'use strict' const each = require('async/each') const express = require('express') const fs = require('fs') const multer = require('multer') const path = require('path') const waterfall = require('async/waterfall') const constants = require('../../initializers/constants') const db = require('../../initializers/database') const logger = require('../../helpers/logger') const friends = require('../../lib/friends') const middlewares = require('../../middlewares') const oAuth = middlewares.oauth const pagination = middlewares.pagination const validators = middlewares.validators const validatorsPagination = validators.pagination const validatorsSort = validators.sort const validatorsVideos = validators.videos const search = middlewares.search const sort = middlewares.sort const utils = require('../../helpers/utils') const router = express.Router() // multer configuration const storage = multer.diskStorage({ destination: function (req, file, cb) { cb(null, constants.CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR) }, filename: function (req, file, cb) { let extension = '' if (file.mimetype === 'video/webm') extension = 'webm' else if (file.mimetype === 'video/mp4') extension = 'mp4' else if (file.mimetype === 'video/ogg') extension = 'ogv' utils.generateRandomString(16, function (err, randomString) { const fieldname = err ? undefined : randomString cb(null, fieldname + '.' + extension) }) } }) const reqFiles = multer({ storage: storage }).fields([{ name: 'videofile', maxCount: 1 }]) router.get('/', validatorsPagination.pagination, validatorsSort.videosSort, sort.setVideosSort, pagination.setPagination, listVideos ) router.post('/', oAuth.authenticate, reqFiles, validatorsVideos.videosAdd, addVideo ) router.get('/:id', validatorsVideos.videosGet, getVideo ) router.delete('/:id', oAuth.authenticate, validatorsVideos.videosRemove, removeVideo ) router.get('/search/:value', validatorsVideos.videosSearch, validatorsPagination.pagination, validatorsSort.videosSort, sort.setVideosSort, pagination.setPagination, search.setVideosSearch, searchVideos ) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- module.exports = router // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function addVideo (req, res, next) { const videoFile = req.files.videofile[0] const videoInfos = req.body waterfall([ function startTransaction (callback) { db.sequelize.transaction().asCallback(function (err, t) { return callback(err, t) }) }, function findOrCreateAuthor (t, callback) { const user = res.locals.oauth.token.User const query = { where: { name: user.username, podId: null, userId: user.id }, defaults: { name: user.username, podId: null, // null because it is OUR pod userId: user.id }, transaction: t } db.Author.findOrCreate(query).asCallback(function (err, result) { const authorInstance = result[0] return callback(err, t, authorInstance) }) }, function findOrCreateTags (t, author, callback) { const tags = videoInfos.tags const tagInstances = [] each(tags, function (tag, callbackEach) { const query = { where: { name: tag }, defaults: { name: tag }, transaction: t } db.Tag.findOrCreate(query).asCallback(function (err, res) { if (err) return callbackEach(err) // res = [ tag, isCreated ] const tag = res[0] tagInstances.push(tag) return callbackEach() }) }, function (err) { return callback(err, t, author, tagInstances) }) }, function createVideoObject (t, author, tagInstances, callback) { const videoData = { name: videoInfos.name, remoteId: null, extname: path.extname(videoFile.filename), description: videoInfos.description, duration: videoFile.duration, authorId: author.id } const video = db.Video.build(videoData) return callback(null, t, author, tagInstances, video) }, // Set the videoname the same as the id function renameVideoFile (t, author, tagInstances, video, callback) { const videoDir = constants.CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR const source = path.join(videoDir, videoFile.filename) const destination = path.join(videoDir, video.getVideoFilename()) fs.rename(source, destination, function (err) { return callback(err, t, author, tagInstances, video) }) }, function insertVideoIntoDB (t, author, tagInstances, video, callback) { const options = { transaction: t } // Add tags association video.save(options).asCallback(function (err, videoCreated) { if (err) return callback(err) // Do not forget to add Author informations to the created video videoCreated.Author = author return callback(err, t, tagInstances, videoCreated) }) }, function associateTagsToVideo (t, tagInstances, video, callback) { const options = { transaction: t } video.setTags(tagInstances, options).asCallback(function (err) { video.Tags = tagInstances return callback(err, t, video) }) }, function sendToFriends (t, video, callback) { video.toRemoteJSON(function (err, remoteVideo) { if (err) return callback(err) // Now we'll add the video's meta data to our friends friends.addVideoToFriends(remoteVideo) return callback(null, t) }) } ], function andFinally (err, t) { if (err) { logger.error('Cannot insert the video.') // Abort transaction? if (t) t.rollback() return next(err) } // Commit transaction t.commit() // TODO : include Location of the new video -> 201 return res.type('json').status(204).end() }) } function getVideo (req, res, next) { db.Video.loadAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags(req.params.id, function (err, video) { if (err) return next(err) if (!video) { return res.type('json').status(204).end() } res.json(video.toFormatedJSON()) }) } function listVideos (req, res, next) { db.Video.listForApi(req.query.start, req.query.count, req.query.sort, function (err, videosList, videosTotal) { if (err) return next(err) res.json(getFormatedVideos(videosList, videosTotal)) }) } function removeVideo (req, res, next) { const videoId = req.params.id waterfall([ function getVideo (callback) { db.Video.load(videoId, callback) }, function removeFromDB (video, callback) { video.destroy().asCallback(function (err) { if (err) return callback(err) return callback(null, video) }) }, function sendInformationToFriends (video, callback) { const params = { name: video.name, remoteId: video.id } friends.removeVideoToFriends(params) return callback(null) } ], function andFinally (err) { if (err) { logger.error('Errors when removed the video.', { error: err }) return next(err) } return res.type('json').status(204).end() }) } function searchVideos (req, res, next) { db.Video.searchAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags( req.params.value, req.query.field, req.query.start, req.query.count, req.query.sort, function (err, videosList, videosTotal) { if (err) return next(err) res.json(getFormatedVideos(videosList, videosTotal)) } ) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getFormatedVideos (videos, videosTotal) { const formatedVideos = [] videos.forEach(function (video) { formatedVideos.push(video.toFormatedJSON()) }) return { total: videosTotal, data: formatedVideos } }