package db type Migration struct { Version int64 Up []string Down []string } var migrations []Migration = []Migration{ { Version: 1, Up: []string{ `CREATE TABLE users ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, email text NOT NULL, password_hash text NOT NULL, otp_secret text, is_otp_setup boolean, status smallint, UNIQUE(email) )`, `CREATE TABLE market_configs ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, market_name text NOT NULL, user_id bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, config jsonb )`, `CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS market_name_user_id_idx ON public.market_configs (user_id, market_name)`, `CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS market_configs_user_id ON market_configs (user_id)`, `CREATE TABLE reports ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, market_config_id bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES market_configs(id), debug boolean )`, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS reports_market_config_id ON reports (market_config_id)", `CREATE TABLE report_lines ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, report_id bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES reports(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, type text, payload jsonb )`, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS report_lines_report_id ON report_lines (report_id)", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS report_lines_type ON report_lines (type)", `CREATE VIEW view_report_lines_by_user AS SELECT, AS report_id, market_configs.market_name, AS user_id, AS user_email, AS report_date,, report_lines.payload FROM public.report_lines JOIN public.reports ON = report_lines.report_id JOIN public.market_configs ON reports.market_config_id = JOIN public.users ON market_configs.user_id =`, }, Down: []string{"DROP VIEW view_report_lines_by_user", "DROP TABLE report_lines", "DROP TABLE reports", "DROP TABLE market_configs", "DROP TABLE users"}, }, { Version: 201805061000, Up: []string{ `CREATE VIEW "view_balances" AS SELECT, AS report_id, market_configs.market_name, AS market_id, AS report_date,, report_lines.payload FROM report_lines JOIN reports ON = report_lines.report_id JOIN market_configs ON reports.market_config_id = WHERE report_lines.payload::jsonb->>'checkpoint' IS NOT NULL`, `CREATE INDEX checkpoints_idx ON report_lines ((payload->>'checkpoint'))`, }, Down: []string{"DROP VIEW view_balances", "DROP INDEX checkpoints_idx"}, }, { Version: 201805101000, Up: []string{ "CREATE TYPE market_config_status AS ENUM ('enabled', 'disabled', 'invalid_credentials')", "ALTER TABLE market_configs ADD status market_config_status NOT NULL DEFAULT 'disabled'", }, Down: []string{ "ALTER TABLE market_configs DROP COLUMN status", "DROP TYPE market_config_status", }, }, { Version: 201805131000, Up: []string{ "CREATE TYPE user_role AS ENUM ('admin', 'user')", "ALTER TABLE users ADD role user_role NOT NULL DEFAULT 'user'", }, Down: []string{ "ALTER TABLE users DROP COLUMN role", "DROP TYPE user_role", }, }, { Version: 201807311000, Up: []string{ "CREATE TYPE portfolio_profile AS ENUM ('high-liquidity', 'medium-liquidity')", `CREATE TABLE bot_settings ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, user_id bigint REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, portfolio_profile portfolio_profile )`, `CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS bot_settings_user_id ON bot_settings (user_id)`, `CREATE UNIQUE INDEX bot_settings_unique_null_user_id ON bot_settings (coalesce(user_id, 0))`, }, Down: []string{ "DROP TABLE bot_settings", "DROP TYPE portfolio_profile", }, }, { Version: 201808031000, Up: []string{ `CREATE VIEW market_configs_augmented AS SELECT market_configs.*, COALESCE(u.portfolio_profile, g.portfolio_profile) AS portfolio_profile FROM market_configs LEFT JOIN bot_settings AS u ON u.user_id = market_configs.user_id, ( SELECT portfolio_profile FROM bot_settings WHERE user_id IS NULL ) AS g`, }, Down: []string{ "DROP VIEW market_configs_augmented", }, }, { Version: 201808041000, Up: []string{ "CREATE TYPE sell_strategy AS ENUM ('sell-needed', 'sell-all')", "ALTER TABLE bot_settings ADD sell_strategy sell_strategy", `CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW market_configs_augmented AS SELECT market_configs.*, COALESCE(u.portfolio_profile, g.portfolio_profile) AS portfolio_profile, COALESCE(u.sell_strategy, g.sell_strategy) AS sell_strategy FROM market_configs LEFT JOIN bot_settings AS u ON u.user_id = market_configs.user_id, ( SELECT portfolio_profile, sell_strategy FROM bot_settings WHERE user_id IS NULL ) AS g`, }, Down: []string{ `CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW market_configs_augmented AS SELECT market_configs.*, COALESCE(u.portfolio_profile, g.portfolio_profile) AS portfolio_profile FROM market_configs LEFT JOIN bot_settings AS u ON u.user_id = market_configs.user_id, ( SELECT portfolio_profile FROM bot_settings WHERE user_id IS NULL ) AS g`, "ALTER TABLE bot_setttings DROP COLUMN sell_strategy", "DROP TYPE sell_strategy", }, }, }