import * as express from 'express' import { UserRight } from '../../../../shared/models/users/user-right.enum' import { getFormattedObjects } from '../../../helpers' import { retryTransactionWrapper } from '../../../helpers/database-utils' import { logger } from '../../../helpers/logger' import { getServerAccount } from '../../../helpers/utils' import { getAccountFromWebfinger } from '../../../helpers/webfinger' import { SERVER_ACCOUNT_NAME } from '../../../initializers/constants' import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database' import { saveAccountAndServerIfNotExist } from '../../../lib/activitypub/account' import { sendUndoFollow } from '../../../lib/activitypub/send/send-undo' import { sendFollow } from '../../../lib/index' import { asyncMiddleware, paginationValidator, removeFollowingValidator, setFollowersSort, setPagination } from '../../../middlewares' import { authenticate } from '../../../middlewares/oauth' import { setBodyHostsPort } from '../../../middlewares/servers' import { setFollowingSort } from '../../../middlewares/sort' import { ensureUserHasRight } from '../../../middlewares/user-right' import { followValidator } from '../../../middlewares/validators/follows' import { followersSortValidator, followingSortValidator } from '../../../middlewares/validators/sort' import { AccountInstance } from '../../../models/account/account-interface' import { AccountFollowInstance } from '../../../models/index' const serverFollowsRouter = express.Router() serverFollowsRouter.get('/following', paginationValidator, followingSortValidator, setFollowingSort, setPagination, asyncMiddleware(listFollowing) )'/following', authenticate, ensureUserHasRight(UserRight.MANAGE_SERVER_FOLLOW), followValidator, setBodyHostsPort, asyncMiddleware(followRetry) ) serverFollowsRouter.delete('/following/:accountId', authenticate, ensureUserHasRight(UserRight.MANAGE_SERVER_FOLLOW), asyncMiddleware(removeFollowingValidator), asyncMiddleware(removeFollow) ) serverFollowsRouter.get('/followers', paginationValidator, followersSortValidator, setFollowersSort, setPagination, asyncMiddleware(listFollowers) ) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { serverFollowsRouter } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function listFollowing (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) { const serverAccount = await getServerAccount() const resultList = await db.AccountFollow.listFollowingForApi(, req.query.start, req.query.count, req.query.sort) return res.json(getFormattedObjects(, } async function listFollowers (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) { const serverAccount = await getServerAccount() const resultList = await db.AccountFollow.listFollowersForApi(, req.query.start, req.query.count, req.query.sort) return res.json(getFormattedObjects(, } async function followRetry (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) { const hosts = req.body.hosts as string[] const fromAccount = await getServerAccount() const tasks: Promise[] = [] const accountName = SERVER_ACCOUNT_NAME for (const host of hosts) { // We process each host in a specific transaction // First, we add the follow request in the database // Then we send the follow request to other account const p = loadLocalOrGetAccountFromWebfinger(accountName, host) .then(accountResult => { let targetAccount = accountResult.account const options = { arguments: [ fromAccount, targetAccount, accountResult.loadedFromDB ], errorMessage: 'Cannot follow with many retries.' } return retryTransactionWrapper(follow, options) }) .catch(err => logger.warn('Cannot follow server %s.', `${accountName}@${host}`, err)) tasks.push(p) } // Don't make the client wait the tasks Promise.all(tasks) .catch(err => logger.error('Error in follow.', err)) return res.status(204).end() } async function follow (fromAccount: AccountInstance, targetAccount: AccountInstance, targetAlreadyInDB: boolean) { try { await db.sequelize.transaction(async t => { if (targetAlreadyInDB === false) { await saveAccountAndServerIfNotExist(targetAccount, t) } const [ accountFollow ] = await db.AccountFollow.findOrCreate({ where: { accountId:, targetAccountId: }, defaults: { state: 'pending', accountId:, targetAccountId: }, transaction: t }) accountFollow.AccountFollowing = targetAccount accountFollow.AccountFollower = fromAccount // Send a notification to remote server if (accountFollow.state === 'pending') { await sendFollow(accountFollow, t) } }) } catch (err) { // Reset target account targetAccount.isNewRecord = !targetAlreadyInDB throw err } } async function removeFollow (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) { const follow: AccountFollowInstance = res.locals.follow await db.sequelize.transaction(async t => { if (follow.state === 'accepted') await sendUndoFollow(follow, t) await follow.destroy({ transaction: t }) }) // Destroy the account that will destroy video channels, videos and video files too // This could be long so don't wait this task const following = follow.AccountFollowing following.destroy() .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot destroy account that we do not follow anymore %s.', following.url, err)) return res.status(204).end() } async function loadLocalOrGetAccountFromWebfinger (name: string, host: string) { let loadedFromDB = true let account = await db.Account.loadByNameAndHost(name, host) if (!account) { const nameWithDomain = name + '@' + host account = await getAccountFromWebfinger(nameWithDomain) loadedFromDB = false } return { account, loadedFromDB } }