import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird' import { extname } from 'path' import { Op, Transaction } from 'sequelize' import { URL } from 'url' import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid' import { getServerActor } from '@server/models/application/application' import { ActorImageType } from '@shared/models' import { HttpStatusCode } from '../../../shared/core-utils/miscs/http-error-codes' import { ActivityPubActor, ActivityPubActorType, ActivityPubOrderedCollection } from '../../../shared/models/activitypub' import { ActivityPubAttributedTo } from '../../../shared/models/activitypub/objects' import { checkUrlsSameHost, getAPId } from '../../helpers/activitypub' import { ActorFetchByUrlType, fetchActorByUrl } from '../../helpers/actor' import { sanitizeAndCheckActorObject } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/actor' import { isActivityPubUrlValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/misc' import { retryTransactionWrapper, updateInstanceWithAnother } from '../../helpers/database-utils' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger' import { createPrivateAndPublicKeys } from '../../helpers/peertube-crypto' import { doJSONRequest, PeerTubeRequestError } from '../../helpers/requests' import { getUrlFromWebfinger } from '../../helpers/webfinger' import { MIMETYPES, WEBSERVER } from '../../initializers/constants' import { sequelizeTypescript } from '../../initializers/database' import { AccountModel } from '../../models/account/account' import { ActorImageModel } from '../../models/account/actor-image' import { ActorModel } from '../../models/activitypub/actor' import { ServerModel } from '../../models/server/server' import { VideoChannelModel } from '../../models/video/video-channel' import { MAccount, MAccountDefault, MActor, MActorAccountChannelId, MActorAccountChannelIdActor, MActorAccountId, MActorFull, MActorFullActor, MActorId, MActorImage, MActorImages, MChannel } from '../../types/models' import { JobQueue } from '../job-queue' // Set account keys, this could be long so process after the account creation and do not block the client async function generateAndSaveActorKeys (actor: T) { const { publicKey, privateKey } = await createPrivateAndPublicKeys() actor.publicKey = publicKey actor.privateKey = privateKey return } function getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel ( activityActor: string | ActivityPubActor, fetchType: 'all', recurseIfNeeded?: boolean, updateCollections?: boolean ): Promise function getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel ( activityActor: string | ActivityPubActor, fetchType?: 'association-ids', recurseIfNeeded?: boolean, updateCollections?: boolean ): Promise async function getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel ( activityActor: string | ActivityPubActor, fetchType: ActorFetchByUrlType = 'association-ids', recurseIfNeeded = true, updateCollections = false ): Promise { const actorUrl = getAPId(activityActor) let created = false let accountPlaylistsUrl: string let actor = await fetchActorByUrl(actorUrl, fetchType) // Orphan actor (not associated to an account of channel) so recreate it if (actor && (!actor.Account && !actor.VideoChannel)) { await actor.destroy() actor = null } // We don't have this actor in our database, fetch it on remote if (!actor) { const { result } = await fetchRemoteActor(actorUrl) if (result === undefined) throw new Error('Cannot fetch remote actor ' + actorUrl) // Create the attributed to actor // In PeerTube a video channel is owned by an account let ownerActor: MActorFullActor if (recurseIfNeeded === true && === 'Group') { const accountAttributedTo = result.attributedTo.find(a => a.type === 'Person') if (!accountAttributedTo) throw new Error('Cannot find account attributed to video channel ' + actor.url) if (checkUrlsSameHost(, actorUrl) !