Articles behind a paywall ========================= wallabag can fetch articles from websites which use a paywall system. Enable paywall authentication ----------------------------- In internal settings, in the **Article** section, enable authentication for websites with paywall (with the value 1). Configure credentials in wallabag --------------------------------- Edit your ``app/config/parameters.yml`` file to edit credentials for each website with paywall. Here is an example for some french websites: .. code:: yaml sites_credentials: {username: "myMediapartLogin", password: "mypassword"} {username: "myASILogin", password: "mypassword"} .. note:: These credentials will be shared between each user of your wallabag instance. Parsing configuration files --------------------------- .. note:: Read `this part of the documentation `_ to understand the configuration files. Each parsing configuration file needs to be improved by adding ``requires_login``, ``login_uri``, ``login_username_field``, ``login_password_field`` and ``not_logged_in_xpath``. Be careful, the login form must be in the page content when wallabag loads it. It's impossible for wallabag to be authenticated on a website where the login form is loaded after the page (by ajax for example). ``login_uri`` is the action URL of the form (``action`` attribute in the form). ``login_username_field`` is the ``name`` attribute of the login field. ``login_password_field`` is the ``name`` attribute of the password field. For example: .. code:: title://div[@id="titrage-contenu"]/h1[@class="title"] body: //div[@class="contenu-html"]/div[@class="page-pane"] requires_login: yes login_uri: login_username_field: username login_password_field: password not_logged_in_xpath: //body[@class="not-logged-in"]