import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird' import { ActivityCreate, VideoTorrentObject } from '../../../../shared' import { DislikeObject, VideoAbuseObject, ViewObject } from '../../../../shared/models/activitypub/objects' import { VideoCommentObject } from '../../../../shared/models/activitypub/objects/video-comment-object' import { VideoRateType } from '../../../../shared/models/videos' import { retryTransactionWrapper } from '../../../helpers/database-utils' import { logger } from '../../../helpers/logger' import { sequelizeTypescript } from '../../../initializers' import { AccountVideoRateModel } from '../../../models/account/account-video-rate' import { ActorModel } from '../../../models/activitypub/actor' import { TagModel } from '../../../models/video/tag' import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video' import { VideoAbuseModel } from '../../../models/video/video-abuse' import { VideoCommentModel } from '../../../models/video/video-comment' import { VideoFileModel } from '../../../models/video/video-file' import { VideoShareModel } from '../../../models/video/video-share' import { getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel } from '../actor' import { forwardActivity, getActorsInvolvedInVideo } from '../send/misc' import { generateThumbnailFromUrl } from '../videos' import { addVideoComments, addVideoShares, videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes, videoFileActivityUrlToDBAttributes } from './misc' async function processCreateActivity (activity: ActivityCreate) { const activityObject = activity.object const activityType = activityObject.type const actor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel( if (activityType === 'View') { return processCreateView(actor, activity) } else if (activityType === 'Dislike') { return processCreateDislike(actor, activity) } else if (activityType === 'Video') { return processCreateVideo(actor, activity) } else if (activityType === 'Flag') { return processCreateVideoAbuse(actor, activityObject as VideoAbuseObject) } else if (activityType === 'Note') { return processCreateVideoComment(actor, activity) } logger.warn('Unknown activity object type %s when creating activity.', activityType, { activity: }) return Promise.resolve(undefined) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { processCreateActivity } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function processCreateVideo ( actor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCreate ) { const videoToCreateData = activity.object as VideoTorrentObject const channel = videoToCreateData.attributedTo.find(a => a.type === 'Group') if (!channel) throw new Error('Cannot find associated video channel to video ' + videoToCreateData.url) const channelActor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel( const options = { arguments: [ actor, activity, videoToCreateData, channelActor ], errorMessage: 'Cannot insert the remote video with many retries.' } const video = await retryTransactionWrapper(createRemoteVideo, options) // Process outside the transaction because we could fetch remote data if (videoToCreateData.likes && Array.isArray(videoToCreateData.likes.orderedItems)) {'Adding likes of video %s.', video.uuid) await createRates(videoToCreateData.likes.orderedItems, video, 'like') } if (videoToCreateData.dislikes && Array.isArray(videoToCreateData.dislikes.orderedItems)) {'Adding dislikes of video %s.', video.uuid) await createRates(videoToCreateData.dislikes.orderedItems, video, 'dislike') } if (videoToCreateData.shares && Array.isArray(videoToCreateData.shares.orderedItems)) {'Adding shares of video %s.', video.uuid) await addVideoShares(video, videoToCreateData.shares.orderedItems) } if (videoToCreateData.comments && Array.isArray(videoToCreateData.comments.orderedItems)) {'Adding comments of video %s.', video.uuid) await addVideoComments(video, videoToCreateData.comments.orderedItems) } return video } function createRemoteVideo ( account: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCreate, videoToCreateData: VideoTorrentObject, channelActor: ActorModel ) { logger.debug('Adding remote video %s.', return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => { const sequelizeOptions = { transaction: t } const videoFromDatabase = await VideoModel.loadByUUIDOrURL(videoToCreateData.uuid,, t) if (videoFromDatabase) return videoFromDatabase const videoData = await videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes(channelActor.VideoChannel, videoToCreateData,, const video = // Don't block on request generateThumbnailFromUrl(video, videoToCreateData.icon) .catch(err => logger.warn('Cannot generate thumbnail of %s.',, err)) const videoCreated = await const videoFileAttributes = videoFileActivityUrlToDBAttributes(videoCreated, videoToCreateData) if (videoFileAttributes.length === 0) { throw new Error('Cannot find valid files for video %s ' + videoToCreateData.url) } const tasks: Bluebird[] = => VideoFileModel.create(f, { transaction: t })) await Promise.all(tasks) const tags = => const tagInstances = await TagModel.findOrCreateTags(tags, t) await videoCreated.