== true) { throw new Error(`Account attributed to ${} does not have the same host than actor url ${actorUrl}`) } try { // Don't recurse another time const recurseIfNeeded = false ownerActor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel(, 'all', recurseIfNeeded) } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot get or create account attributed to video channel ' + actorUrl) throw new Error(err) } } actor = await retryTransactionWrapper(saveActorAndServerAndModelIfNotExist, result, ownerActor) created = true accountPlaylistsUrl = result.playlists } if (actor.Account) (actor as MActorAccountChannelIdActor).Account.Actor = actor if (actor.VideoChannel) (actor as MActorAccountChannelIdActor).VideoChannel.Actor = actor const { actor: actorRefreshed, refreshed } = await retryTransactionWrapper(refreshActorIfNeeded, actor, fetchType) if (!actorRefreshed) throw new Error('Actor ' + actor.url + ' does not exist anymore.') if ((created === true || refreshed === true) && updateCollections === true) { const payload = { uri: actor.outboxUrl, type: 'activity' as 'activity' } await JobQueue.Instance.createJobWithPromise({ type: 'activitypub-http-fetcher', payload }) } // We created a new account: fetch the playlists if (created === true && actor.Account && accountPlaylistsUrl) { const payload = { uri: accountPlaylistsUrl, accountId:, type: 'account-playlists' as 'account-playlists' } await JobQueue.Instance.createJobWithPromise({ type: 'activitypub-http-fetcher', payload }) } return actorRefreshed } function buildActorInstance (type: ActivityPubActorType, url: string, preferredUsername: string, uuid?: string) { return new ActorModel({ type, url, preferredUsername, uuid, publicKey: null, privateKey: null, followersCount: 0, followingCount: 0, inboxUrl: url + '/inbox', outboxUrl: url + '/outbox', sharedInboxUrl: WEBSERVER.URL + '/inbox', followersUrl: url + '/followers', followingUrl: url + '/following' }) as MActor } async function updateActorInstance (actorInstance: ActorModel, attributes: ActivityPubActor) { const followersCount = await fetchActorTotalItems(attributes.followers) const followingCount = await fetchActorTotalItems(attributes.following) actorInstance.type = attributes.type actorInstance.preferredUsername = attributes.preferredUsername actorInstance.url = actorInstance.publicKey = attributes.publicKey.publicKeyPem actorInstance.followersCount = followersCount actorInstance.followingCount = followingCount actorInstance.inboxUrl = attributes.inbox actorInstance.outboxUrl = attributes.outbox actorInstance.followersUrl = attributes.followers actorInstance.followingUrl = attributes.following if (attributes.endpoints?.sharedInbox) { actorInstance.sharedInboxUrl = attributes.endpoints.sharedInbox } } type ImageInfo = { name: string, onDisk?: boolean, fileUrl: string } async function updateActorImageInstance (actor: MActorImages, type: ActorImageType, imageInfo: ImageInfo | null, t: Transaction) { const oldImageModel = type === ActorImageType.AVATAR ? actor.Avatar : actor.Banner if (oldImageModel) { // Don't update the avatar if the file URL did not change if (imageInfo?.fileUrl && oldImageModel.fileUrl === imageInfo.fileUrl) return actor try { await oldImageModel.destroy({ transaction: t }) setActorImage(actor, type, null) } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot remove old actor image of actor %s.', actor.url, { err }) } } if (imageInfo) { const imageModel = await ActorImageModel.create({ filename:, onDisk: imageInfo.onDisk ?? false, fileUrl: imageInfo.fileUrl, type: type }, { transaction: t }) setActorImage(actor, type, imageModel) } return actor } async function deleteActorImageInstance (actor: MActorImages, type: ActorImageType, t: Transaction) { try { if (type === ActorImageType.AVATAR) { await actor.Avatar.destroy({ transaction: t }) actor.avatarId = null actor.Avatar = null } else { await actor.Banner.destroy({ transaction: t }) actor.bannerId = null actor.Banner = null } } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot remove old image of actor %s.', actor.url, { err }) } return actor } async function fetchActorTotalItems (url: string) { try { const { body } = await doJSONRequest>(url, { activityPub: true }) return body.totalItems || 0 } catch (err) { logger.warn('Cannot fetch remote actor count %s.', url, { err }) return 0 } } function getImageInfoIfExists (actorJSON: ActivityPubActor, type: ActorImageType) { const mimetypes = MIMETYPES.IMAGE const icon = type === ActorImageType.AVATAR ? actorJSON.icon : actorJSON.image if (!icon || icon.type !