#!/usr/bin/env sh printf "############# PeerTube help #############\n\n" printf "npm run ...\n" printf " build -> Build the application\n" printf " build:client -> Build the client (css, js files)\n" printf " build:client:sass -> Build the sass files\n" printf " build:client:tsc -> Build the javascript files\n" printf " clean -> Clean the application\n" printf " clean:client -> Clean the client (css, js files)\n" printf " clean:client:sass -> Clean the sass build files\n" printf " clean:client:tsc -> Clean the javascript files\n" printf " clean:server:test -> Clean certificates, logs, uploads and database of the test instances\n" printf " watch:client -> Watch the client files\n" printf " watch:client:sass -> Watch the sass client files\n" printf " watch:client:tsc -> Watch the typescript files\n" printf " danger:clean:server -> /!\ Clean certificates, logs, uploads and database\n" printf " danger:clean:modules -> /!\ Clean node and typescript modules\n" printf " play -> Run 3 fresh nodes so that you can test the communication between them\n" printf " dev -> Watch, run the livereload and run the server so that you can develop the application\n" printf " livereload -> Run the livereload on the client\n" printf " start -> Run the server\n" printf " test -> Run the tests\n" printf " help -> Print this help\n"