import { IConfig } from 'config' import { dirname, join } from 'path' import { VideosRedundancyStrategy } from '../../shared/models' // Do not use barrels, remain constants as independent as possible import { buildPath, parseBytes, parseDurationToMs, root } from '../helpers/core-utils' import { NSFWPolicyType } from '../../shared/models/videos/nsfw-policy.type' import * as bytes from 'bytes' import { VideoRedundancyConfigFilter } from '@shared/models/redundancy/video-redundancy-config-filter.type' // Use a variable to reload the configuration if we need let config: IConfig = require('config') const configChangedHandlers: Function[] = [] const CONFIG = { CUSTOM_FILE: getLocalConfigFilePath(), LISTEN: { PORT: config.get('listen.port'), HOSTNAME: config.get('listen.hostname') }, DATABASE: { DBNAME: 'peertube' + config.get('database.suffix'), HOSTNAME: config.get('database.hostname'), PORT: config.get('database.port'), USERNAME: config.get('database.username'), PASSWORD: config.get('database.password'), POOL: { MAX: config.get('database.pool.max') } }, REDIS: { HOSTNAME: config.has('redis.hostname') ? config.get('redis.hostname') : null, PORT: config.has('redis.port') ? config.get('redis.port') : null, SOCKET: config.has('redis.socket') ? config.get('redis.socket') : null, AUTH: config.has('redis.auth') ? config.get('redis.auth') : null, DB: config.has('redis.db') ? config.get('redis.db') : null }, SMTP: { HOSTNAME: config.get('smtp.hostname'), PORT: config.get('smtp.port'), USERNAME: config.get('smtp.username'), PASSWORD: config.get('smtp.password'), TLS: config.get('smtp.tls'), DISABLE_STARTTLS: config.get('smtp.disable_starttls'), CA_FILE: config.get('smtp.ca_file'), FROM_ADDRESS: config.get('smtp.from_address') }, EMAIL: { BODY: { SIGNATURE: config.get('email.body.signature') }, SUBJECT: { PREFIX: config.get('email.subject.prefix') + ' ' } }, STORAGE: { TMP_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.tmp')), AVATARS_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.avatars')), LOG_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.logs')), VIDEOS_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.videos')), STREAMING_PLAYLISTS_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.streaming_playlists')), REDUNDANCY_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.redundancy')), THUMBNAILS_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.thumbnails')), PREVIEWS_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.previews')), CAPTIONS_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.captions')), TORRENTS_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.torrents')), CACHE_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.cache')), PLUGINS_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.plugins')) }, WEBSERVER: { SCHEME: config.get('webserver.https') === true ? 'https' : 'http', WS: config.get('webserver.https') === true ? 'wss' : 'ws', HOSTNAME: config.get('webserver.hostname'), PORT: config.get('webserver.port') }, RATES_LIMIT: { API: { WINDOW_MS: parseDurationToMs(config.get('rates_limit.api.window')), MAX: config.get('rates_limit.api.max') }, SIGNUP: { WINDOW_MS: parseDurationToMs(config.get('rates_limit.signup.window')), MAX: config.get('rates_limit.signup.max') }, LOGIN: { WINDOW_MS: parseDurationToMs(config.get('rates_limit.login.window')), MAX: config.get('rates_limit.login.max') }, ASK_SEND_EMAIL: { WINDOW_MS: parseDurationToMs(config.get('rates_limit.ask_send_email.window')), MAX: config.get('rates_limit.ask_send_email.max') } }, TRUST_PROXY: config.get('trust_proxy'), LOG: { LEVEL: config.get('log.level'), ROTATION: { ENABLED: config.get('log.rotation.enabled'), MAX_FILE_SIZE: