/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-implied-eval */ import * as debug from 'debug' import { firstValueFrom, ReplaySubject } from 'rxjs' import { first, shareReplay } from 'rxjs/operators' import { RegisterClientHelpers } from 'src/types/register-client-option.model' import { getHookType, internalRunHook } from '@shared/core-utils/plugins/hooks' import { ClientHookName, clientHookObject, ClientScriptJSON, HTMLServerConfig, PluginClientScope, PluginType, RegisterClientFormFieldOptions, RegisterClientHookOptions, RegisterClientRouteOptions, RegisterClientSettingsScriptOptions, RegisterClientVideoFieldOptions, RegisteredExternalAuthConfig, ServerConfigPlugin } from '@shared/models' import { environment } from '../environments/environment' import { ClientScript } from '../types' import { logger } from './logger' interface HookStructValue extends RegisterClientHookOptions { plugin: ServerConfigPlugin clientScript: ClientScriptJSON } type Hooks = { [ name: string ]: HookStructValue[] } type PluginInfo = { plugin: ServerConfigPlugin clientScript: ClientScriptJSON pluginType: PluginType isTheme: boolean } type PeertubeHelpersFactory = (pluginInfo: PluginInfo) => RegisterClientHelpers type OnFormFields = ( pluginInfo: PluginInfo, options: RegisterClientFormFieldOptions, videoFormOptions: RegisterClientVideoFieldOptions ) => void type OnSettingsScripts = (pluginInfo: PluginInfo, options: RegisterClientSettingsScriptOptions) => void type OnClientRoute = (options: RegisterClientRouteOptions) => void const debugLogger = debug('peertube:plugins') class PluginsManager { private hooks: Hooks = {} private scopes: { [ scopeName: string ]: PluginInfo[] } = {} private loadedScripts: { [ script: string ]: boolean } = {} private loadedScopes: PluginClientScope[] = [] private loadingScopes: { [id in PluginClientScope]?: boolean } = {} private pluginsLoaded: { [ scope in PluginClientScope ]: ReplaySubject } = { common: new ReplaySubject(1), 'admin-plugin': new ReplaySubject(1), search: new ReplaySubject(1), 'video-watch': new ReplaySubject(1), signup: new ReplaySubject(1), login: new ReplaySubject(1), 'video-edit': new ReplaySubject(1), embed: new ReplaySubject(1), 'my-library': new ReplaySubject(1), 'video-channel': new ReplaySubject(1) } private readonly peertubeHelpersFactory: PeertubeHelpersFactory private readonly onFormFields: OnFormFields private readonly onSettingsScripts: OnSettingsScripts private readonly onClientRoute: OnClientRoute constructor (options: { peertubeHelpersFactory: PeertubeHelpersFactory onFormFields?: OnFormFields onSettingsScripts?: OnSettingsScripts onClientRoute?: OnClientRoute }) { this.peertubeHelpersFactory = options.peertubeHelpersFactory this.onFormFields = options.onFormFields this.onSettingsScripts = options.onSettingsScripts this.onClientRoute = options.onClientRoute } static getPluginPathPrefix (isTheme: boolean) { return isTheme ? '/themes' : '/plugins' } static getExternalAuthHref (auth: RegisteredExternalAuthConfig) { return environment.apiUrl + `/plugins/${auth.name}/${auth.version}/auth/${auth.authName}` } loadPluginsList (config: HTMLServerConfig) { for (const plugin of config.plugin.registered) { this.addPlugin(plugin) } } async runHook (hookName: ClientHookName, resultArg?: T | Promise, params?: any) { if (!this.hooks[hookName]) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-return-await return await resultArg } const hookType = getHookType(hookName) let result = await resultArg for (const hook of this.hooks[hookName]) { logger.info(`Running hook ${hookName} of plugin ${hook.plugin.name}`) result = await internalRunHook({ handler: hook.handler, hookType, result, params, onError: err => { logger.error(`Cannot run hook ${hookName} of script ${hook.clientScript.script} of plugin ${hook.plugin.name}`, err) } }) } return result } ensurePluginsAreLoaded (scope: PluginClientScope) { this.loadPluginsByScope(scope) const obs = this.pluginsLoaded[scope].asObservable() .pipe(first(), shareReplay()) return firstValueFrom(obs) } async reloadLoadedScopes () { for (const scope of this.loadedScopes) { await this.loadPluginsByScope(scope, true) } } addPlugin (plugin: ServerConfigPlugin, isTheme = false) { const pathPrefix = PluginsManager.getPluginPathPrefix(isTheme) for (const key of Object.keys(plugin.clientScripts)) { const clientScript = plugin.clientScripts[key] for (const scope of clientScript.scopes) { if (!this.scopes[scope]) this.scopes[scope] = [] this.scopes[scope].push({ plugin, clientScript: { script: `${pathPrefix}/${plugin.name}/${plugin.version}/client-scripts/${clientScript.script}`, scopes: clientScript.scopes }, pluginType: isTheme ? PluginType.THEME : PluginType.PLUGIN, isTheme }) this.loadedScripts[clientScript.script] = false } } } removePlugin (plugin: ServerConfigPlugin) { for (const key of Object.keys(this.scopes)) { this.scopes[key] = this.scopes[key].filter(o => o.plugin.name !