#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Getopt::Std; $| = 1; my %opts; getopts('hr:C:c:s:o:', \%opts); my $STATE_OK = 0; my $STATE_WARNING = 1; my $STATE_CRITICAL = 2; my $STATE_UNKNOWN = 3; if ($opts{'h'} || scalar(%opts) == 0) { &print_help(); exit($STATE_OK); } my $command = $opts{'c'}; if ($command eq '') { print "You must provide a command to check.\n"; exit($STATE_UNKNOWN); } my $expected_output = $opts{'o'}; my $expected_status = $opts{'s'}; my $other_command = $opts{'C'}; if ($other_command eq '' and $expected_status eq '' and $expected_output eq '') { $expected_status = 0; } my $cmd = $command . ' 2>&1'; my $other_cmd; if ($other_command ne '') { $other_cmd = $other_command . ' 2>&1'; } my $run_as; if ($opts{'r'}) { $run_as = $opts{'r'}; $cmd = "sudo -u $run_as -n $cmd"; if ($other_command ne '') { $other_cmd = "sudo -u $run_as -n $other_cmd"; } } my $cmd_result = `$cmd`; my $other_cmd_result; if ($other_command ne '') { $other_cmd_result = `$other_cmd`; chomp($other_cmd_result); } chomp($cmd_result); if ($cmd_result =~ /sudo/i) { print "$command CRITICAL - No sudo right to run the command\n"; exit($STATE_UNKNOWN); } elsif ($expected_status ne '') { if ($? != $expected_status) { print "$command CRITICAL - Response status $?\n"; exit($STATE_CRITICAL); } else { print "$command OK - Response status $?\n"; exit($STATE_OK); } } elsif ($other_command ne '') { if ($cmd_result ne $other_cmd_result) { print "$command CRITICAL - Expected output not matching other command output\n"; exit($STATE_CRITICAL); } else { print "$command OK - Expected output matching other command output\n"; exit($STATE_OK); } } else { if ($cmd_result !~ /$expected_output/) { print "$command CRITICAL - Expected output not matching\n"; exit($STATE_CRITICAL); } else { print "$command OK - Expected output matching\n"; exit($STATE_OK); } } sub print_help() { print << "EOF"; Check whether the given command responds as expected. One of -o -C or -s must be selected. Options: -h Print detailed help screen -c command to run (required) -C other command to compare output -r user Run as user via sudo. -s status code to check -o output to check EOF }