#!/usr/bin/env bash # check_dnssec_expiry.sh # # Copyright 2017 by Mario Rimann # Licensed under the permissive MIT license, see LICENSE.md # # Development of this script was partially sponsored by my # employer internezzo, see http://www.internezzo.ch # # If this script helps you to make your work easier, please consider # to give feedback or do something good, see https://rimann.org/support usage() { cat - >&2 << _EOT_ usage $0 -z [-w ] [-c ] [-r ] [-f ] -z specify zone to check -w warning time left percentage -c critical time left percentage -r specify which resolver to use. -f specify a domain that will always fail DNSSEC. used to test if DNSSEC is supported in used tools. -t specify a DNS record type for calculating the remaining lifetime. For example SOA, A, etc. _EOT_ exit 255 } # Parse the input options while getopts ":z:w:c:r:f:h:t:" opt; do case $opt in z) zone=$OPTARG ;; w) warning=$OPTARG ;; c) critical=$OPTARG ;; r) resolver=$OPTARG ;; f) alwaysFailingDomain=$OPTARG ;; t) recordType=$OPTARG ;; h) usage ;; esac done # Check if dig is available at all - fail hard if not pathToDig=$( which dig ) if [[ ! -e $pathToDig ]]; then echo "No executable of dig found, cannot proceed without dig. Sorry!" exit 1 fi # Check if we got a zone to validate - fail hard if not if [[ -z $zone ]]; then echo "Missing zone to test - please provide a zone via the -z parameter." usage exit 3 fi # Check if we got warning/critical percentage values, use defaults if not if [[ -z $warning ]]; then warning=20 fi if [[ -z $critical ]]; then critical=10 fi # Use Google's resolver as fallback if none is provided if [[ -z $resolver ]]; then resolver="" fi if [[ -z $alwaysFailingDomain ]]; then alwaysFailingDomain="dnssec-failed.org" fi # Use SOA record type as fallback if [[ -z $recordType ]]; then recordType="SOA" fi # Check the resolver to properly validate DNSSEC at all (if he doesn't, every further test is futile and a waste of bandwith) checkResolverDoesDnssecValidation=$(dig +nocmd +nostats +noquestion $alwaysFailingDomain @${resolver} | grep "opcode: QUERY" | grep "status: SERVFAIL") if [[ -z $checkResolverDoesDnssecValidation ]]; then echo "WARNING: Resolver seems to not validate DNSSEC signatures - going further seems hopeless right now." exit 1 fi # Check if the resolver delivers an answer for the domain to test checkDomainResolvableWithDnssecEnabledResolver=$(dig +short @${resolver} SOA $zone) if [[ -z $checkDomainResolvableWithDnssecEnabledResolver ]]; then checkDomainResolvableWithDnssecValidationExplicitelyDisabled=$(dig +short @${resolver} SOA $zone +cd) if [[ ! -z $checkDomainResolvableWithDnssecValidationExplicitelyDisabled ]]; then echo "CRITICAL: The domain $zone can be validated without DNSSEC validation - but will fail on resolvers that do validate DNSSEC." exit 2 else echo "CRITICAL: The domain $zone cannot be resolved via $resolver as resolver while DNSSEC validation is active." exit 2 fi fi # Check if the domain is DNSSEC signed at all # (and emerge a WARNING in that case, since this check is about testing DNSSEC being "present" and valid which is not the case for an unsigned zone) checkZoneItselfIsSignedAtAll=$( dig $zone @$resolver DS +short ) if [[ -z $checkZoneItselfIsSignedAtAll ]]; then echo "WARNING: Zone $zone seems to be unsigned itself (= resolvable, but no DNSSEC involved at all)" exit 1 fi # Check if there are multiple RRSIG responses and check them one after the other now=$(date +"%s") rrsigEntries=$( dig @$resolver $recordType $zone +dnssec | grep RRSIG ) if [[ -z $rrsigEntries ]]; then echo "CRITICAL: There is no RRSIG for the SOA of your zone." exit 2 else while read -r rrsig; do # Get the RRSIG entry and extract the date out of it expiryDateOfSignature=$( echo $rrsig | awk '{print $9}') checkValidityOfExpirationTimestamp=$( echo $expiryDateOfSignature | egrep '[0-9]{14}') if [[ -z $checkValidityOfExpirationTimestamp ]]; then echo "UNKNOWN: Something went wrong while checking the expiration of the RRSIG entry - investigate please". exit 3 fi inceptionDateOfSignature=$( echo $rrsig | awk '{print $10}') checkValidityOfInceptionTimestamp=$( echo $inceptionDateOfSignature | egrep '[0-9]{14}') if [[ -z $checkValidityOfInceptionTimestamp ]]; then echo "UNKNOWN: Something went wrong while checking the inception date of the RRSIG entry - investigate please". exit 3 fi # Fiddle out the expiry and inceptiondate of the signature to have a base to do some calculations afterwards expiryDateAsString="${expiryDateOfSignature:0:4}-${expiryDateOfSignature:4:2}-${expiryDateOfSignature:6:2} ${expiryDateOfSignature:8:2}:${expiryDateOfSignature:10:2}:00" expiryDateOfSignatureAsUnixTime=$( date -u -d "$expiryDateAsString" +"%s" 2>/dev/null ) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then # if we come to this place, something must have gone wrong converting the date-string. This can happen as e.g. MacOS X and Linux don't behave the same way in this topic... expiryDateOfSignatureAsUnixTime=$( date -j -u -f "%Y-%m-%d %T" "$expiryDateAsString" +"%s" ) fi inceptionDateAsString="${inceptionDateOfSignature:0:4}-${inceptionDateOfSignature:4:2}-${inceptionDateOfSignature:6:2} ${inceptionDateOfSignature:8:2}:${inceptionDateOfSignature:10:2}:00" inceptionDateOfSignatureAsUnixTime=$( date -u -d "$inceptionDateAsString" +"%s" 2>/dev/null ) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then # if we come to this place, something must have gone wrong converting the date-string. This can happen as e.g. MacOS X and Linux don't behave the same way in this topic... inceptionDateOfSignatureAsUnixTime=$( date -j -u -f "%Y-%m-%d %T" "$inceptionDateAsString" +"%s" ) fi # calculate the remaining lifetime of the signature totalLifetime=$( expr $expiryDateOfSignatureAsUnixTime - $inceptionDateOfSignatureAsUnixTime) remainingLifetimeOfSignature=$( expr $expiryDateOfSignatureAsUnixTime - $now) remainingPercentage=$( expr "100" \* $remainingLifetimeOfSignature / $totalLifetime) # store the result of this single RRSIG's check if [[ -z $maxRemainingLifetime || $remainingLifetimeOfSignature -gt $maxRemainingLifetime ]]; then maxRemainingLifetime=$remainingLifetimeOfSignature maxRemainingPercentage=$remainingPercentage fi done <<< "$rrsigEntries" fi # determine if we need to alert, and if so, how loud to cry, depending on warning/critial threshholds provided if [[ $maxRemainingPercentage -lt $critical ]]; then echo "CRITICAL: DNSSEC signature for $zone is very short before expiration! ($maxRemainingPercentage% remaining) | sig_lifetime=$maxRemainingLifetime sig_lifetime_percentage=$remainingPercentage%;$warning;$critical" exit 2 elif [[ $remainingPercentage -lt $warning ]]; then echo "WARNING: DNSSEC signature for $zone is short before expiration! ($maxRemainingPercentage% remaining) | sig_lifetime=$maxRemainingLifetime sig_lifetime_percentage=$remainingPercentage%;$warning;$critical" exit 1 else echo "OK: DNSSEC signatures for $zone seem to be valid and not expired ($maxRemainingPercentage% remaining) | sig_lifetime=$maxRemainingLifetime sig_lifetime_percentage=$remainingPercentage%;$warning;$critical" exit 0 fi