# vim: filetype=nagios # define command { command_line /run/wrappers/bin/sudo -u postgres $USER2$/check_postgres_replication "$ARG1$" "$ARG2$" "$ARG3$" command_name check_postgresql_replication } define service { service_description Postgresql replication for backup-1 is up to date check_command check_postgresql_replication!backup-1!/run/postgresql!5432 use local-service } define service { service_description Postgresql replication for backup-2 is up to date check_command check_postgresql_replication!backup-2!/run/postgresql!5432 use local-service } define service { service_description mailq is empty use local-service check_command check_mailq } define command { command_name check_mailq command_line $USER1$/check_mailq -s -w 1 -c 2 }