import { peertubeTranslate } from '../../../../../shared/core-utils/i18n' import { HTMLServerConfig, LiveVideo, Video, VideoCaption, VideoDetails, VideoPlaylistElement, VideoState, VideoStreamingPlaylistType } from '../../../../../shared/models' import { P2PMediaLoaderOptions, PeertubePlayerManagerOptions, PlayerMode, VideoJSCaption } from '../../../assets/player' import { getBoolOrDefault, getParamString, getParamToggle, isP2PEnabled, logger, peertubeLocalStorage, UserLocalStorageKeys, videoRequiresAuth } from '../../../root-helpers' import { PeerTubePlugin } from './peertube-plugin' import { PlayerHTML } from './player-html' import { PlaylistTracker } from './playlist-tracker' import { Translations } from './translations' import { VideoFetcher } from './video-fetcher' export class PlayerManagerOptions { private autoplay: boolean private controls: boolean private controlBar: boolean private muted: boolean private loop: boolean private subtitle: string private enableApi = false private startTime: number | string = 0 private stopTime: number | string private title: boolean private warningTitle: boolean private peertubeLink: boolean private p2pEnabled: boolean private bigPlayBackgroundColor: string private foregroundColor: string private mode: PlayerMode private scope = 'peertube' constructor ( private readonly playerHTML: PlayerHTML, private readonly videoFetcher: VideoFetcher, private readonly peertubePlugin: PeerTubePlugin ) {} hasAPIEnabled () { return this.enableApi } hasAutoplay () { return this.autoplay } hasControls () { return this.controls } hasTitle () { return this.title } hasWarningTitle () { return this.warningTitle } hasP2PEnabled () { return !!this.p2pEnabled } hasBigPlayBackgroundColor () { return !!this.bigPlayBackgroundColor } getBigPlayBackgroundColor () { return this.bigPlayBackgroundColor } hasForegroundColor () { return !!this.foregroundColor } getForegroundColor () { return this.foregroundColor } getMode () { return this.mode } getScope () { return this.scope } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loadParams (config: HTMLServerConfig, video: VideoDetails) { try { const params = new URL(window.location.toString()).searchParams this.autoplay = getParamToggle(params, 'autoplay', false) // Disable auto play on live videos that are not streamed if ( === VideoState.LIVE_ENDED || === VideoState.WAITING_FOR_LIVE) { this.autoplay = false } this.controls = getParamToggle(params, 'controls', true) this.controlBar = getParamToggle(params, 'controlBar', true) this.muted = getParamToggle(params, 'muted', undefined) this.loop = getParamToggle(params, 'loop', false) this.title = getParamToggle(params, 'title', true) this.enableApi = getParamToggle(params, 'api', this.enableApi) this.warningTitle = getParamToggle(params, 'warningTitle', true) this.peertubeLink = getParamToggle(params, 'peertubeLink', true) this.p2pEnabled = getParamToggle(params, 'p2p', this.isP2PEnabled(config, video)) this.scope = getParamString(params, 'scope', this.scope) this.subtitle = getParamString(params, 'subtitle') this.startTime = getParamString(params, 'start') this.stopTime = getParamString(params, 'stop') this.bigPlayBackgroundColor = getParamString(params, 'bigPlayBackgroundColor') this.foregroundColor = getParamString(params, 'foregroundColor') const modeParam = getParamString(params, 'mode') if (modeParam) { if (modeParam === 'p2p-media-loader') this.mode = 'p2p-media-loader' else this.mode = 'webtorrent' } else { if (Array.isArray(video.streamingPlaylists) && video.streamingPlaylists.length !