import { VideoModel } from '../models/video/video' import { basename, dirname, join } from 'path' import { HLS_PLAYLIST_DIRECTORY, CONFIG } from '../initializers' import { outputJSON, pathExists, readdir, readFile, remove, writeFile, move } from 'fs-extra' import { getVideoFileSize } from '../helpers/ffmpeg-utils' import { sha256 } from '../helpers/core-utils' import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '../models/video/video-streaming-playlist' import HLSDownloader from 'hlsdownloader' import { logger } from '../helpers/logger' import { parse } from 'url' async function updateMasterHLSPlaylist (video: VideoModel) { const directory = join(HLS_PLAYLIST_DIRECTORY, video.uuid) const masterPlaylists: string[] = [ '#EXTM3U', '#EXT-X-VERSION:3' ] const masterPlaylistPath = join(directory, VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getMasterHlsPlaylistFilename()) for (const file of video.VideoFiles) { // If we did not generated a playlist for this resolution, skip const filePlaylistPath = join(directory, VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsPlaylistFilename(file.resolution)) if (await pathExists(filePlaylistPath) === false) continue const videoFilePath = video.getVideoFilePath(file) const size = await getVideoFileSize(videoFilePath) const bandwidth = 'BANDWIDTH=' + video.getBandwidthBits(file) const resolution = `RESOLUTION=${size.width}x${size.height}` let line = `#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:${bandwidth},${resolution}` if (file.fps) line += ',FRAME-RATE=' + file.fps masterPlaylists.push(line) masterPlaylists.push(VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsPlaylistFilename(file.resolution)) } await writeFile(masterPlaylistPath, masterPlaylists.join('\n') + '\n') } async function updateSha256Segments (video: VideoModel) { const directory = join(HLS_PLAYLIST_DIRECTORY, video.uuid) const files = await readdir(directory) const json: { [filename: string]: string} = {} for (const file of files) { if (file.endsWith('.ts') === false) continue const buffer = await readFile(join(directory, file)) const filename = basename(file) json[filename] = sha256(buffer) } const outputPath = join(directory, VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsSha256SegmentsFilename()) await outputJSON(outputPath, json) } function downloadPlaylistSegments (playlistUrl: string, destinationDir: string, timeout: number) { let timer'Importing HLS playlist %s', playlistUrl) const params = { playlistURL: playlistUrl, destination: CONFIG.STORAGE.TMP_DIR } const downloader = new HLSDownloader(params) const hlsDestinationDir = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.TMP_DIR, dirname(parse(playlistUrl).pathname)) return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { downloader.startDownload(err => { clearTimeout(timer) if (err) { deleteTmpDirectory(hlsDestinationDir) return rej(err) } move(hlsDestinationDir, destinationDir, { overwrite: true }) .then(() => res()) .catch(err => { deleteTmpDirectory(hlsDestinationDir) return rej(err) }) }) timer = setTimeout(() => { deleteTmpDirectory(hlsDestinationDir) return rej(new Error('HLS download timeout.')) }, timeout) function deleteTmpDirectory (directory: string) { remove(directory) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot delete path on HLS download error.', { err })) } }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { updateMasterHLSPlaylist, updateSha256Segments, downloadPlaylistSegments } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------