import { Job } from 'bull' import ffmpeg, { FfmpegCommand } from 'fluent-ffmpeg' import { execPromise } from '@server/helpers/core-utils' import { logger, loggerTagsFactory } from '@server/helpers/logger' import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config' import { FFMPEG_NICE } from '@server/initializers/constants' import { EncoderOptions } from '@shared/models' const lTags = loggerTagsFactory('ffmpeg') type StreamType = 'audio' | 'video' function getFFmpeg (input: string, type: 'live' | 'vod') { // We set cwd explicitly because ffmpeg appears to create temporary files when trancoding which fails in read-only file systems const command = ffmpeg(input, { niceness: type === 'live' ? FFMPEG_NICE.LIVE : FFMPEG_NICE.VOD, cwd: CONFIG.STORAGE.TMP_DIR }) const threads = type === 'live' ? CONFIG.LIVE.TRANSCODING.THREADS : CONFIG.TRANSCODING.THREADS if (threads > 0) { // If we don't set any threads ffmpeg will chose automatically command.outputOption('-threads ' + threads) } return command } function getFFmpegVersion () { return new Promise((res, rej) => { (ffmpeg() as any)._getFfmpegPath((err, ffmpegPath) => { if (err) return rej(err) if (!ffmpegPath) return rej(new Error('Could not find ffmpeg path')) return execPromise(`${ffmpegPath} -version`) .then(stdout => { const parsed = stdout.match(/ffmpeg version .?(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?)/) if (!parsed || !parsed[1]) return rej(new Error(`Could not find ffmpeg version in ${stdout}`)) // Fix ffmpeg version that does not include patch version (4.4 for example) let version = parsed[1] if (version.match(/^\d+\.\d+$/)) { version += '.0' } return res(version) }) .catch(err => rej(err)) }) }) } async function runCommand (options: { command: FfmpegCommand silent?: boolean // false by default job?: Job }) { const { command, silent = false, job } = options return new Promise((res, rej) => { let shellCommand: string command.on('start', cmdline => { shellCommand = cmdline }) command.on('error', (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (silent !== true) logger.error('Error in ffmpeg.', { stdout, stderr, shellCommand, ...lTags() }) rej(err) }) command.on('end', (stdout, stderr) => { logger.debug('FFmpeg command ended.', { stdout, stderr, shellCommand, ...lTags() }) res() }) if (job) { command.on('progress', progress => { if (!progress.percent) return job.progress(Math.round(progress.percent)) .catch(err => logger.warn('Cannot set ffmpeg job progress.', { err, ...lTags() })) }) } }) } function buildStreamSuffix (base: string, streamNum?: number) { if (streamNum !== undefined) { return `${base}:${streamNum}` } return base } function getScaleFilter (options: EncoderOptions): string { if (options.scaleFilter) return return 'scale' } export { getFFmpeg, getFFmpegVersion, runCommand, StreamType, buildStreamSuffix, getScaleFilter }