* @copyright 2013 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT see COPYING file */ class Database { var $handle; private $order = array ( 'ia' => 'ORDER BY entries.id', 'id' => 'ORDER BY entries.id DESC', 'ta' => 'ORDER BY lower(entries.title)', 'td' => 'ORDER BY lower(entries.title) DESC', 'default' => 'ORDER BY entries.id' ); function __construct() { switch (STORAGE) { case 'sqlite': // Check if /db is writeable if ( !is_writable(STORAGE_SQLITE) || !is_writable(dirname(STORAGE_SQLITE))) { die('An error occured: "db" directory must be writeable for your web server user!'); } $db_path = 'sqlite:' . STORAGE_SQLITE; $this->handle = new PDO($db_path); break; case 'mysql': if (MYSQL_USE_UTF8MB4) { $db_path = 'mysql:host=' . STORAGE_SERVER . ';dbname=' . STORAGE_DB . ';charset=utf8mb4'; $this->handle = new PDO($db_path, STORAGE_USER, STORAGE_PASSWORD, array( PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8mb4', )); } else { $db_path = 'mysql:host=' . STORAGE_SERVER . ';dbname=' . STORAGE_DB; $this->handle = new PDO($db_path, STORAGE_USER, STORAGE_PASSWORD); } break; case 'postgres': $db_path = 'pgsql:host=' . STORAGE_SERVER . ';dbname=' . STORAGE_DB; $this->handle = new PDO($db_path, STORAGE_USER, STORAGE_PASSWORD); break; default: die(STORAGE . ' is not a recognised database system !'); } $this->handle->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $this->_checkTags(); Tools::logm('storage type ' . STORAGE); } private function getHandle() { return $this->handle; } private function _checkTags() { if (STORAGE == 'sqlite') { $sql = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tags ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL UNIQUE, value TEXT )'; } elseif(STORAGE == 'mysql') { $sql = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tags` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `value` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; '; } else { $sql = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tags ( id bigserial primary key, value varchar(255) NOT NULL ); '; } $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array()); if (STORAGE == 'sqlite') { $sql = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tags_entries ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL UNIQUE, entry_id INTEGER, tag_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(entry_id) REFERENCES entries(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY(tag_id) REFERENCES tags(id) ON DELETE CASCADE )'; } elseif(STORAGE == 'mysql') { $sql = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tags_entries` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `entry_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `tag_id` int(11) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(entry_id) REFERENCES entries(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY(tag_id) REFERENCES tags(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; '; } else { $sql = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tags_entries ( id bigserial primary key, entry_id integer NOT NULL, tag_id integer NOT NULL ) '; } $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array()); } public function install($login, $password, $email = '') { $sql = 'INSERT INTO users ( username, password, name, email) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'; $params = array($login, $password, $login, $email); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params); $sequence = ''; if (STORAGE == 'postgres') { $sequence = 'users_id_seq'; } $id_user = intval($this->getLastId($sequence)); $sql = 'INSERT INTO users_config ( user_id, name, value ) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'; $params = array($id_user, 'pager', PAGINATION); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params); $sql = 'INSERT INTO users_config ( user_id, name, value ) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'; $params = array($id_user, 'language', LANG); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params); $sql = 'INSERT INTO users_config ( user_id, name, value ) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'; $params = array($id_user, 'theme', DEFAULT_THEME); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params); return TRUE; } public function getConfigUser($id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM users_config WHERE user_id = ?"; $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array($id)); $result = $query->fetchAll(); $user_config = array(); foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $user_config[$value['name']] = $value['value']; } return $user_config; } public function userExists($username) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=?"; $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array($username)); $login = $query->fetchAll(); if (isset($login[0])) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function login($username, $password, $isauthenticated = FALSE) { if ($isauthenticated) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=?"; $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array($username)); } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=? AND password=?"; $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array($username, $password)); } $login = $query->fetchAll(); $user = array(); if (isset($login[0])) { $user['id'] = $login[0]['id']; $user['username'] = $login[0]['username']; $user['password'] = $login[0]['password']; $user['name'] = $login[0]['name']; $user['email'] = $login[0]['email']; $user['config'] = $this->getConfigUser($login[0]['id']); } return $user; } public function updatePassword($userId, $password) { $sql_update = "UPDATE users SET password=? WHERE id=?"; $params_update = array($password, $userId); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_update, $params_update); } public function updateUserConfig($userId, $key, $value) { $config = $this->getConfigUser($userId); if (! isset($config[$key])) { $sql = "INSERT INTO users_config (value, user_id, name) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; } else { $sql = "UPDATE users_config SET value=? WHERE user_id=? AND name=?"; } $params = array($value, $userId, $key); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params); } private function executeQuery($sql, $params) { try { $query = $this->getHandle()->prepare($sql); $query->execute($params); return $query; } catch (Exception $e) { Tools::logm('execute query error : '.