== 'Image' || !isActivityPubUrlValid(icon.url)) return undefined let extension: string if (icon.mediaType) { extension = mimetypes.MIMETYPE_EXT[icon.mediaType] } else { const tmp = extname(icon.url) if (mimetypes.EXT_MIMETYPE[tmp] !== undefined) extension = tmp } if (!extension) return undefined return { name: uuidv4() + extension, fileUrl: icon.url, type } } async function addFetchOutboxJob (actor: Pick) { // Don't fetch ourselves const serverActor = await getServerActor() if ( === { logger.error('Cannot fetch our own outbox!') return undefined } const payload = { uri: actor.outboxUrl, type: 'activity' as 'activity' } return JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'activitypub-http-fetcher', payload }) } async function refreshActorIfNeeded ( actorArg: T, fetchedType: ActorFetchByUrlType ): Promise<{ actor: T | MActorFull, refreshed: boolean }> { if (!actorArg.isOutdated()) return { actor: actorArg, refreshed: false } // We need more attributes const actor = fetchedType === 'all' ? actorArg as MActorFull : await ActorModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccountAndChannel(actorArg.url) try { let actorUrl: string try { actorUrl = await getUrlFromWebfinger(actor.preferredUsername + '@' + actor.getHost()) } catch (err) { logger.warn('Cannot get actor URL from webfinger, keeping the old one.', err) actorUrl = actor.url } const { result } = await fetchRemoteActor(actorUrl) if (result === undefined) { logger.warn('Cannot fetch remote actor in refresh actor.') return { actor, refreshed: false } } return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => { updateInstanceWithAnother(actor, await updateActorImageInstance(actor, ActorImageType.AVATAR, result.avatar, t) await updateActorImageInstance(actor, ActorImageType.BANNER, result.banner, t) // Force update actor.setDataValue('updatedAt', new Date()) await{ transaction: t }) if (actor.Account) { = actor.Account.description = result.summary await{ transaction: t }) } else if (actor.VideoChannel) { = actor.VideoChannel.description = result.summary = await{ transaction: t }) } return { refreshed: true, actor } }) } catch (err) { if ((err as PeerTubeRequestError).statusCode === HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404) {'Deleting actor %s because there is a 404 in refresh actor.', actor.url) actor.Account ? await actor.Account.destroy() : await actor.VideoChannel.destroy() return { actor: undefined, refreshed: false } } logger.warn('Cannot refresh actor %s.', actor.url, { err }) return { actor, refreshed: false } } } export { getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel, buildActorInstance, generateAndSaveActorKeys, fetchActorTotalItems, getImageInfoIfExists, updateActorInstance, deleteActorImageInstance, refreshActorIfNeeded, updateActorImageInstance, addFetchOutboxJob } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function setActorImage (actorModel: MActorImages, type: ActorImageType, imageModel: MActorImage) { const id = imageModel ? : null if (type === ActorImageType.AVATAR) { actorModel.avatarId = id actorModel.Avatar = imageModel } else { actorModel.bannerId = id actorModel.Banner = imageModel } return actorModel } function saveActorAndServerAndModelIfNotExist ( result: FetchRemoteActorResult, ownerActor?: MActorFullActor, t?: Transaction ): Bluebird | Promise { const actor = if (t !