== plugin.name) } } async loadPluginsByScope (scope: PluginClientScope, isReload = false) { if (this.loadingScopes[scope]) return if (!isReload && this.loadedScopes.includes(scope)) return this.loadingScopes[scope] = true debugLogger('Loading scope %s', scope) try { if (!isReload) this.loadedScopes.push(scope) const toLoad = this.scopes[scope] if (!Array.isArray(toLoad)) { this.loadingScopes[scope] = false this.pluginsLoaded[scope].next(true) debugLogger('Nothing to load for scope %s', scope) return } const promises: Promise[] = [] for (const pluginInfo of toLoad) { const clientScript = pluginInfo.clientScript if (this.loadedScripts[clientScript.script]) continue promises.push(this.loadPlugin(pluginInfo)) this.loadedScripts[clientScript.script] = true } await Promise.all(promises) this.pluginsLoaded[scope].next(true) this.loadingScopes[scope] = false debugLogger('Scope %s loaded', scope) } catch (err) { logger.error(`Cannot load plugins by scope ${scope}`, err) } } private loadPlugin (pluginInfo: PluginInfo) { const { plugin, clientScript } = pluginInfo const registerHook = (options: RegisterClientHookOptions) => { if (clientHookObject[options.target] !== true) { logger.error(`Unknown hook ${options.target} of plugin ${plugin.name}. Skipping.`) return } if (!this.hooks[options.target]) this.hooks[options.target] = [] this.hooks[options.target].push({ plugin, clientScript, target: options.target, handler: options.handler, priority: options.priority || 0 }) } const registerVideoField = (commonOptions: RegisterClientFormFieldOptions, videoFormOptions: RegisterClientVideoFieldOptions) => { if (!this.onFormFields) { throw new Error('Video field registration is not supported') } return this.onFormFields(pluginInfo, commonOptions, videoFormOptions) } const registerSettingsScript = (options: RegisterClientSettingsScriptOptions) => { if (!this.onSettingsScripts) { throw new Error('Registering settings script is not supported') } return this.onSettingsScripts(pluginInfo, options) } const registerClientRoute = (options: RegisterClientRouteOptions) => { if (!this.onClientRoute) { throw new Error('Registering client route is not supported') } return this.onClientRoute(options) } const peertubeHelpers = this.peertubeHelpersFactory(pluginInfo) logger.info(`Loading script ${clientScript.script} of plugin ${plugin.name}`) const absURL = (environment.apiUrl || window.location.origin) + clientScript.script return dynamicImport(absURL) .then((script: ClientScript) => { return script.register({ registerHook, registerVideoField, registerSettingsScript, registerClientRoute, peertubeHelpers }) }) .then(() => this.sortHooksByPriority()) .catch(err => logger.error(`Cannot import or register plugin ${pluginInfo.plugin.name}`, err)) } private sortHooksByPriority () { for (const hookName of Object.keys(this.hooks)) { this.hooks[hookName].sort((a, b) => { return b.priority - a.priority }) } } } export { PluginsManager, PluginInfo, PeertubeHelpersFactory, OnFormFields, OnSettingsScripts } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function dynamicImport (url: string) { try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func return new Function(`return import('${url}')`)() } catch { logger.info('Fallback to import polyfill') return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const vector = '$importModule$' + Math.random().toString(32).slice(2) const script = document.createElement('script') const destructor = () => { delete window[vector] script.onerror = null script.onload = null script.remove() URL.revokeObjectURL(script.src) script.src = '' } script.defer = true script.type = 'module' script.onerror = () => { reject(new Error(`Failed to import: ${url}`)) destructor() } script.onload = () => { resolve(window[vector]) destructor() } const loader = `import * as m from "${url}"; window.${vector} = m;` // export Module const blob = new Blob([ loader ], { type: 'text/javascript' }) script.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob) document.head.appendChild(script) }) } }