import { PluginModel } from '../../models/server/plugin' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger' import { RegisterHookOptions } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/register.model' import { basename, join } from 'path' import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers/config' import { isLibraryCodeValid, isPackageJSONValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/plugins' import { ClientScript, PluginPackageJson } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/plugin-package-json.model' import { PluginLibrary } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/plugin-library.model' import { createReadStream, createWriteStream } from 'fs' import { PLUGIN_GLOBAL_CSS_PATH } from '../../initializers/constants' import { PluginType } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/plugin.type' import { installNpmPlugin, installNpmPluginFromDisk, removeNpmPlugin } from './yarn' import { outputFile } from 'fs-extra' import { ServerConfigPlugin } from '../../../shared/models/server' export interface RegisteredPlugin { name: string version: string description: string peertubeEngine: string type: PluginType path: string staticDirs: { [name: string]: string } clientScripts: { [name: string]: ClientScript } css: string[] // Only if this is a plugin unregister?: Function } export interface HookInformationValue { pluginName: string handler: Function priority: number } export class PluginManager { private static instance: PluginManager private registeredPlugins: { [ name: string ]: RegisteredPlugin } = {} private hooks: { [ name: string ]: HookInformationValue[] } = {} private constructor () { } async registerPluginsAndThemes () { await this.resetCSSGlobalFile() const plugins = await PluginModel.listEnabledPluginsAndThemes() for (const plugin of plugins) { try { await this.registerPluginOrTheme(plugin) } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot register plugin %s, skipping.',, { err }) } } this.sortHooksByPriority() } getRegisteredPluginOrTheme (name: string) { return this.registeredPlugins[name] } getRegisteredPlugin (name: string) { const registered = this.getRegisteredPluginOrTheme(name) if (!registered || registered.type !== PluginType.PLUGIN) return undefined return registered } getRegisteredTheme (name: string) { const registered = this.getRegisteredPluginOrTheme(name) if (!registered || registered.type !== PluginType.THEME) return undefined return registered } getRegisteredPlugins () { return this.getRegisteredPluginsOrThemes(PluginType.PLUGIN) } getRegisteredThemes () { return this.getRegisteredPluginsOrThemes(PluginType.THEME) } async runHook (hookName: string, param?: any) { let result = param const wait = hookName.startsWith('static:') for (const hook of this.hooks[hookName]) { try { if (wait) result = await hook.handler(param) else result = hook.handler() } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot run hook %s of plugin %s.', hookName, hook.pluginName, { err }) } } return result } async unregister (name: string) { const plugin = this.getRegisteredPlugin(name) if (!plugin) { throw new Error(`Unknown plugin ${name} to unregister`) } if (plugin.type === PluginType.THEME) { throw new Error(`Cannot unregister ${name}: this is a theme`) } await plugin.unregister() // Remove hooks of this plugin for (const key of Object.keys(this.hooks)) { this.hooks[key] = this.hooks[key].filter(h => h.pluginName !== name) } delete this.registeredPlugins[]'Regenerating registered plugin CSS to global file.') await this.regeneratePluginGlobalCSS() } async install (toInstall: string, version: string, fromDisk = false) { let plugin: PluginModel let name: string'Installing plugin %s.', toInstall) try { fromDisk ? await installNpmPluginFromDisk(toInstall) : await installNpmPlugin(toInstall, version) name = fromDisk ? basename(toInstall) : toInstall const pluginType = name.startsWith('peertube-theme-') ? PluginType.THEME : PluginType.PLUGIN const pluginName = this.normalizePluginName(name) const packageJSON = this.getPackageJSON(pluginName, pluginType) if (!isPackageJSONValid(packageJSON, pluginType)) { throw new Error('PackageJSON is invalid.') } [ plugin ] = await PluginModel.upsert({ name: pluginName, description: packageJSON.description, type: pluginType, version: packageJSON.version, enabled: true, uninstalled: false, peertubeEngine: packageJSON.engine.peertube }, { returning: true }) } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot install plugin %s, removing it...', toInstall, { err }) try { await removeNpmPlugin(name) } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot remove plugin %s after failed installation.', toInstall, { err }) } throw err }'Successful installation of plugin %s.', toInstall) await this.registerPluginOrTheme(plugin) } async uninstall (packageName: string) {'Uninstalling plugin %s.', packageName) const pluginName = this.normalizePluginName(packageName) try { await this.unregister(pluginName) } catch (err) { logger.warn('Cannot unregister plugin %s.', pluginName, { err }) } const plugin = await PluginModel.load(pluginName) if (!plugin || plugin.uninstalled === true) { logger.error('Cannot uninstall plugin %s: it does not exist or is already uninstalled.', packageName) return } plugin.enabled = false plugin.uninstalled = true await await removeNpmPlugin(packageName)'Plugin %s uninstalled.', packageName) } private async registerPluginOrTheme (plugin: PluginModel) {'Registering plugin or theme %s.', const packageJSON = this.getPackageJSON(, plugin.type) const pluginPath = this.getPluginPath(, plugin.type) if (!isPackageJSONValid(packageJSON, plugin.type)) { throw new Error('Package.JSON is invalid.') } let library: PluginLibrary if (plugin.type === PluginType.PLUGIN) { library = await this.registerPlugin(plugin, pluginPath, packageJSON) } const clientScripts: { [id: string]: ClientScript } = {} for (const c of packageJSON.clientScripts) { clientScripts[c.script] = c } this.registeredPlugins[ ] = { name:, type: plugin.type, version: plugin.version, description: plugin.description, peertubeEngine: plugin.peertubeEngine, path: pluginPath, staticDirs: packageJSON.staticDirs, clientScripts, css: packageJSON.css, unregister: library ? library.unregister : undefined } } private async registerPlugin (plugin: PluginModel, pluginPath: string, packageJSON: PluginPackageJson) { const registerHook = (options: RegisterHookOptions) => { if (!this.hooks[]) this.hooks[] = [] this.hooks[].push({ pluginName:, handler: options.handler, priority: options.priority || 0 }) } const library: PluginLibrary = require(join(pluginPath, packageJSON.library)) if (!isLibraryCodeValid(library)) { throw new Error('Library code is not valid (miss register or unregister function)') } library.register({ registerHook })'Add plugin %s CSS to global file.', await this.addCSSToGlobalFile(pluginPath, packageJSON.css) return library } private sortHooksByPriority () { for (const hookName of Object.keys(this.hooks)) { this.hooks[hookName].sort((a, b) => { return b.priority - a.priority }) } } private resetCSSGlobalFile () { return outputFile(PLUGIN_GLOBAL_CSS_PATH, '') } private async addCSSToGlobalFile (pluginPath: string, cssRelativePaths: string[]) { for (const cssPath of cssRelativePaths) { await this.concatFiles(join(pluginPath, cssPath), PLUGIN_GLOBAL_CSS_PATH) } } private concatFiles (input: string, output: string) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { const inputStream = createReadStream(input) const outputStream = createWriteStream(output, { flags: 'a' }) inputStream.pipe(outputStream) inputStream.on('end', () => res()) inputStream.on('error', err => rej(err)) }) } private getPackageJSON (pluginName: string, pluginType: PluginType) { const pluginPath = join(this.getPluginPath(pluginName, pluginType), 'package.json') return require(pluginPath) as PluginPackageJson } private getPluginPath (pluginName: string, pluginType: PluginType) { const prefix = pluginType === PluginType.PLUGIN ? 'peertube-plugin-' : 'peertube-theme-' return join(CONFIG.STORAGE.PLUGINS_DIR, 'node_modules', prefix + pluginName) } private normalizePluginName (name: string) { return name.replace(/^peertube-((theme)|(plugin))-/, '') } private async regeneratePluginGlobalCSS () { await this.resetCSSGlobalFile() for (const key of Object.keys(this.registeredPlugins)) { const plugin = this.registeredPlugins[key] await this.addCSSToGlobalFile(plugin.path, plugin.css) } } private getRegisteredPluginsOrThemes (type: PluginType) { const plugins: RegisteredPlugin[] = [] for (const pluginName of Object.keys(this.registeredPlugins)) { const plugin = this.registeredPlugins[ pluginName ] if (plugin.type !== type) continue plugins.push(plugin) } return plugins } static get Instance () { return this.instance || (this.instance = new this()) } }