bytes.parse(config.get('log.rotation.maxFileSize')), MAX_FILES: config.get('log.rotation.maxFiles') }, ANONYMIZE_IP: config.get('log.anonymizeIP') }, SEARCH: { REMOTE_URI: { USERS: config.get('search.remote_uri.users'), ANONYMOUS: config.get('search.remote_uri.anonymous') } }, TRENDING: { VIDEOS: { INTERVAL_DAYS: config.get('trending.videos.interval_days') } }, REDUNDANCY: { VIDEOS: { CHECK_INTERVAL: parseDurationToMs(config.get('redundancy.videos.check_interval')), STRATEGIES: buildVideosRedundancy(config.get('redundancy.videos.strategies')) } }, REMOTE_REDUNDANCY: { VIDEOS: { ACCEPT_FROM: config.get('remote_redundancy.videos.accept_from') } }, CSP: { ENABLED: config.get('csp.enabled'), REPORT_ONLY: config.get('csp.report_only'), REPORT_URI: config.get('csp.report_uri') }, TRACKER: { ENABLED: config.get('tracker.enabled'), PRIVATE: config.get('tracker.private'), REJECT_TOO_MANY_ANNOUNCES: config.get('tracker.reject_too_many_announces') }, HISTORY: { VIDEOS: { MAX_AGE: parseDurationToMs(config.get('history.videos.max_age')) } }, VIEWS: { VIDEOS: { REMOTE: { MAX_AGE: parseDurationToMs(config.get('views.videos.remote.max_age')) } } }, PLUGINS: { INDEX: { ENABLED: config.get('plugins.index.enabled'), CHECK_LATEST_VERSIONS_INTERVAL: parseDurationToMs(config.get('plugins.index.check_latest_versions_interval')), URL: config.get('plugins.index.url') } }, ADMIN: { get EMAIL () { return config.get('') } }, CONTACT_FORM: { get ENABLED () { return config.get('contact_form.enabled') } }, SIGNUP: { get ENABLED () { return config.get('signup.enabled') }, get LIMIT () { return config.get('signup.limit') }, get REQUIRES_EMAIL_VERIFICATION () { return config.get('signup.requires_email_verification') }, FILTERS: { CIDR: { get WHITELIST () { return config.get('signup.filters.cidr.whitelist') }, get BLACKLIST () { return config.get('signup.filters.cidr.blacklist') } } } }, USER: { get VIDEO_QUOTA () { return parseBytes(config.get('user.video_quota')) }, get VIDEO_QUOTA_DAILY () { return parseBytes(config.get('user.video_quota_daily')) } }, TRANSCODING: { get ENABLED () { return config.get('transcoding.enabled') }, get ALLOW_ADDITIONAL_EXTENSIONS () { return config.get('transcoding.allow_additional_extensions') }, get ALLOW_AUDIO_FILES () { return config.get('transcoding.allow_audio_files') }, get THREADS () { return config.get('transcoding.threads') }, RESOLUTIONS: { get '0p' () { return config.get('transcoding.resolutions.0p') }, get '240p' () { return config.get('transcoding.resolutions.240p') }, get '360p' () { return config.get('transcoding.resolutions.360p') }, get '480p' () { return config.get('transcoding.resolutions.480p') }, get '720p' () { return config.get('transcoding.resolutions.720p') }, get '1080p' () { return config.get('transcoding.resolutions.1080p') }, get '2160p' () { return config.get('transcoding.resolutions.2160p') } }, HLS: { get ENABLED () { return config.get('transcoding.hls.enabled') } }, WEBTORRENT: { get ENABLED () { return config.get('transcoding.webtorrent.enabled') } } }, IMPORT: { VIDEOS: { HTTP: { get ENABLED () { return config.get('import.videos.http.enabled') }, PROXY: { get ENABLED () { return config.get('import.videos.http.proxy.enabled') }, get URL () { return config.get('import.videos.http.proxy.url') } } }, TORRENT: { get ENABLED () { return config.get('import.videos.torrent.enabled') } } } }, AUTO_BLACKLIST: { VIDEOS: { OF_USERS: { get ENABLED () { return config.get('auto_blacklist.videos.of_users.enabled') } } } }, CACHE: { PREVIEWS: { get SIZE () { return config.get('cache.previews.size') } }, VIDEO_CAPTIONS: { get SIZE () { return config.get('cache.captions.size') } } }, INSTANCE: { get NAME () { return config.get('') }, get SHORT_DESCRIPTION () { return