$set('Tags', tagInstances, sequelizeOptions)'Remote video with uuid %s inserted.', videoToCreateData.uuid) return videoCreated }) } async function createRates (actorUrls: string[], video: VideoModel, rate: VideoRateType) { let rateCounts = 0 const tasks: Bluebird[] = [] for (const actorUrl of actorUrls) { const actor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel(actorUrl) const p = AccountVideoRateModel .create({ videoId:, accountId:, type: rate }) .then(() => rateCounts += 1) tasks.push(p) } await Promise.all(tasks)'Adding %d %s to video %s.', rateCounts, rate, video.uuid) // This is "likes" and "dislikes" await video.increment(rate + 's', { by: rateCounts }) return } async function processCreateDislike (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCreate) { const options = { arguments: [ byActor, activity ], errorMessage: 'Cannot dislike the video with many retries.' } return retryTransactionWrapper(createVideoDislike, options) } function createVideoDislike (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCreate) { const dislike = activity.object as DislikeObject const byAccount = byActor.Account if (!byAccount) throw new Error('Cannot create dislike with the non account actor ' + byActor.url) return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => { const video = await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(dislike.object, t) if (!video) throw new Error('Unknown video ' + dislike.object) const rate = { type: 'dislike' as 'dislike', videoId:, accountId: } const [ , created ] = await AccountVideoRateModel.findOrCreate({ where: rate, defaults: rate, transaction: t }) if (created === true) await video.increment('dislikes', { transaction: t }) if (video.isOwned() && created === true) { // Don't resend the activity to the sender const exceptions = [ byActor ] await forwardActivity(activity, t, exceptions) } }) } async function processCreateView (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCreate) { const view = activity.object as ViewObject const video = await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(view.object) if (!video) throw new Error('Unknown video ' + view.object) const account = await ActorModel.loadByUrl( if (!account) throw new Error('Unknown account ' + await video.increment('views') if (video.isOwned()) { // Don't resend the activity to the sender const exceptions = [ byActor ] await forwardActivity(activity, undefined, exceptions) } } function processCreateVideoAbuse (actor: ActorModel, videoAbuseToCreateData: VideoAbuseObject) { const options = { arguments: [ actor, videoAbuseToCreateData ], errorMessage: 'Cannot insert the remote video abuse with many retries.' } return retryTransactionWrapper(addRemoteVideoAbuse, options) } function addRemoteVideoAbuse (actor: ActorModel, videoAbuseToCreateData: VideoAbuseObject) { logger.debug('Reporting remote abuse for video %s.', videoAbuseToCreateData.object) const account = actor.Account if (!account) throw new Error('Cannot create dislike with the non account actor ' + actor.url) return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => { const video = await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(videoAbuseToCreateData.object, t) if (!video) { logger.warn('Unknown video %s for remote video abuse.', videoAbuseToCreateData.object) return undefined } const videoAbuseData = { reporterAccountId:, reason: videoAbuseToCreateData.content, videoId: } await VideoAbuseModel.create(videoAbuseData)'Remote abuse for video uuid %s created', videoAbuseToCreateData.object) }) } function processCreateVideoComment (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCreate) { const options = { arguments: [ byActor, activity ], errorMessage: 'Cannot create video comment with many retries.' } return retryTransactionWrapper(createVideoComment, options) } function createVideoComment (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCreate) { const comment = activity.object as VideoCommentObject const byAccount = byActor.Account if (!byAccount) throw new Error('Cannot create video comment with the non account actor ' + byActor.url) return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => { let video = await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(comment.inReplyTo, t) let objectToCreate // This is a new thread if (video) { objectToCreate = { url:, text: comment.content, originCommentId: null, inReplyToComment: null, videoId:, accountId: } } else { const inReplyToComment = await VideoCommentModel.loadByUrl(comment.inReplyTo, t) if (!inReplyToComment) throw new Error('Unknown replied comment ' + comment.inReplyTo) video = await VideoModel.load(inReplyToComment.videoId) const originCommentId = inReplyToComment.originCommentId || objectToCreate = { url:, text: comment.content, originCommentId, inReplyToCommentId:, videoId:, accountId: } } const options = { where: { url: objectToCreate.url }, defaults: objectToCreate, transaction: t } const [ ,created ] = await VideoCommentModel.findOrCreate(options) if (video.isOwned() && created === true) { // Don't resend the activity to the sender const exceptions = [ byActor ] // Mastodon does not add our announces in audience, so we forward to them manually const additionalActors = await getActorsInvolvedInVideo(video, t) const additionalFollowerUrls = => a.followersUrl) await forwardActivity(activity, t, exceptions, additionalFollowerUrls) } }) }