import * as SocketIO from '' import { authenticateSocket } from '../middlewares' import { UserNotificationModel } from '../models/account/user-notification' import { logger } from '../helpers/logger' import { Server } from 'http' class PeerTubeSocket { private static instance: PeerTubeSocket private userNotificationSockets: { [ userId: number ]: SocketIO.Socket[] } = {} private constructor () {} init (server: Server) { const io = SocketIO(server) io.of('/user-notifications') .use(authenticateSocket) .on('connection', socket => { const userId = logger.debug('User %d connected on the notification system.', userId) if (!this.userNotificationSockets[userId]) this.userNotificationSockets[userId] = [] this.userNotificationSockets[userId].push(socket) socket.on('disconnect', () => { logger.debug('User %d disconnected from SocketIO notifications.', userId) this.userNotificationSockets[userId] = this.userNotificationSockets[userId].filter(s => s !== socket) }) }) } sendNotification (userId: number, notification: UserNotificationModel) { const sockets = this.userNotificationSockets[userId] if (!sockets) return for (const socket of sockets) { socket.emit('new-notification', notification.toFormattedJSON()) } } static get Instance () { return this.instance || (this.instance = new this()) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { PeerTubeSocket }