import express from 'express' import { readdir, readFile } from 'fs-extra' import { join } from 'path' import { isArray } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/misc' import { logger, mtimeSortFilesDesc } from '@server/helpers/logger' import { pick } from '@shared/core-utils' import { ClientLogCreate, HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/models' import { ServerLogLevel } from '../../../../shared/models/server/server-log-level.type' import { UserRight } from '../../../../shared/models/users' import { CONFIG } from '../../../initializers/config' import { AUDIT_LOG_FILENAME, LOG_FILENAME, MAX_LOGS_OUTPUT_CHARACTERS } from '../../../initializers/constants' import { asyncMiddleware, authenticate, buildRateLimiter, ensureUserHasRight, optionalAuthenticate } from '../../../middlewares' import { createClientLogValidator, getAuditLogsValidator, getLogsValidator } from '../../../middlewares/validators/logs' const createClientLogRateLimiter = buildRateLimiter({ windowMs: CONFIG.RATES_LIMIT.RECEIVE_CLIENT_LOG.WINDOW_MS, max: CONFIG.RATES_LIMIT.RECEIVE_CLIENT_LOG.MAX }) const logsRouter = express.Router()'/logs/client', createClientLogRateLimiter, optionalAuthenticate, createClientLogValidator, createClientLog ) logsRouter.get('/logs', authenticate, ensureUserHasRight(UserRight.MANAGE_LOGS), getLogsValidator, asyncMiddleware(getLogs) ) logsRouter.get('/audit-logs', authenticate, ensureUserHasRight(UserRight.MANAGE_LOGS), getAuditLogsValidator, asyncMiddleware(getAuditLogs) ) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { logsRouter } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function createClientLog (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const logInfo = req.body as ClientLogCreate const meta = { tags: [ 'client' ], username: res.locals.oauth?.token?.User?.username, ...pick(logInfo, [ 'userAgent', 'stackTrace', 'meta', 'url' ]) } logger.log(logInfo.level, `Client log: ${logInfo.message}`, meta) return res.sendStatus(HttpStatusCode.NO_CONTENT_204) } const auditLogNameFilter = generateLogNameFilter(AUDIT_LOG_FILENAME) async function getAuditLogs (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const output = await generateOutput({ startDateQuery: req.query.startDate, endDateQuery: req.query.endDate, level: 'audit', nameFilter: auditLogNameFilter }) return res.json(output).end() } const logNameFilter = generateLogNameFilter(LOG_FILENAME) async function getLogs (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const output = await generateOutput({ startDateQuery: req.query.startDate, endDateQuery: req.query.endDate, level: req.query.level || 'info', tagsOneOf: req.query.tagsOneOf, nameFilter: logNameFilter }) return res.json(output) } async function generateOutput (options: { startDateQuery: string endDateQuery?: string level: ServerLogLevel nameFilter: RegExp tagsOneOf?: string[] }) { const { startDateQuery, level, nameFilter } = options const tagsOneOf = Array.isArray(options.tagsOneOf) && options.tagsOneOf.length !== 0 ? new Set(options.tagsOneOf) : undefined const logFiles = await readdir(CONFIG.STORAGE.LOG_DIR) const sortedLogFiles = await mtimeSortFilesDesc(logFiles, CONFIG.STORAGE.LOG_DIR) let currentSize = 0 const startDate = new Date(startDateQuery) const endDate = options.endDateQuery ? new Date(options.endDateQuery) : new Date() let output: string[] = [] for (const meta of sortedLogFiles) { if (nameFilter.exec(meta.file) === null) continue const path = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.LOG_DIR, meta.file) logger.debug('Opening %s to fetch logs.', path) const result = await getOutputFromFile({ path, startDate, endDate, level, currentSize, tagsOneOf }) if (!result.output) break output = result.output.concat(output) currentSize = result.currentSize if (currentSize > MAX_LOGS_OUTPUT_CHARACTERS || (result.logTime && result.logTime < startDate.getTime())) break } return output } async function getOutputFromFile (options: { path: string startDate: Date endDate: Date level: ServerLogLevel currentSize: number tagsOneOf: Set }) { const { path, startDate, endDate, level, tagsOneOf } = options const startTime = startDate.getTime() const endTime = endDate.getTime() let currentSize = options.currentSize let logTime: number const logsLevel: { [ id in ServerLogLevel ]: number } = { audit: -1, debug: 0, info: 1, warn: 2, error: 3 } const content = await readFile(path) const lines = content.toString().split('\n') const output: any[] = [] for (let i = lines.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const line = lines[i] let log: any try { log = JSON.parse(line) } catch { // Maybe there a multiple \n at the end of the file continue } logTime = new Date(log.timestamp).getTime() if ( logTime >= startTime && logTime <= endTime && logsLevel[log.level] >= logsLevel[level] && (!tagsOneOf || lineHasTag(log, tagsOneOf)) ) { output.push(log) currentSize += line.length if (currentSize > MAX_LOGS_OUTPUT_CHARACTERS) break } else if (logTime < startTime) { break } } return { currentSize, output: output.reverse(), logTime } } function lineHasTag (line: { tags?: string }, tagsOneOf: Set) { if (!isArray(line.tags)) return false for (const lineTag of line.tags) { if (tagsOneOf.has(lineTag)) return true } return false } function generateLogNameFilter (baseName: string) { return new RegExp('^' + baseName.replace(/\.log$/, '') + '\\d*.log$') }