'use strict' const config = require('config') const Users = require('../models/users') const checker = { checkConfig: checkConfig, clientsExist: clientsExist, usersExist: usersExist } // Check the config files function checkConfig () { const required = [ 'listen.port', 'webserver.https', 'webserver.host', 'webserver.port', 'database.host', 'database.port', 'database.suffix', 'storage.certs', 'storage.uploads', 'storage.logs', 'network.friends', 'electron.debug' ] const miss = [] for (const key of required) { if (!config.has(key)) { miss.push(key) } } return miss } function clientsExist (callback) { Users.getClients(function (err, clients) { if (err) return callback(err) return callback(null, clients.length !== 0) }) } function usersExist (callback) { Users.getUsers(function (err, users) { if (err) return callback(err) return callback(null, users.length !== 0) }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- module.exports = checker