import * as helmet from 'helmet' import { CONFIG } from '../initializers/constants' const baseDirectives = Object.assign({}, { defaultSrc: ["'none'"], // by default, not specifying default-src = '*' connectSrc: ['*', 'data:'], mediaSrc: ["'self'", 'https:', 'blob:'], fontSrc: ["'self'", 'data:'], imgSrc: ["'self'", 'data:'], scriptSrc: ["'self' 'unsafe-inline'"], styleSrc: ["'self' 'unsafe-inline'"], // objectSrc: ["'none'"], // only define to allow plugins, else let defaultSrc 'none' block it formAction: ["'self'"], frameAncestors: ["'none'"], baseUri: ["'self'"], pluginTypes: ["'none'"], manifestSrc: ["'self'"], frameSrc: ["'self'"], // instead of deprecated child-src / self because of test-embed workerSrc: ["'self'"], // instead of deprecated child-src upgradeInsecureRequests: true }, (CONFIG.SERVICES['CSP-LOGGER'] != null) ? { reportUri: CONFIG.SERVICES['CSP-LOGGER'] } : {} ) const baseCSP = helmet.contentSecurityPolicy({ directives: baseDirectives, browserSniff: false, reportOnly: true }) const embedCSP = helmet.contentSecurityPolicy({ directives: Object.assign(baseDirectives, { frameAncestors: ['*'] }), browserSniff: false, // assumes a modern browser, but allows CDN in front reportOnly: true }) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { baseCSP, embedCSP }