import { UserNotificationSettingValue, UserNotificationType, UserRight } from '../../shared/models/users' import { logger } from '../helpers/logger' import { VideoModel } from '../models/video/video' import { Emailer } from './emailer' import { UserNotificationModel } from '../models/account/user-notification' import { VideoCommentModel } from '../models/video/video-comment' import { UserModel } from '../models/account/user' import { PeerTubeSocket } from './peertube-socket' import { CONFIG } from '../initializers/constants' import { VideoPrivacy, VideoState } from '../../shared/models/videos' import { VideoAbuseModel } from '../models/video/video-abuse' import { VideoBlacklistModel } from '../models/video/video-blacklist' import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird' class Notifier { private static instance: Notifier private constructor () {} notifyOnNewVideo (video: VideoModel): void { // Only notify on public and published videos if (video.privacy !== VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC || video.state !== VideoState.PUBLISHED) return this.notifySubscribersOfNewVideo(video) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot notify subscribers of new video %s.', video.url, { err })) } notifyOnNewComment (comment: VideoCommentModel): void { this.notifyVideoOwnerOfNewComment(comment) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot notify of new comment %s.', comment.url, { err })) } notifyOnNewVideoAbuse (videoAbuse: VideoAbuseModel): void { this.notifyModeratorsOfNewVideoAbuse(videoAbuse) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot notify of new video abuse of video %s.', videoAbuse.Video.url, { err })) } notifyOnVideoBlacklist (videoBlacklist: VideoBlacklistModel): void { this.notifyVideoOwnerOfBlacklist(videoBlacklist) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot notify video owner of new video blacklist of %s.', videoBlacklist.Video.url, { err })) } notifyOnVideoUnblacklist (video: VideoModel): void { this.notifyVideoOwnerOfUnblacklist(video) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot notify video owner of new video blacklist of %s.', video.url, { err })) } private async notifySubscribersOfNewVideo (video: VideoModel) { // List all followers that are users const users = await UserModel.listUserSubscribersOf(video.VideoChannel.actorId)'Notifying %d users of new video %s.', users.length, video.url) function settingGetter (user: UserModel) { return user.NotificationSetting.newVideoFromSubscription } async function notificationCreator (user: UserModel) { const notification = await UserNotificationModel.create({ type: UserNotificationType.NEW_VIDEO_FROM_SUBSCRIPTION, userId:, videoId: }) notification.Video = video return notification } function emailSender (emails: string[]) { return Emailer.Instance.addNewVideoFromSubscriberNotification(emails, video) } return this.notify({ users, settingGetter, notificationCreator, emailSender }) } private async notifyVideoOwnerOfNewComment (comment: VideoCommentModel) { const user = await UserModel.loadByVideoId(comment.videoId) // Not our user or user comments its own video if (!user || comment.Account.userId === return'Notifying user %s of new comment %s.', user.username, comment.url) function settingGetter (user: UserModel) { return user.NotificationSetting.newCommentOnMyVideo } async function notificationCreator (user: UserModel) { const notification = await UserNotificationModel.create({ type: UserNotificationType.NEW_COMMENT_ON_MY_VIDEO, userId:, commentId: }) notification.Comment = comment return notification } function emailSender (emails: string[]) { return Emailer.Instance.addNewCommentOnMyVideoNotification(emails, comment) } return this.notify({ users: [ user ], settingGetter, notificationCreator, emailSender }) } private async notifyModeratorsOfNewVideoAbuse (videoAbuse: VideoAbuseModel) { const users = await UserModel.listWithRight(UserRight.MANAGE_VIDEO_ABUSES) if (users.length === 0) return'Notifying %s user/moderators of new video abuse %s.', users.length, videoAbuse.Video.url) function settingGetter (user: UserModel) { return user.NotificationSetting.videoAbuseAsModerator } async function notificationCreator (user: UserModel) { const notification = await UserNotificationModel.create({ type: UserNotificationType.NEW_VIDEO_ABUSE_FOR_MODERATORS, userId:, videoAbuseId: }) notification.VideoAbuse = videoAbuse return notification } function emailSender (emails: string[]) { return Emailer.Instance.addVideoAbuseModeratorsNotification(emails, videoAbuse) } return this.notify({ users, settingGetter, notificationCreator, emailSender }) } private async notifyVideoOwnerOfBlacklist (videoBlacklist: VideoBlacklistModel) { const user = await UserModel.loadByVideoId(videoBlacklist.videoId) if (!user) return'Notifying user %s that its video %s has been blacklisted.', user.username, videoBlacklist.Video.url) function settingGetter (user: UserModel) { return user.NotificationSetting.blacklistOnMyVideo } async function notificationCreator (user: UserModel) { const notification = await UserNotificationModel.create({ type: UserNotificationType.BLACKLIST_ON_MY_VIDEO, userId:, videoBlacklistId: }) notification.VideoBlacklist = videoBlacklist return notification } function emailSender (emails: string[]) { return Emailer.Instance.addVideoBlacklistNotification(emails, videoBlacklist) } return this.notify({ users: [ user ], settingGetter, notificationCreator, emailSender }) } private async notifyVideoOwnerOfUnblacklist (video: VideoModel) { const user = await UserModel.loadByVideoId( if (!user) return'Notifying user %s that its video %s has been unblacklisted.', user.username, video.url) function settingGetter (user: UserModel) { return user.NotificationSetting.blacklistOnMyVideo } async function notificationCreator (user: UserModel) { const notification = await UserNotificationModel.create({ type: UserNotificationType.UNBLACKLIST_ON_MY_VIDEO, userId:, videoId: }) notification.Video = video return notification } function emailSender (emails: string[]) { return Emailer.Instance.addVideoUnblacklistNotification(emails, video) } return this.notify({ users: [ user ], settingGetter, notificationCreator, emailSender }) } private async notify (options: { users: UserModel[], notificationCreator: (user: UserModel) => Promise, emailSender: (emails: string[]) => Promise | Bluebird, settingGetter: (user: UserModel) => UserNotificationSettingValue }) { const emails: string[] = [] for (const user of options.users) { if (this.isWebNotificationEnabled(options.settingGetter(user))) { const notification = await options.notificationCreator(user) PeerTubeSocket.Instance.sendNotification(, notification) } if (this.isEmailEnabled(user, options.settingGetter(user))) { emails.push( } } if (emails.length !== 0) { await options.emailSender(emails) } } private isEmailEnabled (user: UserModel, value: UserNotificationSettingValue) { if (CONFIG.SIGNUP.REQUIRES_EMAIL_VERIFICATION === true && user.emailVerified !== true) return false return value === UserNotificationSettingValue.EMAIL || value === UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB_NOTIFICATION_AND_EMAIL } private isWebNotificationEnabled (value: UserNotificationSettingValue) { return value === UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB_NOTIFICATION || value === UserNotificationSettingValue.WEB_NOTIFICATION_AND_EMAIL } static get Instance () { return this.instance || (this.instance = new this()) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { Notifier }