import { readdir } from 'fs-extra' import { constants, NodeGCPerformanceDetail, PerformanceObserver } from 'perf_hooks' import * as process from 'process' import { Meter, ObservableResult } from '@opentelemetry/api' import { ExplicitBucketHistogramAggregation } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics' import { View } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics/build/src/view/View' import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger' // Thanks to // We took their logic and adapter it for opentelemetry // Try to keep consistency with their metric name/description so it's easier to process (grafana dashboard template etc) export class NodeJSObserversBuilder { constructor (private readonly meter: Meter) { } static getViews () { return [ new View({ aggregation: new ExplicitBucketHistogramAggregation([ 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 2, 5 ]), instrumentName: 'nodejs_gc_duration_seconds' }) ] } buildObservers () { this.buildCPUObserver() this.buildMemoryObserver() this.buildHandlesObserver() this.buildFileDescriptorsObserver() this.buildGCObserver() this.buildEventLoopLagObserver() this.buildLibUVActiveRequestsObserver() this.buildActiveResourcesObserver() } private buildCPUObserver () { const cpuTotal = this.meter.createObservableCounter('process_cpu_seconds_total', { description: 'Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.' }) const cpuUser = this.meter.createObservableCounter('process_cpu_user_seconds_total', { description: 'Total user CPU time spent in seconds.' }) const cpuSystem = this.meter.createObservableCounter('process_cpu_system_seconds_total', { description: 'Total system CPU time spent in seconds.' }) let lastCpuUsage = process.cpuUsage() this.meter.addBatchObservableCallback(observableResult => { const cpuUsage = process.cpuUsage() const userUsageMicros = cpuUsage.user - lastCpuUsage.user const systemUsageMicros = cpuUsage.system - lastCpuUsage.system lastCpuUsage = cpuUsage observableResult.observe(cpuTotal, (userUsageMicros + systemUsageMicros) / 1e6) observableResult.observe(cpuUser, userUsageMicros / 1e6) observableResult.observe(cpuSystem, systemUsageMicros / 1e6) }, [ cpuTotal, cpuUser, cpuSystem ]) } private buildMemoryObserver () { this.meter.createObservableGauge('nodejs_memory_usage_bytes', { description: 'Memory' }).addCallback(observableResult => { const current = process.memoryUsage() observableResult.observe(current.heapTotal, { memoryType: 'heapTotal' }) observableResult.observe(current.heapUsed, { memoryType: 'heapUsed' }) observableResult.observe(current.arrayBuffers, { memoryType: 'arrayBuffers' }) observableResult.observe(current.external, { memoryType: 'external' }) observableResult.observe(current.rss, { memoryType: 'rss' }) }) } private buildHandlesObserver () { if (typeof (process as any)._getActiveHandles !== 'function') return this.meter.createObservableGauge('nodejs_active_handles_total', { description: 'Total number of active handles.' }).addCallback(observableResult => { const handles = (process as any)._getActiveHandles() observableResult.observe(handles.length) }) } private buildGCObserver () { const kinds = { [constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_MAJOR]: 'major', [constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_MINOR]: 'minor', [constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_INCREMENTAL]: 'incremental', [constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_WEAKCB]: 'weakcb' } const histogram = this.meter.createHistogram('nodejs_gc_duration_seconds', { description: 'Garbage collection duration by kind, one of major, minor, incremental or weakcb' }) const obs = new PerformanceObserver(list => { const entry = list.getEntries()[0] // Node < 16 uses entry.kind // Node >= 16 uses entry.detail.kind // See: const kind = entry.detail ? kinds[(entry.detail as NodeGCPerformanceDetail).kind] : kinds[(entry as any).kind] // Convert duration from milliseconds to seconds histogram.record(entry.duration / 1000, { kind }) }) obs.observe({ entryTypes: [ 'gc' ] }) } private buildEventLoopLagObserver () { const reportEventloopLag = (start: [ number, number ], observableResult: ObservableResult, res: () => void) => { const delta = process.hrtime(start) const nanosec = delta[0] * 1e9 + delta[1] const seconds = nanosec / 1e9 observableResult.observe(seconds) res() } this.meter.createObservableGauge('nodejs_eventloop_lag_seconds', { description: 'Lag of event loop in seconds.' }).addCallback(observableResult => { return new Promise(res => { const start = process.hrtime() setImmediate(reportEventloopLag, start, observableResult, res) }) }) } private buildFileDescriptorsObserver () { this.meter.createObservableGauge('process_open_fds', { description: 'Number of open file descriptors.' }).addCallback(async observableResult => { try { const fds = await readdir('/proc/self/fd') observableResult.observe(fds.length - 1) } catch (err) { logger.debug('Cannot list file descriptors of current process for OpenTelemetry.', { err }) } }) } private buildLibUVActiveRequestsObserver () { if (typeof (process as any)._getActiveRequests !== 'function') return this.meter.createObservableGauge('nodejs_active_requests_total', { description: 'Total number of active libuv requests.' }).addCallback(observableResult => { const requests = (process as any)._getActiveRequests() observableResult.observe(requests.length) }) } private buildActiveResourcesObserver () { if (typeof (process as any).getActiveResourcesInfo !== 'function') return const grouped = this.meter.createObservableCounter('nodejs_active_resources', { description: 'Number of active resources that are currently keeping the event loop alive, grouped by async resource type.' }) const total = this.meter.createObservableCounter('nodejs_active_resources_total', { description: 'Total number of active resources.' }) this.meter.addBatchObservableCallback(observableResult => { const resources = (process as any).getActiveResourcesInfo() const data = {} for (let i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { const resource = resources[i] if (data[resource] === undefined) data[resource] = 0 data[resource] += 1 } for (const type of Object.keys(data)) { observableResult.observe(grouped, data[type], { type }) } observableResult.observe(total, resources.length) }, [ grouped, total ]) } }