$e->getMessage()); return FALSE; } } public function listUsers($username = NULL) { $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM users'.( $username ? ' WHERE username=?' : ''); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, ( $username ? array($username) : array())); list($count) = $query->fetch(); return $count; } public function getUserPassword($userID) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?"; $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array($userID)); $password = $query->fetchAll(); return isset($password[0]['password']) ? $password[0]['password'] : null; } public function deleteUserConfig($userID) { $sql_action = 'DELETE from users_config WHERE user_id=?'; $params_action = array($userID); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_action, $params_action); return $query; } public function deleteTagsEntriesAndEntries($userID) { $entries = $this->retrieveAll($userID); foreach($entries as $entryid) { $tags = $this->retrieveTagsByEntry($entryid); foreach($tags as $tag) { $this->removeTagForEntry($entryid,$tags); } $this->deleteById($entryid,$userID); } } public function deleteUser($userID) { $sql_action = 'DELETE from users WHERE id=?'; $params_action = array($userID); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_action, $params_action); } public function updateContentAndTitle($id, $title, $body, $user_id) { $sql_action = 'UPDATE entries SET content = ?, title = ? WHERE id=? AND user_id=?'; $params_action = array($body, $title, $id, $user_id); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_action, $params_action); return $query; } public function retrieveUnfetchedEntries($user_id, $limit) { $sql_limit = "LIMIT 0,".$limit; if (STORAGE == 'postgres') { $sql_limit = "LIMIT ".$limit." OFFSET 0"; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM entries WHERE (content = '' OR content IS NULL) AND title LIKE '%Import%' AND user_id=? ORDER BY id " . $sql_limit; $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array($user_id)); $entries = $query->fetchAll(); return $entries; } public function retrieveUnfetchedEntriesCount($user_id) { $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM entries WHERE (content = '' OR content IS NULL) AND title LIKE '%Import%' AND user_id=?"; $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array($user_id)); list($count) = $query->fetch(); return $count; } public function retrieveAll($user_id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM entries WHERE user_id=? ORDER BY id"; $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array($user_id)); $entries = $query->fetchAll(); return $entries; } public function retrieveOneById($id, $user_id) { $entry = NULL; $sql = "SELECT * FROM entries WHERE id=? AND user_id=?"; $params = array(intval($id), $user_id); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params); $entry = $query->fetchAll(); return isset($entry[0]) ? $entry[0] : null; } public function retrieveOneByURL($url, $user_id) { $entry = NULL; $sql = "SELECT * FROM entries WHERE url=? AND user_id=?"; $params = array($url, $user_id); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params); $entry = $query->fetchAll(); return isset($entry[0]) ? $entry[0] : null; } public function reassignTags($old_entry_id, $new_entry_id) { $sql = "UPDATE tags_entries SET entry_id=? WHERE entry_id=?"; $params = array($new_entry_id, $old_entry_id); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params); } public function getEntriesByView($view, $user_id, $limit = '', $tag_id = 0) { switch ($view) { case 'archive': $sql = "SELECT * FROM entries WHERE user_id=? AND is_read=? "; $params = array($user_id, 1); break; case 'fav' : $sql = "SELECT * FROM entries WHERE user_id=? AND is_fav=? "; $params = array($user_id, 1); break; case 'tag' : $sql = "SELECT entries.* FROM entries LEFT JOIN tags_entries ON tags_entries.entry_id=entries.id WHERE entries.user_id=? AND tags_entries.tag_id = ? "; $params = array($user_id, $tag_id); break; default: $sql = "SELECT * FROM entries WHERE user_id=? AND is_read=? "; $params = array($user_id, 0); break; } $sql .= $this->getEntriesOrder().' ' . $limit; $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params); $entries = $query->fetchAll(); return $entries; } public function getEntriesByViewCount($view, $user_id, $tag_id = 0) { switch ($view) { case 'archive': $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM entries WHERE user_id=? AND is_read=? "; $params = array($user_id, 1); break; case 'fav' : $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM entries WHERE user_id=? AND is_fav=? "; $params = array($user_id, 1); break; case 'tag' : $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM entries LEFT JOIN tags_entries ON tags_entries.entry_id=entries.id WHERE entries.user_id=? AND tags_entries.tag_id = ? "; $params = array($user_id, $tag_id); break; default: $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM entries WHERE user_id=? AND is_read=? "; $params = array($user_id, 0); break; } $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params); list($count) = $query->fetch(); return $count; } public function getRandomId($user_id) { $random = (STORAGE == 'mysql') ? 