import * as express from 'express' import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger' import { VIDEO_CATEGORIES, VIDEO_LANGUAGES, VIDEO_LICENCES, VIDEO_PLAYLIST_PRIVACIES, VIDEO_PRIVACIES } from '@server/initializers/constants' import { onExternalUserAuthenticated } from '@server/lib/auth/external-auth' import { PluginModel } from '@server/models/server/plugin' import { RegisterServerAuthExternalOptions, RegisterServerAuthExternalResult, RegisterServerAuthPassOptions, RegisterServerExternalAuthenticatedResult, RegisterServerOptions } from '@server/types/plugins' import { EncoderOptionsBuilder, PluginPlaylistPrivacyManager, PluginSettingsManager, PluginStorageManager, PluginVideoCategoryManager, PluginVideoLanguageManager, PluginVideoLicenceManager, PluginVideoPrivacyManager, RegisterServerHookOptions, RegisterServerSettingOptions } from '@shared/models' import { serverHookObject } from '@shared/models/plugins/server-hook.model' import { VideoTranscodingProfilesManager } from '../video-transcoding-profiles' import { buildPluginHelpers } from './plugin-helpers-builder' type AlterableVideoConstant = 'language' | 'licence' | 'category' | 'privacy' | 'playlistPrivacy' type VideoConstant = { [key in number | string]: string } type UpdatedVideoConstant = { [name in AlterableVideoConstant]: { added: { key: number | string, label: string }[] deleted: { key: number | string, label: string }[] } } export class RegisterHelpers { private readonly updatedVideoConstants: UpdatedVideoConstant = { playlistPrivacy: { added: [], deleted: [] }, privacy: { added: [], deleted: [] }, language: { added: [], deleted: [] }, licence: { added: [], deleted: [] }, category: { added: [], deleted: [] } } private readonly transcodingProfiles: { [ npmName: string ]: { type: 'vod' | 'live' encoder: string profile: string }[] } = {} private readonly transcodingEncoders: { [ npmName: string ]: { type: 'vod' | 'live' streamType: 'audio' | 'video' encoder: string priority: number }[] } = {} private readonly settings: RegisterServerSettingOptions[] = [] private idAndPassAuths: RegisterServerAuthPassOptions[] = [] private externalAuths: RegisterServerAuthExternalOptions[] = [] private readonly onSettingsChangeCallbacks: ((settings: any) => Promise)[] = [] private readonly router: express.Router constructor ( private readonly npmName: string, private readonly plugin: PluginModel, private readonly onHookAdded: (options: RegisterServerHookOptions) => void ) { this.router = express.Router() } buildRegisterHelpers (): RegisterServerOptions { const registerHook = this.buildRegisterHook() const registerSetting = this.buildRegisterSetting() const getRouter = this.buildGetRouter() const settingsManager = this.buildSettingsManager() const storageManager = this.buildStorageManager() const videoLanguageManager = this.buildVideoLanguageManager() const videoLicenceManager = this.buildVideoLicenceManager() const videoCategoryManager = this.buildVideoCategoryManager() const videoPrivacyManager = this.buildVideoPrivacyManager() const playlistPrivacyManager = this.buildPlaylistPrivacyManager() const transcodingManager = this.buildTranscodingManager() const registerIdAndPassAuth = this.buildRegisterIdAndPassAuth() const registerExternalAuth = this.buildRegisterExternalAuth() const unregisterIdAndPassAuth = this.buildUnregisterIdAndPassAuth() const unregisterExternalAuth = this.buildUnregisterExternalAuth() const peertubeHelpers = buildPluginHelpers(this.plugin, this.npmName) return { registerHook, registerSetting, getRouter, settingsManager, storageManager, videoLanguageManager, videoCategoryManager, videoLicenceManager, videoPrivacyManager, playlistPrivacyManager, transcodingManager, registerIdAndPassAuth, registerExternalAuth, unregisterIdAndPassAuth, unregisterExternalAuth, peertubeHelpers } } reinitVideoConstants (npmName: string) { const hash = { language: VIDEO_LANGUAGES, licence: VIDEO_LICENCES, category: VIDEO_CATEGORIES, privacy: VIDEO_PRIVACIES, playlistPrivacy: