'Image', mediaType: extension === '.png' ? 'image/png' : 'image/jpeg', url: this.getAvatarUrl() } } const json = { type: activityPubType, id: this.url, following: this.getFollowingUrl(), followers: this.getFollowersUrl(), inbox: this.inboxUrl, outbox: this.outboxUrl, preferredUsername: this.preferredUsername, url: this.url, name, endpoints: { sharedInbox: this.sharedInboxUrl }, uuid: this.uuid, publicKey: { id: this.getPublicKeyUrl(), owner: this.url, publicKeyPem: this.publicKey }, icon } return activityPubContextify(json) } getFollowerSharedInboxUrls (t: Sequelize.Transaction) { const query = { attributes: [ 'sharedInboxUrl' ], include: [ { attribute: [], model: ActorFollowModel.unscoped(), required: true, as: 'ActorFollowing', where: { state: 'accepted', targetActorId: } } ], transaction: t } return ActorModel.findAll(query) .then(accounts => => a.sharedInboxUrl)) } getFollowingUrl () { return this.url + '/following' } getFollowersUrl () { return this.url + '/followers' } getPublicKeyUrl () { return this.url + '#main-key' } isOwned () { return this.serverId === null } getWebfingerUrl () { return 'acct:' + this.preferredUsername + '@' + this.getHost() } getHost () { return this.Server ? : CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOST } getAvatarUrl () { if (!this.avatarId) return undefined return CONFIG.WEBSERVER.URL + this.Avatar.getWebserverPath() } isOutdated () { if (this.isOwned()) return false const now = const createdAtTime = this.createdAt.getTime() const updatedAtTime = this.updatedAt.getTime() return (now - createdAtTime) > ACTIVITY_PUB.ACTOR_REFRESH_INTERVAL && (now - updatedAtTime) > ACTIVITY_PUB.ACTOR_REFRESH_INTERVAL } }