{ pkgs }: with pkgs; let # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/stdenv/generic/setup.sh # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/doc/languages-frameworks vlock' = vlock.overrideAttrs(old: { configureFlags = old.configureFlags ++ [ "--enable-root-password=no" ]; }); go-task' = writeScriptBin "go-task" '' #!/usr/bin/env bash export TASK_TEMP_DIR=$XDG_STATE_HOME/go-task exec ${go-task}/bin/go-task -t $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/go-task/Taskfile.yaml "$@" ''; paths = [ # archives lzo unzip bzip2 xz # unrar is unfree # backups duply # calendar/contacts abook khard khal cadaver vdirsyncerStable pal # computing boinctui # cryptocurrencies monero cointop # failing xmr-stak solc iota-cli-app # debugging rr valgrind netcat-gnu strace shellcheck # documentations unicodeDoc # e-mails muttprint mutt-ics notmuch-python3 notmuch-vim neomutt mairix bogofilter fetchmail sieve-connect # git vcsh gitRepo stgit tig ripgrep mr delta # graphical tools nextcloud-client firefox dwm dmenu st xorg.xauth tigervnc # images feh imagemagick tiv graphicsmagick qrcode # internet browsing w3m lynx links2 elinks browsh python3Packages.woob urlview urlscan googler urlwatch # less python3Packages.pygments lesspipe highlight sourceHighlight # monitoring cnagios mtop pg_activity nagios-cli mtr iftop htop iotop iperf bonfire goaccess tcpdump wireshark-cli tcpflow mitmproxy # nagnu # messaging/forums/news flrn slrn signal-cli signaldctl telegram-cli telegram-history-dump telegramircd weechat profanity newsboat irssi # nix yarn2nix-moretea.yarn2nix nixUnstable nix-prefetch-scripts nix-generate-from-cpan bundix nodePackages.bower2nix nix-diff nodePackages.node2nix niv # (nixos {}).nixos-generate-config # (nixos {}).nixos-install # (nixos {}).nixos-enter # (nixos {}).manual.manpages # note taking note terminal-velocity jrnl doing nb # office sc-im ranger genius bc ledger tmux rtorrent ldapvi fzf buku vimPlugins.vim-plug (vim_configurable.override { python = python3; }) mailcap webapps.surfer # password management (pass.withExtensions (exts: [ exts.pass-otp ])) apg pwgen # pdf pdftk poppler_utils # programming emacs-nox ctags wdiff patch gnumake # security keybase gnupg # todolist/time management taskwarrior vit timewarrior taskopen bugwarrior # video/music youtube-dl ncmpc ncmpcpp ffmpeg # s6 tools (part of skawarePackages) skalibs execline s6 s6-dns s6-linux-utils s6-networking s6-portable-utils # system tools inetutils bind.dnsutils httpie ngrep nmap p0f socat lsof psmisc wget patchelf rename tmux (lib.meta.hiPrio nettools) vlock' mosh man-pages openssl openssl.doc openssl.man sshfs ncdu procps-watch8bit # other tools pgloader s3cmd lftp jq cpulimit libxslt gandi-cli bubblewrap # AWS awscli ansible openvpn zsh-completions python3Packages.hetzner smartmontools go-task' ]; in buildEnv { name = "immae-eu-packages"; inherit paths; pathsToLink = [ "/bin" "/etc" "/include" "/lib" "/libexec" "/share"]; extraOutputsToInstall = [ "bin" "man" "doc" "info" ]; passthru = { packages = paths; }; }