import './embed.scss' import 'core-js/es6/symbol' import 'core-js/es6/object' import 'core-js/es6/function' import 'core-js/es6/parse-int' import 'core-js/es6/parse-float' import 'core-js/es6/number' import 'core-js/es6/math' import 'core-js/es6/string' import 'core-js/es6/date' import 'core-js/es6/array' import 'core-js/es6/regexp' import 'core-js/es6/map' import 'core-js/es6/weak-map' import 'core-js/es6/set' // For google bot that uses Chrome 41 and does not understand fetch import 'whatwg-fetch' import * as vjs from 'video.js' import * as Channel from 'jschannel' import { VideoDetails } from '../../../../shared' import { addContextMenu, getVideojsOptions, loadLocale } from '../../assets/player/peertube-player' import { PeerTubeResolution } from '../player/definitions'; /** * Embed API exposes control of the embed player to the outside world via * JSChannels and window.postMessage */ class PeerTubeEmbedApi { constructor( private embed : PeerTubeEmbed ) { } private channel : Channel.MessagingChannel private isReady = false private resolutions : PeerTubeResolution[] = null initialize() { this.constructChannel() this.setupStateTracking() // We're ready! this.notifyReady() } private get element() { return this.embed.videoElement } private constructChannel() { let channel ={ window: window.parent, origin: '*', scope: this.embed.scope }) channel.bind('play', (txn, params) => channel.bind('pause', (txn, params) => this.embed.player.pause()) channel.bind('seek', (txn, time) => this.embed.player.currentTime(time)) channel.bind('setVolume', (txn, value) => this.embed.player.volume(value)) channel.bind('getVolume', (txn, value) => this.embed.player.volume()) channel.bind('isReady', (txn, params) => this.isReady) channel.bind('setResolution', (txn, resolutionId) => this.setResolution(resolutionId)) channel.bind('getResolutions', (txn, params) => this.resolutions) channel.bind('setPlaybackRate', (txn, playbackRate) => this.embed.player.playbackRate(playbackRate)) channel.bind('getPlaybackRate', (txn, params) => this.embed.player.playbackRate()) channel.bind('getPlaybackRates', (txn, params) => this.embed.playerOptions.playbackRates) = channel } private setResolution(resolutionId : number) { if (resolutionId === -1 && this.embed.player.peertube().isAutoResolutionForbidden()) return // Auto resolution if (resolutionId === -1) { this.embed.player.peertube().enableAutoResolution() return } this.embed.player.peertube().disableAutoResolution() this.embed.player.peertube().updateResolution(resolutionId) } /** * Let the host know that we're ready to go! */ private notifyReady() { this.isReady = true{ method: 'ready', params: true }) } private setupStateTracking() { let currentState : 'playing' | 'paused' | 'unstarted' = 'unstarted' setInterval(() => { let position = this.element.currentTime let volume = this.element.volume{ method: 'playbackStatusUpdate', params: { position, volume, playbackState: currentState, } }) }, 500) this.element.addEventListener('play', ev => { currentState = 'playing'{ method: 'playbackStatusChange', params: 'playing' }) }) this.element.addEventListener('pause', ev => { currentState = 'paused'{ method: 'playbackStatusChange', params: 'paused' }) }) // PeerTube specific capabilities this.embed.player.peertube().on('autoResolutionUpdate', () => this.loadResolutions()) this.embed.player.peertube().on('videoFileUpdate', () => this.loadResolutions()) } private loadResolutions() { let resolutions = [] let currentResolutionId = this.embed.player.peertube().getCurrentResolutionId() for (const videoFile of this.embed.player.peertube().videoFiles) { let label = videoFile.resolution.label if (videoFile.fps && videoFile.fps >= 50) { label += videoFile.fps } resolutions.push({ id:, label, src: videoFile.magnetUri, active: === currentResolutionId }) } this.resolutions = resolutions{ method: 'resolutionUpdate', params: this.resolutions }) } } class PeerTubeEmbed { constructor( private videoContainerId : string ) { this.videoElement = document.getElementById(videoContainerId) as HTMLVideoElement } videoElement : HTMLVideoElement player : any playerOptions : any api : PeerTubeEmbedApi = null autoplay : boolean = false controls : boolean = true muted : boolean = false loop : boolean = false enableApi : boolean = false startTime : number = 0 scope : string = 'peertube' static async main() { const videoContainerId = 'video-container' const embed = new PeerTubeEmbed(videoContainerId) await embed.init() } getVideoUrl (id: string) { return window.location.origin + '/api/v1/videos/' + id } loadVideoInfo (videoId: string): Promise { return fetch(this.getVideoUrl(videoId)) } removeElement (element: HTMLElement) { element.parentElement.removeChild(element) } displayError (videoElement: HTMLVideoElement, text: string) { // Remove video element this.removeElement(videoElement) document.title = 'Sorry - ' + text const errorBlock = document.getElementById('error-block') = 'flex' const errorText = document.getElementById('error-content') errorText.innerHTML = text } videoNotFound (videoElement: HTMLVideoElement) { const text = 'This video does not exist.' this.displayError(videoElement, text) } videoFetchError (videoElement: HTMLVideoElement) { const text = 'We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.' this.displayError(videoElement, text) } getParamToggle (params: URLSearchParams, name: string, defaultValue: boolean) { return params.has(name) ? (params.get(name) === '1' || params.get(name) === 'true') : defaultValue } getParamString (params: URLSearchParams, name: string, defaultValue: string) { return params.has(name) ? params.get(name) : defaultValue } private initializeApi() { if (!this.enableApi) return this.api = new PeerTubeEmbedApi(this) this.api.initialize() } async init() { try { await this.initCore() } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } private loadParams() { try { let params = new URL(window.location.toString()).searchParams this.autoplay = this.getParamToggle(params, 'autoplay', this.autoplay) this.controls = this.getParamToggle(params, 'controls', this.controls) this.muted = this.getParamToggle(params, 'muted', this.muted) this.loop = this.getParamToggle(params, 'loop', this.loop) this.enableApi = this.getParamToggle(params, 'api', this.enableApi) this.scope = this.getParamString(params, 'scope', this.scope) const startTimeParamString = params.get('start') const startTimeParamNumber = parseInt(startTimeParamString, 10) if (isNaN(startTimeParamNumber) === false) this.startTime = startTimeParamNumber } catch (err) { console.error('Cannot get params from URL.', err) } } private async initCore() { const urlParts = window.location.href.split('/') const lastPart = urlParts[urlParts.length - 1] const videoId = lastPart.indexOf('?') === -1 ? lastPart : lastPart.split('?')[0] await loadLocale(window.location.origin, vjs, navigator.language) let response = await this.loadVideoInfo(videoId) if (!response.ok) { if (response.status === 404) return this.videoNotFound(this.videoElement) return this.videoFetchError(this.videoElement) } const videoInfo: VideoDetails = await response.json() this.loadParams() const videojsOptions = getVideojsOptions({ autoplay: this.autoplay, controls: this.controls, muted: this.muted, loop: this.loop, startTime : this.startTime, inactivityTimeout: 1500, videoViewUrl: this.getVideoUrl(videoId) + '/views', playerElement: this.videoElement, videoFiles: videoInfo.files, videoDuration: videoInfo.duration, enableHotkeys: true, peertubeLink: true, poster: window.location.origin + videoInfo.previewPath, theaterMode: false }) this.playerOptions = videojsOptions this.player = vjs(this.videoContainerId, videojsOptions, () => { window['videojsPlayer'] = this.player if (this.controls) { (this.player as any).dock({ title:, description: this.player.localize('Uses P2P, others may know your IP is downloading this video.') }) } addContextMenu(this.player, window.location.origin + videoInfo.embedPath) this.initializeApi() }) } } PeerTubeEmbed.main()