#!/usr/bin/env bash # FLG - Fast Lacells.db Generator # # Simple script to quickly download and generate lacells.db for LocalGSMBackend by n76 # https://github.com/n76/Local-GSM-Backend # Uses Mozilla Location Service, OpenCellID and radiocells.org databases as source # Based on lacells-creator by wvengen and n76 # # Licensed under GPLv3 or later # (C)2016 Sebastian Obrusiewicz # sobrus@o2.pl if [ -z "$IN_BUILDBOT" ]; then #DEFAULT_CONFIG_BEGIN ENABLE_OCI=1 #enable OpenCellID data source ENABLE_MOZ=1 #enable Mozilla Location Services (MLS) data source ENABLE_RCO=0 #enable radiocells.org data source (it can be quite slow) # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_country_code # 208 France MCC="" #contry codes separated with "|", for example "260|262". Leave dot+asterisk ".*" for all countries RCO_SRC_FILE="fr.sqlite" #radiocells.org source database file, set "openbmap.sqlite" for entire world database, see https://radiocells.org/downloads for smaller country specific files, for example "pl.sqlite" for Poland RADIO="" #you can remove LTE if your phone does not support it TOKEN="" #your OCID token, required to download from OpenCellID. Get your free token at https://opencellid.org/ fi TMPDIR='.' #for temporary files only, use disk if you don't have enough RAM, AND remember to have enough disk space in /var/tmp for sqlite temporary files KEEP_FILES=1 #whether to keep (1) or delete (0) the CSV files after processing #do not edit following variables, unless you know what you're doing EMPTY=',,,,,,,,,,,,,' #dummy empty file for disabled sources OCI_FILE=$TMPDIR"/ocid.csv" #opencellid temporary file MOZ_FILE=$TMPDIR"/mozilla.csv" #mozilla temporary file RCO_FILE=$TMPDIR"/rco.csv" #radiocells.org temporary file #DEFAULT_CONFIG_END #USER_CONFIG_BEGIN BINDIR=$( dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")" ) #" if [[ -f "${BINDIR}/config" ]]; then . "${BINDIR}/config" fi #USER_CONFIG_END function manage_backup { file=$1 if [ -s $file ] then if [ $KEEP_FILES == "1" ] then gzip -kf $file fi elif [ -s $file".gz" ] && [ "${file##*.}" == "csv" ] then echo "Using" $file".gz backup file" gzip -dkf $file".gz" fi } function download_ocid { URL="https://opencellid.org/ocid/downloads?token=${TOKEN}&type=full&file=cell_towers.csv.gz" if [ $ENABLE_OCI == "1" ] then wget -qO- "$URL" | gunzip | egrep "^($RADIO),($MCC)," > $OCI_FILE manage_backup $OCI_FILE else echo $EMPTY > $OCI_FILE fi } function download_mozilla { if [ $ENABLE_MOZ == "1" ] then NW=`date -u "+%Y-%m-%d"` # Found on https://location.services.mozilla.com/downloads wget -qO- "https://d2koia3g127518.cloudfront.net/export/MLS-full-cell-export-${NW}T000000.csv.gz" | gunzip | egrep "^($RADIO),($MCC)," > $MOZ_FILE manage_backup $MOZ_FILE else echo $EMPTY > $MOZ_FILE fi } function download_radiocells { if [ $ENABLE_RCO == "1" ] then RCO_SELECT="SELECT technology, mcc, mnc, area, cid, NULL, longitude, latitude, 1000 accuracy, measurements, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL FROM cell_zone;" wget -qO- "https://cdn.radiocells.org/"$RCO_SRC_FILE > $TMPDIR"/"$RCO_SRC_FILE sqlite3 -header -csv $TMPDIR"/"$RCO_SRC_FILE "$RCO_SELECT" | egrep "^($RADIO),($MCC)," > $RCO_FILE rm $TMPDIR"/"$RCO_SRC_FILE manage_backup $RCO_FILE else echo $EMPTY > $RCO_FILE fi } echo "Downloading data" download_ocid & OP=$! download_mozilla & MO=$! download_radiocells & RO=$! wait $OP wait $MO wait $RO if [ -s $MOZ_FILE ] && [ -s $OCI_FILE ] && [ -s $RCO_FILE ] then manage_backup lacells.db rm lacells.db echo "Generating database" sqlite3 lacells.db <<-SQL PRAGMA synchronous = OFF; PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF; CREATE TEMP TABLE cells_import (radio TEXT,mcc INTEGER,mnc INTEGER,lac INTEGER,cid INTEGER,unit STRING,longitude NUMERIC,latitude NUMERIC,accuracy INTEGER,samples INTEGER,changeable BOOLEAN,created INTEGER,updated INTEGER, avgSignal INTEGER); CREATE TABLE cells (mcc INTEGER,mnc INTEGER,lac INTEGER,cid INTEGER,longitude REAL,latitude REAL,altitude REAL,accuracy REAL,samples INTEGER); .header on .mode csv .import "$OCI_FILE" cells_import .import "$MOZ_FILE" cells_import .import "$RCO_FILE" cells_import UPDATE cells_import SET samples=1 WHERE samples IS NULL OR samples < 1; INSERT INTO cells SELECT mcc, mnc, lac, cid, sum(longitude * samples) / sum(samples) as longitude, sum(latitude * samples) / sum(samples) as latitude, -1 as altitude, sum(accuracy * samples) / sum(samples) as accuracy, sum(samples) as samples FROM cells_import GROUP BY mcc, mnc, lac, cid; DROP TABLE cells_import; UPDATE cells SET accuracy=500 WHERE accuracy < 500; UPDATE cells SET accuracy=100000 WHERE accuracy > 100000; CREATE INDEX _idx1 ON cells (mcc, mnc, lac, cid); CREATE INDEX _idx2 ON cells (lac, cid); VACUUM; SQL else echo "Download error" fi rm $OCI_FILE rm $MOZ_FILE rm $RCO_FILE