--- # Homepage configuration # See https://fontawesome.com/v5/search for icons options title: "Demo dashboard" subtitle: "Homer" logo: "logo.png" # icon: "fas fa-skull-crossbones" # Optional icon header: true footer: '

Created with ❤️ with bulma, vuejs & font awesome // Fork me on

' # set false if you want to hide it. # Optional theme customization theme: default colors: light: highlight-primary: "#3367d6" highlight-secondary: "#4285f4" highlight-hover: "#5a95f5" background: "#f5f5f5" card-background: "#ffffff" text: "#363636" text-header: "#ffffff" text-title: "#303030" text-subtitle: "#424242" card-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) link: "#3273dc" link-hover: "#363636" dark: highlight-primary: "#3367d6" highlight-secondary: "#4285f4" highlight-hover: "#5a95f5" background: "#131313" card-background: "#2b2b2b" text: "#eaeaea" text-header: "#ffffff" text-title: "#fafafa" text-subtitle: "#f5f5f5" card-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) link: "#3273dc" link-hover: "#ffdd57" # Optional message message: #url: https://b4bz.io style: "is-dark" # See https://bulma.io/documentation/components/message/#colors for styling options. title: "Demo !" icon: "fa fa-grin" content: "This is a dummy homepage demo.
Find more information on github.com/bastienwirtz/homer" # Optional navbar # links: [] # Allows for navbar (dark mode, layout, and search) without any links links: - name: "Contribute" icon: "fab fa-github" url: "https://github.com/bastienwirtz/homer" target: "_blank" # optional html a tag target attribute - name: "Wiki" icon: "fas fa-book" url: "https://www.wikipedia.org/" # this will link to a second homer page that will load config from additional-page.yml and keep default config values as in config.yml file # see url field and assets/additional-page.yml.dist used in this example: - name: "another page!" icon: "fas fa-file-alt" url: "#additional-page" # Services # First level array represent a group. # Leave only a "items" key if not using group (group name, icon & tagstyle are optional, section separation will not be displayed). services: - name: "Applications" icon: "fas fa-cloud" items: - name: "Awesome app" logo: "assets/tools/sample.png" subtitle: "Bookmark example" tag: "app" keywords: "self hosted reddit" url: "https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/" target: "_blank" # optional html a tag target attribute - name: "Another one" logo: "assets/tools/sample2.png" subtitle: "Another application" tag: "app" url: "#" - name: "Pi-hole" logo: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/walkxcode/dashboard-icons/png/pihole.png" url: "#" endpoint: "https://homer-demo-content.netlify.app/pihole" type: "PiHole" - name: "Proxmox - Node1" logo: "https://camo.githubusercontent.com/2df2ac41e1b8a1484be236c75e395981b31bfd670eff46b5c182ea0be9475310/68747470733a2f2f7777772e70726f786d6f782e636f6d2f696d616765732f70726f786d6f782f50726f786d6f785f73796d626f6c5f7374616e646172645f6865782e706e67" type: "Proxmox" tag: "sys" url: "https://homer-demo-content.netlify.app/proxmox" node: "node1" warning_value: 50 danger_value: 80 api_token: "PVEAPIToken=root@pam!monitoring=baaaa46c1-7aee-4f13-b3e5-754d856111a9"