'RAND()' : 'RANDOM()'; $sql = "SELECT id FROM entries WHERE user_id=? ORDER BY ". $random . " LIMIT 1"; $params = array($user_id); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params); $id = $query->fetchAll(); return $id; } public function updateContent($id, $content, $user_id) { $sql_action = 'UPDATE entries SET content = ? WHERE id=? AND user_id=?'; $params_action = array($content, $id, $user_id); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_action, $params_action); return $query; } /** * * @param string $url * @param string $title * @param string $content * @param integer $user_id * @return integer $id of inserted record */ public function add($url, $title, $content, $user_id, $isFavorite=0, $isRead=0) { $sql_action = 'INSERT INTO entries ( url, title, content, user_id, is_fav, is_read ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; $params_action = array($url, $title, $content, $user_id, $isFavorite, $isRead); if ( !$this->executeQuery($sql_action, $params_action) ) { $id = null; } else { $id = intval($this->getLastId( (STORAGE == 'postgres') ? 'entries_id_seq' : '') ); } return $id; } public function deleteById($id, $user_id) { $sql_action = "DELETE FROM entries WHERE id=? AND user_id=?"; $params_action = array($id, $user_id); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_action, $params_action); return $query; } public function favoriteById($id, $user_id) { $sql_action = "UPDATE entries SET is_fav=NOT is_fav WHERE id=? AND user_id=?"; $params_action = array($id, $user_id); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_action, $params_action); } public function archiveById($id, $user_id) { $sql_action = "UPDATE entries SET is_read=NOT is_read WHERE id=? AND user_id=?"; $params_action = array($id, $user_id); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_action, $params_action); } public function archiveAll($user_id) { $sql_action = "UPDATE entries SET is_read=? WHERE user_id=? AND is_read=?"; $params_action = array($user_id, 1, 0); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_action, $params_action); } public function getLastId($column = '') { return $this->getHandle()->lastInsertId($column); } public function search($term, $user_id, $limit = '') { $search = '%'.$term.'%'; $sql_action = "SELECT * FROM entries WHERE user_id=? AND (content LIKE ? OR title LIKE ? OR url LIKE ?) "; //searches in content, title and URL $sql_action .= $this->getEntriesOrder().' ' . $limit; $params_action = array($user_id, $search, $search, $search); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_action, $params_action); return $query->fetchAll(); } public function retrieveAllTags($user_id, $term = NULL) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT tags.*, count(entries.id) AS entriescount FROM tags LEFT JOIN tags_entries ON tags_entries.tag_id=tags.id LEFT JOIN entries ON tags_entries.entry_id=entries.id WHERE entries.user_id=? ". (($term) ? "AND lower(tags.value) LIKE ?" : '') ." GROUP BY tags.id, tags.value ORDER BY tags.value"; $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, (($term)? array($user_id, strtolower('%'.$term.'%')) : array($user_id) )); $tags = $query->fetchAll(); return $tags; } public function retrieveTag($id, $user_id) { $tag = NULL; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT tags.* FROM tags LEFT JOIN tags_entries ON tags_entries.tag_id=tags.id LEFT JOIN entries ON tags_entries.entry_id=entries.id WHERE tags.id=? AND entries.user_id=?"; $params = array(intval($id), $user_id); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params); $tag = $query->fetchAll(); return isset($tag[0]) ? $tag[0] : NULL; } public function retrieveEntriesByTag($tag_id, $user_id) { $sql = "SELECT entries.* FROM entries LEFT JOIN tags_entries ON tags_entries.entry_id=entries.id WHERE tags_entries.tag_id = ? AND entries.user_id=? ORDER by entries.id DESC"; $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array($tag_id, $user_id)); $entries = $query->fetchAll(); return $entries; } public function retrieveTagsByEntry($entry_id) { $sql = "SELECT tags.* FROM tags LEFT JOIN tags_entries ON tags_entries.tag_id=tags.id WHERE tags_entries.entry_id = ?"; $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array($entry_id)); $tags = $query->fetchAll(); return $tags; } public function removeTagForEntry($entry_id, $tag_id) { $sql_action = "DELETE FROM tags_entries WHERE tag_id=? AND entry_id=?"; $params_action = array($tag_id, $entry_id); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_action, $params_action); return $query; } public function cleanUnusedTag($tag_id) { $sql_action = "SELECT tags.* FROM tags JOIN tags_entries ON tags_entries.tag_id=tags.id WHERE tags.id=?"; $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_action,array($tag_id)); $tagstokeep = $query->fetchAll(); $sql_action = "SELECT tags.* FROM tags LEFT JOIN tags_entries ON tags_entries.tag_id=tags.id WHERE tags.id=?"; $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_action,array($tag_id)); $alltags = $query->fetchAll(); foreach ($alltags as $tag) { if ($tag && !in_array($tag,$tagstokeep)) { $sql_action = "DELETE FROM tags WHERE id=?"; $params_action = array($tag[0]); $this->executeQuery($sql_action, $params_action); return true; } } } public function retrieveTagByValue($value) { $tag = NULL; $sql = "SELECT * FROM tags WHERE value=?"; $params = array($value); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params); $tag = $query->fetchAll(); return isset($tag[0]) ? $tag[0] : null; } public function createTag($value) { $sql_action = 'INSERT INTO tags ( value ) VALUES (?)'; $params_action = array($value); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_action, $params_action); return $query; } public function setTagToEntry($tag_id, $entry_id) { $sql_action = 'INSERT INTO tags_entries ( tag_id, entry_id ) VALUES (?, ?)'; $params_action = array($tag_id, $entry_id); $query = $this->executeQuery($sql_action, $params_action); return $query; } private function getEntriesOrder() { if (isset($_SESSION['sort']) and array_key_exists($_SESSION['sort'], $this->order)) { return $this->order[$_SESSION['sort']]; } else { return $this->order['default']; } } }