import './embed.scss' import { peertubeTranslate, ResultList, ServerConfig, VideoDetails } from '../../../../shared' import { VideoJSCaption } from '../../assets/player/peertube-videojs-typings' import { VideoCaption } from '../../../../shared/models/videos/caption/video-caption.model' import { P2PMediaLoaderOptions, PeertubePlayerManager, PeertubePlayerManagerOptions, PlayerMode } from '../../assets/player/peertube-player-manager' import { VideoStreamingPlaylistType } from '../../../../shared/models/videos/video-streaming-playlist.type' import { PeerTubeEmbedApi } from './embed-api' export class PeerTubeEmbed { videoElement: HTMLVideoElement player: any playerOptions: any api: PeerTubeEmbedApi = null autoplay: boolean controls: boolean muted: boolean loop: boolean subtitle: string enableApi = false startTime: number | string = 0 stopTime: number | string title: boolean warningTitle: boolean bigPlayBackgroundColor: string foregroundColor: string mode: PlayerMode scope = 'peertube' static async main () { const videoContainerId = 'video-container' const embed = new PeerTubeEmbed(videoContainerId) await embed.init() } constructor (private videoContainerId: string) { this.videoElement = document.getElementById(videoContainerId) as HTMLVideoElement } getVideoUrl (id: string) { return window.location.origin + '/api/v1/videos/' + id } loadVideoInfo (videoId: string): Promise { return fetch(this.getVideoUrl(videoId)) } loadVideoCaptions (videoId: string): Promise { return fetch(this.getVideoUrl(videoId) + '/captions') } loadConfig (): Promise { return fetch('/api/v1/config') } removeElement (element: HTMLElement) { element.parentElement.removeChild(element) } displayError (text: string, translations?: { [ id: string ]: string }) { // Remove video element if (this.videoElement) this.removeElement(this.videoElement) const translatedText = peertubeTranslate(text, translations) const translatedSorry = peertubeTranslate('Sorry', translations) document.title = translatedSorry + ' - ' + translatedText const errorBlock = document.getElementById('error-block') = 'flex' const errorTitle = document.getElementById('error-title') errorTitle.innerHTML = peertubeTranslate('Sorry', translations) const errorText = document.getElementById('error-content') errorText.innerHTML = translatedText } videoNotFound (translations?: { [ id: string ]: string }) { const text = 'This video does not exist.' this.displayError(text, translations) } videoFetchError (translations?: { [ id: string ]: string }) { const text = 'We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.' this.displayError(text, translations) } getParamToggle (params: URLSearchParams, name: string, defaultValue?: boolean) { return params.has(name) ? (params.get(name) === '1' || params.get(name) === 'true') : defaultValue } getParamString (params: URLSearchParams, name: string, defaultValue?: string) { return params.has(name) ? params.get(name) : defaultValue } async init () { try { await this.initCore() } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } private initializeApi () { if (!this.enableApi) return this.api = new PeerTubeEmbedApi(this) this.api.initialize() } private loadParams () { try { const params = new URL(window.location.toString()).searchParams this.autoplay = this.getParamToggle(params, 'autoplay', false) this.controls = this.getParamToggle(params, 'controls', true) this.muted = this.getParamToggle(params, 'muted', false) this.loop = this.getParamToggle(params, 'loop', false) this.title = this.getParamToggle(params, 'title', true) this.enableApi = this.getParamToggle(params, 'api', this.enableApi) this.warningTitle = this.getParamToggle(params, 'warningTitle', true) this.scope = this.getParamString(params, 'scope', this.scope) this.subtitle = this.getParamString(params, 'subtitle') this.startTime = this.getParamString(params, 'start') this.stopTime = this.getParamString(params, 'stop') this.bigPlayBackgroundColor = this.getParamString(params, 'bigPlayBackgroundColor') this.foregroundColor = this.getParamString(params, 'foregroundColor') this.mode = this.getParamString(params, 'mode') === 'p2p-media-loader' ? 'p2p-media-loader' : 'webtorrent' } catch (err) { console.error('Cannot get params from URL.', err) } } private async initCore () { const urlParts = window.location.pathname.split('/') const videoId = urlParts[ urlParts.length - 1 ] const [ serverTranslations, videoResponse, captionsResponse, configResponse ] = await Promise.all([ PeertubePlayerManager.getServerTranslations(window.location.origin, navigator.language), this.loadVideoInfo(videoId), this.loadVideoCaptions(videoId), this.loadConfig() ]) if (!videoResponse.ok) { if (videoResponse.status === 404) return this.videoNotFound(serverTranslations) return this.videoFetchError(serverTranslations) } const videoInfo: VideoDetails = await videoResponse.json() const videoCaptions = await this.buildCaptions(serverTranslations, captionsResponse) this.loadParams() const options: PeertubePlayerManagerOptions = { common: { autoplay: this.autoplay, controls: this.controls, muted: this.muted, loop: this.loop, captions: videoCaptions.length !== 0, startTime: this.startTime, stopTime: this.stopTime, subtitle: this.subtitle, videoCaptions, inactivityTimeout: 1500, videoViewUrl: this.getVideoUrl(videoId) + '/views', playerElement: this.videoElement, onPlayerElementChange: (element: HTMLVideoElement) => this.videoElement = element, videoDuration: videoInfo.duration, enableHotkeys: true, peertubeLink: true, poster: window.location.origin + videoInfo.previewPath, theaterMode: false, serverUrl: window.location.origin, language: navigator.language, embedUrl: window.location.origin + videoInfo.embedPath }, webtorrent: { videoFiles: videoInfo.files } } if (this.mode === 'p2p-media-loader') { const hlsPlaylist = videoInfo.streamingPlaylists.find(p => p.type === VideoStreamingPlaylistType.HLS) Object.assign(options, { p2pMediaLoader: { playlistUrl: hlsPlaylist.playlistUrl, segmentsSha256Url: hlsPlaylist.segmentsSha256Url, redundancyBaseUrls: => r.baseUrl), trackerAnnounce: videoInfo.trackerUrls, videoFiles: hlsPlaylist.files } as P2PMediaLoaderOptions }) } this.player = await PeertubePlayerManager.initialize(this.mode, options, player => this.player = player) this.player.on('customError', (event: any, data: any) => this.handleError(data.err, serverTranslations)) window[ 'videojsPlayer' ] = this.player this.buildCSS() await this.buildDock(videoInfo, configResponse) this.initializeApi() } private handleError (err: Error, translations?: { [ id: string ]: string }) { if (err.message.indexOf('from xs param') !== -1) { this.player.dispose() this.videoElement = null this.displayError('This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.', translations) return } } private async buildDock (videoInfo: VideoDetails, configResponse: Response) { if (this.controls) { const title = this.title ? : undefined const config: ServerConfig = await configResponse.json() const description = config.tracker.enabled && this.warningTitle ? '' + this.player.localize('Watching this video may reveal your IP address to others.') + '' : undefined this.player.dock({ title, description }) } } private buildCSS () { const body = document.getElementById('custom-css') if (this.bigPlayBackgroundColor) {'--embedBigPlayBackgroundColor', this.bigPlayBackgroundColor) } if (this.foregroundColor) {'--embedForegroundColor', this.foregroundColor) } } private async buildCaptions (serverTranslations: any, captionsResponse: Response): Promise { if (captionsResponse.ok) { const { data } = (await captionsResponse.json()) as ResultList return => ({ label: peertubeTranslate(c.language.label, serverTranslations), language:, src: window.location.origin + c.captionPath })) } return [] } } PeerTubeEmbed.main() .catch(err => console.error('Cannot init embed.', err))