== undefined) return save(t) return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(t => save(t)) async function save (t: Transaction) { const actorHost = new URL(actor.url).host const serverOptions = { where: { host: actorHost }, defaults: { host: actorHost }, transaction: t } const [ server ] = await ServerModel.findOrCreate(serverOptions) // Save our new account in database actor.serverId = // Avatar? if (result.avatar) { const avatar = await ActorImageModel.create({ filename:, fileUrl: result.avatar.fileUrl, onDisk: false, type: ActorImageType.AVATAR }, { transaction: t }) actor.avatarId = } // Banner? if (result.banner) { const banner = await ActorImageModel.create({ filename:, fileUrl: result.banner.fileUrl, onDisk: false, type: ActorImageType.BANNER }, { transaction: t }) actor.bannerId = } // Force the actor creation, sometimes Sequelize skips the save() when it thinks the instance already exists // (which could be false in a retried query) const [ actorCreated, created ] = await ActorModel.findOrCreate({ defaults: actor.toJSON(), where: { [Op.or]: [ { url: actor.url }, { serverId: actor.serverId, preferredUsername: actor.preferredUsername } ] }, transaction: t }) // Try to fix non HTTPS accounts of remote instances that fixed their URL afterwards if (created !== true && actorCreated.url !== actor.url) { // Only fix to if (actorCreated.url.replace(/^http:\/\//, '') !== actor.url.replace(/^https:\/\//, '')) { throw new Error(`Actor from DB with URL ${actorCreated.url} does not correspond to actor ${actor.url}`) } actorCreated.url = actor.url await{ transaction: t }) } if (actorCreated.type === 'Person' || actorCreated.type === 'Application') { actorCreated.Account = await saveAccount(actorCreated, result, t) as MAccountDefault actorCreated.Account.Actor = actorCreated } else if (actorCreated.type === 'Group') { // Video channel const channel = await saveVideoChannel(actorCreated, result, ownerActor, t) actorCreated.VideoChannel = Object.assign(channel, { Actor: actorCreated, Account: ownerActor.Account }) } actorCreated.Server = server return actorCreated } } type FetchRemoteActorResult = { actor: MActor name: string summary: string support?: string playlists?: string avatar?: { name: string fileUrl: string } banner?: { name: string fileUrl: string } attributedTo: ActivityPubAttributedTo[] } async function fetchRemoteActor (actorUrl: string): Promise<{ statusCode?: number, result: FetchRemoteActorResult }> {'Fetching remote actor %s.', actorUrl) const requestResult = await doJSONRequest(actorUrl, { activityPub: true }) const actorJSON = requestResult.body if (sanitizeAndCheckActorObject(actorJSON) === false) { logger.debug('Remote actor JSON is not valid.', { actorJSON }) return { result: undefined, statusCode: requestResult.statusCode } } if (checkUrlsSameHost(, actorUrl) !== true) { logger.warn('Actor url %s has not the same host than its AP id %s', actorUrl, return { result: undefined, statusCode: requestResult.statusCode } } const followersCount = await fetchActorTotalItems(actorJSON.followers) const followingCount = await fetchActorTotalItems(actorJSON.following) const actor = new ActorModel({ type: actorJSON.type, preferredUsername: actorJSON.preferredUsername, url:, publicKey: actorJSON.publicKey.publicKeyPem, privateKey: null, followersCount: followersCount, followingCount: followingCount, inboxUrl: actorJSON.inbox, outboxUrl: actorJSON.outbox, followersUrl: actorJSON.followers, followingUrl: actorJSON.following, sharedInboxUrl: actorJSON.endpoints?.sharedInbox ? actorJSON.endpoints.sharedInbox : null }) const avatarInfo = getImageInfoIfExists(actorJSON, ActorImageType.AVATAR) const bannerInfo = getImageInfoIfExists(actorJSON, ActorImageType.BANNER) const name = || actorJSON.preferredUsername return { statusCode: requestResult.statusCode, result: { actor, name, avatar: avatarInfo, banner: bannerInfo, summary: actorJSON.summary, support:, playlists: actorJSON.playlists, attributedTo: actorJSON.attributedTo } } } async function saveAccount (actor: MActorId, result: FetchRemoteActorResult, t: Transaction) { const [ accountCreated ] = await AccountModel.findOrCreate({ defaults: { name:, description: result.summary, actorId: }, where: { actorId: }, transaction: t }) return accountCreated as MAccount } async function saveVideoChannel (actor: MActorId, result: FetchRemoteActorResult, ownerActor: MActorAccountId, t: Transaction) { const [ videoChannelCreated ] = await VideoChannelModel.findOrCreate({ defaults: { name:, description: result.summary, support:, actorId:, accountId: }, where: { actorId: }, transaction: t }) return videoChannelCreated as MChannel }