Create an account and authentication ==================================== Register -------- On the login page, click on ``Register`` button. .. image:: ../../img/user/registration_form.png :alt: Registration form :align: center You have to fill the form. Please sure to type a valid email address, we'll send you an activation email. .. image:: ../../img/user/sent_email.png :alt: Email was sent to activate account :align: center Check your inbox, you now have a new mail with a link like this ``http://wallabag/register/confirm/Ba19wokGovN-DdBQNfg4YgRkUQWRP4-k2g0Bk-hBTX4``. Click on it to activate your account. Your account is now activated. .. image:: ../../img/user/activated_account.png :alt: Welcome on board! :align: center Login ----- Your account is now enabled, congratulations! To login to wallabag, fill the form on login page. If you are on your personal computer and you want to stay connected, you can check the ``Keep me logged in`` checkbox: wallabag will remember you for one year. .. image:: ../../img/user/login_form.png :alt: Login form :align: center