'use strict' const express = require('express') const waterfall = require('async/waterfall') const db = require('../../initializers/database') const logger = require('../../helpers/logger') const peertubeCrypto = require('../../helpers/peertube-crypto') const utils = require('../../helpers/utils') const friends = require('../../lib/friends') const middlewares = require('../../middlewares') const admin = middlewares.admin const oAuth = middlewares.oauth const podsMiddleware = middlewares.pods const checkSignature = middlewares.secure.checkSignature const validators = middlewares.validators.pods const signatureValidator = middlewares.validators.remote.signature const router = express.Router() router.get('/', listPods) router.post('/', podsMiddleware.setBodyHostPort, // We need to modify the host before running the validator! validators.podsAdd, addPods ) router.post('/makefriends', oAuth.authenticate, admin.ensureIsAdmin, validators.makeFriends, podsMiddleware.setBodyHostsPort, makeFriends ) router.get('/quitfriends', oAuth.authenticate, admin.ensureIsAdmin, quitFriends ) // Post because this is a secured request router.post('/remove', signatureValidator.signature, checkSignature, removePods ) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- module.exports = router // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function addPods (req, res, next) { const informations = req.body waterfall([ function addPod (callback) { const pod = db.Pod.build(informations) pod.save().asCallback(function (err, podCreated) { // Be sure about the number of parameters for the callback return callback(err, podCreated) }) }, function sendMyVideos (podCreated, callback) { friends.sendOwnedVideosToPod(podCreated.id) callback(null) }, function fetchMyCertificate (callback) { peertubeCrypto.getMyPublicCert(function (err, cert) { if (err) { logger.error('Cannot read cert file.') return callback(err) } return callback(null, cert) }) } ], function (err, cert) { if (err) return next(err) return res.json({ cert: cert }) }) } function listPods (req, res, next) { db.Pod.list(function (err, podsList) { if (err) return next(err) res.json(utils.getFormatedObjects(podsList, podsList.length)) }) } function makeFriends (req, res, next) { const hosts = req.body.hosts friends.makeFriends(hosts, function (err) { if (err) { logger.error('Could not make friends.', { error: err }) return } logger.info('Made friends!') }) res.type('json').status(204).end() } function removePods (req, res, next) { const host = req.body.signature.host waterfall([ function loadPod (callback) { db.Pod.loadByHost(host, callback) }, function deletePod (pod, callback) { pod.destroy().asCallback(callback) } ], function (err) { if (err) return next(err) return res.type('json').status(204).end() }) } function quitFriends (req, res, next) { friends.quitFriends(function (err) { if (err) return next(err) res.type('json').status(204).end() }) }