import * as express from 'express' import * as cors from 'cors' import { CONFIG, STATIC_MAX_AGE, STATIC_PATHS } from '../initializers' const staticRouter = express.Router() /* Cors is very important to let other pods access torrent and video files */ const torrentsPhysicalPath = CONFIG.STORAGE.TORRENTS_DIR staticRouter.use( STATIC_PATHS.TORRENTS, cors(), express.static(torrentsPhysicalPath, { maxAge: STATIC_MAX_AGE }) ) // Videos path for webseeding const videosPhysicalPath = CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR staticRouter.use( STATIC_PATHS.WEBSEED, cors(), express.static(videosPhysicalPath, { maxAge: STATIC_MAX_AGE }) ) // Thumbnails path for express const thumbnailsPhysicalPath = CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR staticRouter.use( STATIC_PATHS.THUMBNAILS, express.static(thumbnailsPhysicalPath, { maxAge: STATIC_MAX_AGE }) ) // Video previews path for express const previewsPhysicalPath = CONFIG.STORAGE.PREVIEWS_DIR staticRouter.use( STATIC_PATHS.PREVIEWS, express.static(previewsPhysicalPath, { maxAge: STATIC_MAX_AGE }) ) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { staticRouter }