# Development If you want to contribute to Homer, please read the [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/bastienwirtz/homer/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) first. ```sh # Using yarn (recommended) yarn install yarn dev # **OR** Using npm npm install npm run dev ``` ## Custom services Custom services are small VueJs component (see `src/components/services/`) that add little features to a classic, "static", dashboard item. It should be very simple. A dashboard can contain a lot of items, so performance is very important. The [`Generic`](https://github.com/bastienwirtz/homer/blob/main/src/components/services/Generic.vue) service provides a typical card layout which you can extend to add specific features. Unless you want a completely different design, extended the generic service is the recommended way. It gives you 3 [slots](https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-slots.html#Named-Slots) to extend: `icon`, `content` and `indicator`. Each one is **optional**, and will display the usual information if omitted. Each service must implement the `item` [property](https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-props.html) and bind it the Generic component if used. ### Skeleton ```Vue ``` ## Themes Themes are meant to be simple customization (written in [scss](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/syntax)). To add a new theme, just add a file in the theme directory, and put all style in the `body #app.theme-` scope. Then import it in the main style file. ```scss // `src/assets/themes/my-awesome-theme.scss` body #app.theme-my-awesome-theme. { ... } ``` ```scss // `src/assets/app.scss` // Themes import @import "./themes/sui.scss"; ... @import "./themes/my-awesome-theme.scss"; ```