== 0) this.mode = 'p2p-media-loader' else this.mode = 'webtorrent' } } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot get params from URL.', err) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async getPlayerOptions (options: { video: VideoDetails captionsResponse: Response live?: LiveVideo forceAutoplay: boolean authorizationHeader: () => string videoFileToken: () => string serverConfig: HTMLServerConfig autoplayFromPreviousVideo: boolean translations: Translations playlistTracker?: PlaylistTracker playNextPlaylistVideo?: () => any playPreviousPlaylistVideo?: () => any onVideoUpdate?: (uuid: string) => any }) { const { video, captionsResponse, autoplayFromPreviousVideo, videoFileToken, translations, forceAutoplay, playlistTracker, live, authorizationHeader, serverConfig } = options const videoCaptions = await this.buildCaptions(captionsResponse, translations) const playerOptions: PeertubePlayerManagerOptions = { common: { // Autoplay in playlist mode autoplay: autoplayFromPreviousVideo ? true : this.autoplay, forceAutoplay, controls: this.controls, controlBar: this.controlBar, muted: this.muted, loop: this.loop, p2pEnabled: this.p2pEnabled, captions: videoCaptions.length !== 0, subtitle: this.subtitle, startTime: playlistTracker ? playlistTracker.getCurrentElement().startTimestamp : this.startTime, stopTime: playlistTracker ? playlistTracker.getCurrentElement().stopTimestamp : this.stopTime, videoCaptions, inactivityTimeout: 2500, videoViewUrl: this.videoFetcher.getVideoViewsUrl(video.uuid), metricsUrl: window.location.origin + '/api/v1/metrics/playback', videoShortUUID: video.shortUUID, videoUUID: video.uuid, playerElement: this.playerHTML.getPlayerElement(), onPlayerElementChange: (element: HTMLVideoElement) => { this.playerHTML.setPlayerElement(element) }, videoDuration: video.duration, enableHotkeys: true, peertubeLink: this.peertubeLink, instanceName:, poster: window.location.origin + video.previewPath, theaterButton: false, serverUrl: window.location.origin, language: navigator.language, embedUrl: window.location.origin + video.embedPath, embedTitle:, requiresAuth: videoRequiresAuth(video), authorizationHeader, videoFileToken, errorNotifier: () => { // Empty, we don't have a notifier in the embed }, ...this.buildLiveOptions(video, live), ...this.buildPlaylistOptions(options) }, webtorrent: { videoFiles: video.files }, ...this.buildP2PMediaLoaderOptions(video), pluginsManager: this.peertubePlugin.getPluginsManager() } return playerOptions } private buildLiveOptions (video: VideoDetails, live: LiveVideo) { if (!video.isLive) return { isLive: false } return { isLive: true, liveOptions: { latencyMode: live.latencyMode } } } private buildPlaylistOptions (options: { playlistTracker?: PlaylistTracker playNextPlaylistVideo?: () => any playPreviousPlaylistVideo?: () => any onVideoUpdate?: (uuid: string) => any }) { const { playlistTracker, playNextPlaylistVideo, playPreviousPlaylistVideo, onVideoUpdate } = options if (!playlistTracker) return {} return { playlist: { elements: playlistTracker.getPlaylistElements(), playlist: playlistTracker.getPlaylist(), getCurrentPosition: () => playlistTracker.getCurrentPosition(), onItemClicked: (videoPlaylistElement: VideoPlaylistElement) => { playlistTracker.setCurrentElement(videoPlaylistElement) onVideoUpdate( } }, nextVideo: () => playNextPlaylistVideo(), hasNextVideo: () => playlistTracker.hasNextPlaylistElement(), previousVideo: () => playPreviousPlaylistVideo(), hasPreviousVideo: () => playlistTracker.hasPreviousPlaylistElement() } } private buildP2PMediaLoaderOptions (video: VideoDetails) { if (this.mode !== 'p2p-media-loader') return {} const hlsPlaylist = video.streamingPlaylists.find(p => p.type === VideoStreamingPlaylistType.HLS) return { p2pMediaLoader: { playlistUrl: hlsPlaylist.playlistUrl, segmentsSha256Url: hlsPlaylist.segmentsSha256Url, redundancyBaseUrls: => r.baseUrl), trackerAnnounce: video.trackerUrls, videoFiles: hlsPlaylist.files } as P2PMediaLoaderOptions } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private async buildCaptions (captionsResponse: Response, translations: Translations): Promise { if (captionsResponse.ok) { const { data } = await captionsResponse.json() return VideoCaption) => ({ label: peertubeTranslate(c.language.label, translations), language:, src: window.location.origin + c.captionPath })) } return [] } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private isP2PEnabled (config: HTMLServerConfig, video: Video) { const userP2PEnabled = getBoolOrDefault( peertubeLocalStorage.getItem(UserLocalStorageKeys.P2P_ENABLED), config.defaults.p2p.embed.enabled ) return isP2PEnabled(video, config, userP2PEnabled) } }