config.get('instance.short_description') }, get DESCRIPTION () { return config.get('instance.description') }, get TERMS () { return config.get('instance.terms') }, get CODE_OF_CONDUCT () { return config.get('instance.code_of_conduct') }, get CREATION_REASON () { return config.get('instance.creation_reason') }, get MODERATION_INFORMATION () { return config.get('instance.moderation_information') }, get ADMINISTRATOR () { return config.get('instance.administrator') }, get MAINTENANCE_LIFETIME () { return config.get('instance.maintenance_lifetime') }, get BUSINESS_MODEL () { return config.get('instance.business_model') }, get HARDWARE_INFORMATION () { return config.get('instance.hardware_information') }, get LANGUAGES () { return config.get('instance.languages') || [] }, get CATEGORIES () { return config.get('instance.categories') || [] }, get IS_NSFW () { return config.get('instance.is_nsfw') }, get DEFAULT_CLIENT_ROUTE () { return config.get('instance.default_client_route') }, get DEFAULT_NSFW_POLICY () { return config.get('instance.default_nsfw_policy') }, CUSTOMIZATIONS: { get JAVASCRIPT () { return config.get('instance.customizations.javascript') }, get CSS () { return config.get('instance.customizations.css') } }, get ROBOTS () { return config.get('instance.robots') }, get SECURITYTXT () { return config.get('instance.securitytxt') }, get SECURITYTXT_CONTACT () { return config.get('') } }, SERVICES: { TWITTER: { get USERNAME () { return config.get('services.twitter.username') }, get WHITELISTED () { return config.get('services.twitter.whitelisted') } } }, FOLLOWERS: { INSTANCE: { get ENABLED () { return config.get('followers.instance.enabled') }, get MANUAL_APPROVAL () { return config.get('followers.instance.manual_approval') } } }, FOLLOWINGS: { INSTANCE: { AUTO_FOLLOW_BACK: { get ENABLED () { return config.get('followings.instance.auto_follow_back.enabled') } }, AUTO_FOLLOW_INDEX: { get ENABLED () { return config.get('followings.instance.auto_follow_index.enabled') }, get INDEX_URL () { return config.get('followings.instance.auto_follow_index.index_url') } } } }, THEME: { get DEFAULT () { return config.get('theme.default') } } } function registerConfigChangedHandler (fun: Function) { configChangedHandlers.push(fun) } function isEmailEnabled () { return !!CONFIG.SMTP.HOSTNAME && !!CONFIG.SMTP.PORT } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { CONFIG, registerConfigChangedHandler, isEmailEnabled } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getLocalConfigFilePath () { const configSources = config.util.getConfigSources() if (configSources.length === 0) throw new Error('Invalid config source.') let filename = 'local' if (process.env.NODE_ENV) filename += `-${process.env.NODE_ENV}` if (process.env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE) filename += `-${process.env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE}` return join(dirname(configSources[0].name), filename + '.json') } function buildVideosRedundancy (objs: any[]): VideosRedundancyStrategy[] { if (!objs) return [] if (!Array.isArray(objs)) return objs return => { return Object.assign({}, obj, { minLifetime: parseDurationToMs(obj.min_lifetime), size: bytes.parse(obj.size), minViews: obj.min_views }) }) } export function reloadConfig () { function directory () { if (process.env.NODE_CONFIG_DIR) { return process.env.NODE_CONFIG_DIR } return join(root(), 'config') } function purge () { for (const fileName in require.cache) { if (fileName.includes(directory()) === false) { continue } delete require.cache[fileName] } delete require.cache[require.resolve('config')] } purge() config = require('config') for (const configChangedHandler of configChangedHandlers) { configChangedHandler() } }