@use '_variables' as *; @use '_mixins' as *; .header { z-index: z(header); } .help-popover { z-index: z(help-popover); } ngx-loading-bar { z-index: z(header) + 1 !important; } /* rules for dropdowns excepts when in button group, to avoid impacting the dropdown-toggle */ .dropdown, .dropup { z-index: z(dropdown) !important; } .list-overflow-menu, .parent-entry { z-index: z(menu) - 1 !important; } .btn-group, .dropdown-root, .action-dropdown, .input-group-prepend, .column-toggle { z-index: inherit !important; } .dropdown-menu { z-index: z(dropdown) + 1 !important; } p-toast .p-toast { z-index: z(notification) !important; } ngb-modal-backdrop { z-index: z(modal) - 1 !important; } ngb-popover-window { z-index: z(popover) !important; } ngb-tooltip-window { z-index: z(tooltip) !important; } ngb-modal-window { z-index: z(modal) !important; ngb-tooltip-window { z-index: z(modal + 1) !important; } ngb-popover-window { z-index: z(modal + 1) !important; } .help-popover { z-index: z(modal + 1) !important; } }