import * as express from 'express' import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers' import { logger } from '../../helpers' import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database' import { OAuthClientLocal } from '../../../shared' const oauthClientsRouter = express.Router() oauthClientsRouter.get('/local', getLocalClient) // Get the client credentials for the PeerTube front end function getLocalClient (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) { const serverHostname = CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOSTNAME const serverPort = CONFIG.WEBSERVER.PORT let headerHostShouldBe = serverHostname if (serverPort !== 80 && serverPort !== 443) { headerHostShouldBe += ':' + serverPort } // Don't make this check if this is a test instance if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test' && req.get('host') !== headerHostShouldBe) {'Getting client tokens for host %s is forbidden (expected %s).', req.get('host'), headerHostShouldBe) return res.type('json').status(403).end() } db.OAuthClient.loadFirstClient() .then(client => { if (!client) throw new Error('No client available.') const json: OAuthClientLocal = { client_id: client.clientId, client_secret: client.clientSecret } res.json(json) }) .catch(err => next(err)) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { oauthClientsRouter }