.. _`Framabag account creation`: Framabag account creation ========================= If you do not want to install and update wallabag, or if you do not have the know-how to install it, it is possible to create an account for free at `Framabag.org `__. Account creation ---------------- Click on the button **Créez votre compte / Create your account**. You have to input some information: your username, your password and your email address. Your address is used only to validate your account, except if you check the box to subscribe the newsletter (3 to 4 messages per year). Once this form validated, you will receive an email with the confirmation link. Click on it to create your account. You will receive a last email with the address of your Framabag account, which will look like ``https://www.framabag.org/u/Your-username``. Information storage ------------------- Framabag use one database per user. We do not and will not use your stored data. You have forgotten your password -------------------------------- | If you have forgotten your password to get connected to Framabag, a form is available `on the main page of the service `__. | Fill it, and a confirmation will be sent to you and will allow you to input a new password. Account deletion ---------------- If you wish to delete your account, contact us by email: hello@wallabag.org using the address your created your account with, and state your username. We will answer you after your account has been deleted: then, no information about you will be stored by Framabag.