## Markdown Shaarli plugin Convert all your shaares description to HTML formatted Markdown. [Read more about Markdown syntax](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax). Markdown processing is done with [Parsedown library](https://github.com/erusev/parsedown). ### Installation As a default plugin, it should already be in `tpl/plugins/` directory. If not, download and unpack it there. The directory structure should look like: ``` --- plugins |--- markdown |--- help.html |--- markdown.css |--- markdown.meta |--- markdown.php |--- README.md ``` To enable the plugin, just check it in the plugin administration page. You can also add `markdown` to your list of enabled plugins in `data/config.json.php` (`general.enabled_plugins` list). This should look like: ``` "general": { "enabled_plugins": [ "markdown", [...] ], } ``` Parsedown parsing library is imported using Composer. If you installed Shaarli using `git`, or the `master` branch, run composer update --no-dev --prefer-dist ### No Markdown tag If the tag `nomarkdown` is set for a shaare, it won't be converted to Markdown syntax. > Note: this is a special tag, so it won't be displayed in link list. ### Known issue #### Redirector If you're using a redirector, you *need* to add a space after a link, otherwise the rest of the line will be `urlencode`. ``` [link](http://domain.tld)-->test ``` Will consider `http://domain.tld)-->test` as URL. Instead, add an additional space. ``` [link](http://domain.tld) -->test ``` > Won't fix because a `)` is a valid part of an URL.