import cors from 'cors' import express from 'express' import { VideosTorrentCache } from '@server/lib/files-cache/videos-torrent-cache' import { MActorImage } from '@server/types/models' import { HttpStatusCode } from '../../shared/models/http/http-error-codes' import { logger } from '../helpers/logger' import { ACTOR_IMAGES_SIZE, LAZY_STATIC_PATHS, STATIC_MAX_AGE } from '../initializers/constants' import { VideosCaptionCache, VideosPreviewCache } from '../lib/files-cache' import { actorImagePathUnsafeCache, downloadActorImageFromWorker } from '../lib/local-actor' import { asyncMiddleware, handleStaticError } from '../middlewares' import { ActorImageModel } from '../models/actor/actor-image' const lazyStaticRouter = express.Router() lazyStaticRouter.use(cors()) lazyStaticRouter.use( LAZY_STATIC_PATHS.AVATARS + ':filename', asyncMiddleware(getActorImage), handleStaticError ) lazyStaticRouter.use( LAZY_STATIC_PATHS.BANNERS + ':filename', asyncMiddleware(getActorImage), handleStaticError ) lazyStaticRouter.use( LAZY_STATIC_PATHS.PREVIEWS + ':filename', asyncMiddleware(getPreview), handleStaticError ) lazyStaticRouter.use( LAZY_STATIC_PATHS.VIDEO_CAPTIONS + ':filename', asyncMiddleware(getVideoCaption), handleStaticError ) lazyStaticRouter.use( LAZY_STATIC_PATHS.TORRENTS + ':filename', asyncMiddleware(getTorrent), handleStaticError ) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { lazyStaticRouter, getPreview, getVideoCaption } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function getActorImage (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) { const filename = req.params.filename if (actorImagePathUnsafeCache.has(filename)) { return res.sendFile(actorImagePathUnsafeCache.get(filename), { maxAge: STATIC_MAX_AGE.SERVER }) } const image = await ActorImageModel.loadByName(filename) if (!image) return res.status(HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404).end() if (image.onDisk === false) { if (!image.fileUrl) return res.status(HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404).end()'Lazy serve remote actor image %s.', image.fileUrl) try { await downloadActorImageFromWorker({ filename: image.filename, fileUrl: image.fileUrl, size: getActorImageSize(image), type: image.type }) } catch (err) { logger.warn('Cannot process remote actor image %s.', image.fileUrl, { err }) return res.status(HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404).end() } image.onDisk = true .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot save new actor image disk state.', { err })) } const path = image.getPath() actorImagePathUnsafeCache.set(filename, path) return res.sendFile(path, { maxAge: STATIC_MAX_AGE.LAZY_SERVER }, (err: any) => { if (!err) return // It seems this actor image is not on the disk anymore if (err.status === HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 && !image.isOwned()) { logger.error('Cannot lazy serve actor image %s.', filename, { err }) actorImagePathUnsafeCache.delete(filename) image.onDisk = false .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot save new actor image disk state.', { err })) } return next(err) }) } function getActorImageSize (image: MActorImage): { width: number, height: number } { if (image.width && image.height) { return { height: image.height, width: image.width } } return ACTOR_IMAGES_SIZE[image.type][0] } async function getPreview (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const result = await VideosPreviewCache.Instance.getFilePath(req.params.filename) if (!result) return res.status(HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404).end() return res.sendFile(result.path, { maxAge: STATIC_MAX_AGE.LAZY_SERVER }) } async function getVideoCaption (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const result = await VideosCaptionCache.Instance.getFilePath(req.params.filename) if (!result) return res.status(HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404).end() return res.sendFile(result.path, { maxAge: STATIC_MAX_AGE.LAZY_SERVER }) } async function getTorrent (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const result = await VideosTorrentCache.Instance.getFilePath(req.params.filename) if (!result) return res.status(HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404).end() // Torrents still use the old naming convention (video uuid + .torrent) return res.sendFile(result.path, { maxAge: STATIC_MAX_AGE.SERVER }) }