from kivy.uix.relativelayout import RelativeLayout from import NumericProperty, ListProperty, StringProperty from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.clock import Clock import threading import yaml import sys import copy from collections import defaultdict from transitions.extensions import HierarchicalMachine as Machine from .music_file import MusicFile from .mixer import Mixer from .helpers import Config, gain, error_print, warn_print from .action import Action class Mapping(RelativeLayout): STATES = [ 'initial', 'configuring', 'configured', 'loading', 'loaded' ] TRANSITIONS = [ { 'trigger': 'configure', 'source': 'initial', 'dest': 'configuring' }, { 'trigger': 'success', 'source': 'configuring', 'dest': 'configured', 'after': 'load' }, { 'trigger': 'load', 'source': 'configured', 'dest': 'loading' }, { 'trigger': 'success', 'source': 'loading', 'dest': 'loaded' }, { 'trigger': 'reload', 'source': 'loaded', 'dest': 'configuring' } ] master_volume = NumericProperty(100) ready_color = ListProperty([1, 165/255, 0, 1]) state = StringProperty("") def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.keys = [] self.running = [] self.wait_ids = {} self.open_files = {} self.is_leaving_application = False Machine(model=self, states=self.STATES, transitions=self.TRANSITIONS, initial='initial', auto_transitions=False, queued=True) super(Mapping, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.keyboard = Window.request_keyboard(self.on_keyboard_closed, self) self.keyboard.bind(on_key_down=self.on_keyboard_down) self.configure() def on_enter_configuring(self): if Config.builtin_mixing: self.mixer = Mixer() else: self.mixer = None try: self.key_config, self.open_files = self.parse_config() except Exception as e: error_print("Error while loading configuration: {}".format(e), with_trace=True, exit=True) else: self.success() def on_enter_loading(self): for key in self.keys: key.reload() self.success() # Kivy events def add_widget(self, widget, index=0): if type(widget).__name__ == "Key" and widget not in self.keys: self.keys.append(widget) return super(Mapping, self).add_widget(widget, index) def remove_widget(self, widget, index=0): if type(widget).__name__ == "Key" and widget in self.keys: self.keys.remove(widget) return super(Mapping, self).remove_widget(widget, index) def on_keyboard_closed(self): self.keyboard.unbind(on_key_down=self.on_keyboard_down) self.keyboard = None def on_keyboard_down(self, keyboard, keycode, text, modifiers): key = self.find_by_key_code(keycode) if self.allowed_modifiers(modifiers) and key is not None: modifiers.sort() threading.Thread(name="MSKeyAction",, args=['-'.join(modifiers)]).start() elif 'ctrl' in modifiers and (keycode[0] == 113 or keycode[0] == '99'): self.leave_application() sys.exit() elif 'ctrl' in modifiers and keycode[0] == 114 and self.is_loaded(): self.reload() return True def leave_application(self): self.keyboard.unbind(on_key_down=self.on_keyboard_down) self.stop_all_running() self.is_leaving_application = True for music in self.open_files.values(): music.stop() for thread in threading.enumerate(): if thread.getName()[0:2] == "MS": thread.join() elif thread.__class__ == threading.Timer: thread.cancel() thread.join() # Helpers def allowed_modifiers(self, modifiers): allowed = [] return len([a for a in modifiers if a not in allowed]) == 0 def find_by_key_code(self, key_code): if "Key_" + str(key_code[0]) in self.ids: return self.ids["Key_" + str(key_code[0])] return None def all_keys_ready(self): partial = False for key in self.keys: if not key.is_loaded_or_failed(): return "not_ready" partial = partial or key.is_failed() if partial: return "partial" else: return "success" # Callbacks def key_loaded_callback(self): if hasattr(self, 'finished_loading'): return opacity = int(Config.load_all_musics) result = self.all_keys_ready() if result == "success": self.ready_color = [0, 1, 0, opacity] self.finished_loading = True elif result == "partial": self.ready_color = [1, 0, 0, opacity] self.finished_loading = True else: self.ready_color = [1, 165/255, 0, opacity] ## Some global actions def stop_all_running(self, except_key=None, key_start_time=0): running = self.running self.running = [r for r in running\ if r[0] == except_key and r[1] == key_start_time] for (key, start_time) in running: if (key, start_time) != (except_key, key_start_time): key.interrupt() # Master volume methods @property def master_gain(self): return gain(self.master_volume) def set_master_volume(self, value, delta=False, fade=0): [db_gain, self.master_volume] = gain( value + int(delta) * self.master_volume, self.master_volume) for music in self.open_files.values(): music.set_gain_with_effect(db_gain, fade=fade) # Wait handler methods def add_wait(self, action_or_wait, wait_id=None): if wait_id is not None: self.wait_ids[wait_id] = [action_or_wait] else: if None not in self.wait_ids: self.wait_ids[None] = [] self.wait_ids[None].append(action_or_wait) def matching_wait_ids(self, wait_id=None): if wait_id is None: matching_ids = list(self.wait_ids.keys()) elif wait_id in self.wait_ids: matching_ids = [wait_id] else: matching_ids = [] return matching_ids def interrupt_wait(self, wait_id=None): for _wait_id in self.matching_wait_ids(wait_id=wait_id): action_or_waits = self.wait_ids[_wait_id] del(self.wait_ids[_wait_id]) for action_or_wait in action_or_waits: if isinstance(action_or_wait, Action): action_or_wait.interrupt() else: action_or_wait.set() def pause_wait(self, wait_id=None): for _wait_id in self.matching_wait_ids(wait_id=wait_id): action_or_waits = self.wait_ids[_wait_id] for action_or_wait in action_or_waits: if isinstance(action_or_wait, Action): action_or_wait.pause() def unpause_wait(self, wait_id=None): for _wait_id in self.matching_wait_ids(wait_id=wait_id): action_or_waits = self.wait_ids[_wait_id] for action_or_wait in action_or_waits: if isinstance(action_or_wait, Action): action_or_wait.unpause() def