VIDEO_PLAYLIST_PRIVACIES } const types: AlterableVideoConstant[] = [ 'language', 'licence', 'category', 'privacy', 'playlistPrivacy' ] for (const type of types) { const updatedConstants = this.updatedVideoConstants[type][npmName] if (!updatedConstants) continue for (const added of updatedConstants.added) { delete hash[type][added.key] } for (const deleted of updatedConstants.deleted) { hash[type][deleted.key] = deleted.label } delete this.updatedVideoConstants[type][npmName] } } reinitTranscodingProfilesAndEncoders (npmName: string) { const profiles = this.transcodingProfiles[npmName] if (Array.isArray(profiles)) { for (const profile of profiles) { VideoTranscodingProfilesManager.Instance.removeProfile(profile) } } const encoders = this.transcodingEncoders[npmName] if (Array.isArray(encoders)) { for (const o of encoders) { VideoTranscodingProfilesManager.Instance.removeEncoderPriority(o.type, o.streamType, o.encoder, o.priority) } } } getSettings () { return this.settings } getRouter () { return this.router } getIdAndPassAuths () { return this.idAndPassAuths } getExternalAuths () { return this.externalAuths } getOnSettingsChangedCallbacks () { return this.onSettingsChangeCallbacks } private buildGetRouter () { return () => this.router } private buildRegisterSetting () { return (options: RegisterServerSettingOptions) => { this.settings.push(options) } } private buildRegisterHook () { return (options: RegisterServerHookOptions) => { if (serverHookObject[] !== true) { logger.warn('Unknown hook %s of plugin %s. Skipping.',, this.npmName) return } return this.onHookAdded(options) } } private buildRegisterIdAndPassAuth () { return (options: RegisterServerAuthPassOptions) => { if (!options.authName || typeof options.getWeight !== 'function' || typeof options.login !== 'function') { logger.error('Cannot register auth plugin %s: authName, getWeight or login are not valid.', this.npmName, { options }) return } this.idAndPassAuths.push(options) } } private buildRegisterExternalAuth () { const self = this return (options: RegisterServerAuthExternalOptions) => { if (!options.authName || typeof options.authDisplayName !== 'function' || typeof options.onAuthRequest !== 'function') { logger.error('Cannot register auth plugin %s: authName, authDisplayName or onAuthRequest are not valid.', this.npmName, { options }) return } this.externalAuths.push(options) return { userAuthenticated (result: RegisterServerExternalAuthenticatedResult): void { onExternalUserAuthenticated({ npmName: self.npmName, authName: options.authName, authResult: result }).catch(err => { logger.error('Cannot execute onExternalUserAuthenticated.', { npmName: self.npmName, authName: options.authName, err }) }) } } as RegisterServerAuthExternalResult } } private buildUnregisterExternalAuth () { return (authName: string) => { this.externalAuths = this.externalAuths.filter(a => a.authName !== authName) } } private buildUnregisterIdAndPassAuth () { return (authName: string) => { this.idAndPassAuths = this.idAndPassAuths.filter(a => a.authName !== authName) } } private buildSettingsManager (): PluginSettingsManager { return { getSetting: (name: string) => PluginModel.getSetting(, this.plugin.type, name, this.settings), getSettings: (names: string[]) => PluginModel.getSettings(, this.plugin.type, names, this.settings), setSetting: (name: string, value: string) => PluginModel.setSetting(, this.plugin.type, name, value), onSettingsChange: (cb: (settings: any) => Promise) => this.onSettingsChangeCallbacks.push(cb) } } private buildStorageManager (): PluginStorageManager { return { getData: (key: string) => PluginModel.getData(, this.plugin.type, key), storeData: (key: string, data: any) => PluginModel.storeData(, this.plugin.type, key, data) } } private buildVideoLanguageManager (): PluginVideoLanguageManager { return { addLanguage: (key: string, label: string) => { return this.addConstant({ npmName: this.npmName, type: 'language', obj: VIDEO_LANGUAGES, key, label }) }, deleteLanguage: (key: string) => { return this.deleteConstant({ npmName: this.npmName, type: 'language', obj: VIDEO_LANGUAGES, key }) } } } private buildVideoCategoryManager (): PluginVideoCategoryManager { return { addCategory: (key: number, label: string) => { return this.addConstant({ npmName: this.npmName, type: 'category', obj: VIDEO_CATEGORIES, key, label }) }, deleteCategory: (key: number) => { return this.deleteConstant({ npmName: this.npmName, type: 'category', obj: VIDEO_CATEGORIES, key }) } } } private buildVideoPrivacyManager (): PluginVideoPrivacyManager { return { deletePrivacy: (key: number) => { return this.deleteConstant({ npmName: this.npmName, type: 'privacy', obj: VIDEO_PRIVACIES, key }) } } } private buildPlaylistPrivacyManager (): PluginPlaylistPrivacyManager { return { deletePlaylistPrivacy: (key: number) => { return this.deleteConstant({ npmName: this.npmName, type: 'playlistPrivacy', obj: VIDEO_PLAYLIST_PRIVACIES, key }) } } } private buildVideoLicenceManager (): PluginVideoLicenceManager { return { addLicence: (key: number, label: string) => { return this.addConstant({ npmName: this.npmName, type: 'licence', obj: VIDEO_LICENCES, key, label }) }, deleteLicence: (key: number) => { return this.deleteConstant({ npmName: this.npmName, type: 'licence', obj: VIDEO_LICENCES, key }) } } } private addConstant (parameters: { npmName: string type: AlterableVideoConstant obj: VideoConstant key: T label: string }) { const { npmName, type, obj, key, label } = parameters if (obj[key]) { logger.warn('Cannot add %s %s by plugin %s: key already exists.', type, npmName, key) return false } if (!this.updatedVideoConstants[type][npmName]) { this.updatedVideoConstants[type][npmName] = { added: [], deleted: [] } } this.updatedVideoConstants[type][npmName].added.push({ key, label }) obj[key] = label return true } private deleteConstant (parameters: { npmName: string type: AlterableVideoConstant obj: VideoConstant key: T }) { const { npmName, type, obj, key } = parameters if (!obj[key]) { logger.warn('Cannot delete %s %s by plugin %s: key does not exist.', type, npmName, key) return false } if (!this.updatedVideoConstants[type][npmName]) { this.updatedVideoConstants[type][npmName] = { added: [], deleted: [] } } this.updatedVideoConstants[type][npmName].deleted.push({ key, label: obj[key] }) delete obj[key] return true } private buildTranscodingManager () { const self = this function addProfile (type: 'live' | 'vod', encoder: string, profile: string, builder: EncoderOptionsBuilder) { if (profile === 'default') { logger.error('A plugin cannot add a default live transcoding profile') return false } VideoTranscodingProfilesManager.Instance.addProfile({ type, encoder, profile, builder }) if (!self.transcodingProfiles[self.npmName]) self.transcodingProfiles[self.npmName] = [] self.transcodingProfiles[self.npmName].push({ type, encoder, profile }) return true } function addEncoderPriority (type: 'live' | 'vod', streamType: 'audio' | 'video', encoder: string, priority: number) { VideoTranscodingProfilesManager.Instance.addEncoderPriority(type, streamType, encoder, priority) if (!self.transcodingEncoders[self.npmName]) self.transcodingEncoders[self.npmName] = [] self.transcodingEncoders[self.npmName].push({ type, streamType, encoder, priority }) } return { addLiveProfile (encoder: string, profile: string, builder: EncoderOptionsBuilder) { return addProfile('live', encoder, profile, builder) }, addVODProfile (encoder: string, profile: string, builder: EncoderOptionsBuilder) { return addProfile('vod', encoder, profile, builder) }, addLiveEncoderPriority (streamType: 'audio' | 'video', encoder: string, priority: number) { return addEncoderPriority('live', streamType, encoder, priority) }, addVODEncoderPriority (streamType: 'audio' | 'video', encoder: string, priority: number) { return addEncoderPriority('vod', streamType, encoder, priority) }, removeAllProfilesAndEncoderPriorities () { return self.reinitTranscodingProfilesAndEncoders(self.npmName) } } } }