import { Transaction } from 'sequelize' import { ActivityCreate } from '../../../../shared/models/activitypub/activity' import { AccountInstance, VideoChannelInstance, VideoInstance } from '../../../models' import { VideoAbuseInstance } from '../../../models/video/video-abuse-interface' import { broadcastToFollowers, getAudience, unicastTo } from './misc' import { getVideoAbuseActivityPubUrl, getVideoViewActivityPubUrl } from '../url' import { getServerAccount } from '../../../helpers/utils' import { database as db } from '../../../initializers' async function sendCreateVideoChannel (videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance, t: Transaction) { const byAccount = videoChannel.Account const videoChannelObject = videoChannel.toActivityPubObject() const data = await createActivityData(videoChannel.url, byAccount, videoChannelObject) return broadcastToFollowers(data, byAccount, [ byAccount ], t) } async function sendVideoAbuse (byAccount: AccountInstance, videoAbuse: VideoAbuseInstance, video: VideoInstance, t: Transaction) { const url = getVideoAbuseActivityPubUrl(videoAbuse) const audience = { to: [ video.VideoChannel.Account.url ], cc: [] } const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, videoAbuse.toActivityPubObject(), audience) return unicastTo(data, byAccount, video.VideoChannel.Account.sharedInboxUrl, t) } async function sendCreateViewToOrigin (byAccount: AccountInstance, video: VideoInstance, t: Transaction) { const url = getVideoViewActivityPubUrl(byAccount, video) const viewActivity = createViewActivityData(byAccount, video) const audience = { to: [ video.VideoChannel.Account.url ], cc: [ video.VideoChannel.Account.url + '/followers' ] } const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, viewActivity, audience) return unicastTo(data, byAccount, video.VideoChannel.Account.sharedInboxUrl, t) } async function sendCreateViewToVideoFollowers (byAccount: AccountInstance, video: VideoInstance, t: Transaction) { const url = getVideoViewActivityPubUrl(byAccount, video) const viewActivity = createViewActivityData(byAccount, video) const audience = { to: [ video.VideoChannel.Account.url + '/followers' ], cc: [] } const data = await createActivityData(url, byAccount, viewActivity, audience) const serverAccount = await getServerAccount() const accountsToForwardView = await db.VideoShare.loadAccountsByShare( accountsToForwardView.push(video.VideoChannel.Account) // Don't forward view to server that sent it to us const index = accountsToForwardView.findIndex(a => === if (index) accountsToForwardView.splice(index, 1) const followersException = [ byAccount ] return broadcastToFollowers(data, serverAccount, accountsToForwardView, t, followersException) } async function createActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance, object: any, audience?: { to: string[], cc: string[] }) { if (!audience) { audience = await getAudience(byAccount) } const activity: ActivityCreate = { type: 'Create', id: url, actor: byAccount.url, to:, cc:, object } return activity } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { sendCreateVideoChannel, sendVideoAbuse, createActivityData, sendCreateViewToOrigin, sendCreateViewToVideoFollowers } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function createViewActivityData (byAccount: AccountInstance, video: VideoInstance) { const obj = { type: 'View', actor: byAccount.url, object: video.url } return obj }