reset_wait(self, wait_id=None): for _wait_id in self.matching_wait_ids(wait_id=wait_id): action_or_waits = self.wait_ids[_wait_id] for action_or_wait in action_or_waits: if isinstance(action_or_wait, Action): action_or_wait.reset() # Methods to control running keys def start_running(self, key, start_time): self.running.append((key, start_time)) def keep_running(self, key, start_time): return (key, start_time) in self.running def finished_running(self, key, start_time): if (key, start_time) in self.running: self.running.remove((key, start_time)) # YML config parser def parse_config(self): def update_alias(prop_hash, aliases, key): if isinstance(aliases[key], dict): for alias in aliases[key]: prop_hash.setdefault(alias, aliases[key][alias]) else: warn_print("Alias {} is not a hash, ignored".format(key)) def include_aliases(prop_hash, aliases): if 'include' not in prop_hash: return included = prop_hash['include'] del(prop_hash['include']) if isinstance(included, str): update_alias(prop_hash, aliases, included) elif isinstance(included, list): for included_ in included: if isinstance(included_, str): update_alias(prop_hash, aliases, included_) else: warn_print("Unkown alias include type, ignored: " "{} in {}".format(included_, included)) else: warn_print("Unkown alias include type, ignored: {}" .format(included)) def check_key_property(key_property, key): if 'description' in key_property: desc = key_property['description'] if not isinstance(desc, list): warn_print("description in key_property '{}' is not " "a list, ignored".format(key)) del(key_property['description']) if 'color' in key_property: color = key_property['color'] if not isinstance(color, list)\ or len(color) != 3\ or not all(isinstance(item, int) for item in color)\ or any(item < 0 or item > 255 for item in color): warn_print("color in key_property '{}' is not " "a list of 3 valid integers, ignored".format(key)) del(key_property['color']) def check_key_properties(config): if 'key_properties' in config: if isinstance(config['key_properties'], dict): return config['key_properties'] else: warn_print("key_properties config is not a hash, ignored") return {} else: return {} def check_mapped_keys(config): if 'keys' in config: if isinstance(config['keys'], dict): return config['keys'] else: warn_print("keys config is not a hash, ignored") return {} else: return {} def check_mapped_key(mapped_keys, key): if not isinstance(mapped_keys[key], list): warn_print("key config '{}' is not an array, ignored" .format(key)) return [] else: return mapped_keys[key] def check_music_property(music_property, filename): if not isinstance(music_property, dict): warn_print("music_property config '{}' is not a hash, ignored" .format(filename)) return {} if 'name' in music_property: music_property['name'] = str(music_property['name']) if 'gain' in music_property: try: music_property['gain'] = float(music_property['gain']) except ValueError as e: del(music_property['gain']) warn_print("gain for music_property '{}' is not " "a float, ignored".format(filename)) return music_property stream = open(Config.yml_file, "r") try: config = yaml.safe_load(stream) except Exception as e: error_print("Error while loading config file: {}".format(e), exit=True) stream.close() if not isinstance(config, dict): error_print("Top level config is supposed to be a hash", exit=True) if 'aliases' in config and isinstance(config['aliases'], dict): aliases = config['aliases'] else: aliases = defaultdict(dict) if 'aliases' in config: warn_print("aliases config is not a hash, ignored") music_properties = defaultdict(dict) if 'music_properties' in config and\ isinstance(config['music_properties'], dict): music_properties.update(config['music_properties']) elif 'music_properties' in config: warn_print("music_properties config is not a hash, ignored") seen_files = {} common_key_properties = {} if 'common' in config['key_properties'] and\ isinstance(config['key_properties'], dict): common_key_properties = config['key_properties']['common'] include_aliases(common_key_properties, aliases) check_key_property(common_key_properties, 'common') elif 'common' in config['key_properties']: warn_print("'common' key in key_properties is not a hash, ignored") key_properties = defaultdict(lambda: { "actions": [], "properties": copy.deepcopy(common_key_properties), "files": [] }) for key in check_key_properties(config): if key == 'common': continue key_prop = config['key_properties'][key] if not isinstance(key_prop, dict): warn_print("key_property '{}' is not a hash, ignored" .format(key)) continue include_aliases(key_prop, aliases) check_key_property(key_prop, key) key_properties[key]["properties"].update(key_prop) for mapped_key in check_mapped_keys(config): for index, action in enumerate(check_mapped_key( config['keys'], mapped_key)): if not isinstance(action, dict) or\ not len(action) == 1 or\ not isinstance(list(action.values())[0] or {}, dict): warn_print("action number {} of key '{}' is invalid, " "ignored".format(index + 1, mapped_key)) continue action_name = list(action)[0] action_args = {} if action[action_name] is None: action[action_name] = {} include_aliases(action[action_name], aliases) for argument in action[action_name]: if argument == 'file': filename = str(action[action_name]['file']) if filename not in seen_files: music_property = check_music_property( music_properties[filename], filename) if filename in self.open_files: self.open_files[filename]\ .reload_properties(**music_property) seen_files[filename] =\ self.open_files[filename] else: seen_files[filename] = MusicFile( filename, self, **music_property) if filename not in key_properties[mapped_key]['files']: key_properties[mapped_key]['files'] \ .append(seen_files[filename]) action_args['music'] = seen_files[filename] else: action_args[argument] = action[action_name][argument] key_properties[mapped_key]['actions'] \ .append([action_name, action_args]) return (key_properties, seen_files)