class role::backup::postgresql inherits role::backup { # This manifest is supposed to be part of the backup server $password_seed = lookup("base_installation::puppet_pass_seed") $user = lookup("role::backup::user") $group = lookup("role::backup::group") $pg_user = "postgres" $pg_group = "postgres" $ldap_cn = lookup("base_installation::ldap_cn") $ldap_password = generate_password(24, $password_seed, "ldap") $pg_slot = regsubst($ldap_cn, '-', "_", "G") ensure_packages(["postgresql"]) $pg_backup_hosts = lookup("role::backup::postgresql::backup_hosts", { "default_value" => [] }) $pg_backup_hosts.each |$pg_backup_host| { $pg_path = "$mountpoint/$pg_backup_host/postgresql" $pg_host = "$pg_backup_host" $pg_port = "5432" file { "$mountpoint/$pg_backup_host": ensure => directory, owner => $user, group => $group, } file { $pg_path: ensure => directory, owner => $pg_user, group => $pg_group, mode => "0700", require => File["$mountpoint/$pg_backup_host"], } exec { "pg_basebackup $pg_path": cwd => $pg_path, user => $pg_user, creates => "$pg_path/PG_VERSION", environment => ["PGPASSWORD=$ldap_password"], command => "/usr/bin/pg_basebackup -w -h $pg_host -U $ldap_cn -D $pg_path -S $pg_slot", before => [ Concat["$pg_path/pg_hba.conf"], Concat["$pg_path/recovery.conf"], File["$pg_path/postgresql.conf"], ] } concat { "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf": owner => $pg_user, group => $pg_group, mode => '0640', warn => true, } postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - local access as postgres user": description => 'Allow local access to postgres user', type => 'local', database => 'all', user => $pg_user, auth_method => 'ident', order => "00-01", target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf", postgresql_version => "10", } postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - localhost access as postgres user": description => 'Allow localhost access to postgres user', type => 'host', database => 'all', user => $pg_user, address => "", auth_method => 'md5', order => "00-02", target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf", postgresql_version => "10", } postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - localhost ip6 access as postgres user": description => 'Allow localhost access to postgres user', type => 'host', database => 'all', user => $pg_user, address => "::1/128", auth_method => 'md5', order => "00-03", target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf", postgresql_version => "10", } postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - deny access to postgresql user": description => 'Deny remote access to postgres user', type => 'host', database => 'all', user => $pg_user, address => "", auth_method => 'reject', order => "00-04", target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf", postgresql_version => "10", } postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - local access": description => 'Allow local access with password', type => 'local', database => 'all', user => 'all', auth_method => 'md5', order => "10-01", target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf", postgresql_version => "10", } postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "$pg_backup_host - local access with same name": description => 'Allow local access with same name', type => 'local', database => 'all', user => 'all', auth_method => 'ident', order => "10-02", target => "$pg_path/pg_hba.conf", postgresql_version => "10", } $primary_conninfo = "host=$pg_host port=$pg_port user=$ldap_cn password=$ldap_password sslmode=require" $primary_slot_name = regsubst($ldap_cn, '-', "_", "G") $standby_mode = "on" concat { "$pg_path/recovery.conf": owner => $pg_user, group => $pg_group, mode => '0640', warn => true, } concat::fragment { "$pg_path/recovery.conf": target => "$pg_path/recovery.conf", content => template('postgresql/recovery.conf.erb'), } file { "$pg_path/postgresql.conf": owner => $pg_user, group => $pg_group, mode => '0640', content => template("role/backup/postgresql.conf.erb"), } service { "postgresql_backup@$pg_backup_host": enable => true, ensure => "running", require => [ File["/etc/systemd/system/postgresql_backup@.service"], Concat["$pg_path/pg_hba.conf"], Concat["$pg_path/recovery.conf"], File["$pg_path/postgresql.conf"], ] } } file { "/etc/systemd/system/postgresql_backup@.service": mode => "0644", owner => "root", group => "root", content => template("role/backup/postgresql_backup@.service.erb"), } }