// Author: Yanko Shterev // Thanks https://github.com/yshterev/videojs-settings-menu // FIXME: something weird with our path definition in tsconfig and typings // @ts-ignore import * as videojs from 'video.js' import { toTitleCase } from '../utils' import { VideoJSComponentInterface, videojsUntyped } from '../peertube-videojs-typings' const MenuItem: VideoJSComponentInterface = videojsUntyped.getComponent('MenuItem') const component: VideoJSComponentInterface = videojsUntyped.getComponent('Component') class SettingsMenuItem extends MenuItem { constructor (player: videojs.Player, options: any, entry: string, menuButton: VideoJSComponentInterface) { super(player, options) this.settingsButton = menuButton this.dialog = this.settingsButton.dialog this.mainMenu = this.settingsButton.menu this.panel = this.dialog.getChild('settingsPanel') this.panelChild = this.panel.getChild('settingsPanelChild') this.panelChildEl = this.panelChild.el_ this.size = null // keep state of what menu type is loading next this.menuToLoad = 'mainmenu' const subMenuName = toTitleCase(entry) const SubMenuComponent = videojsUntyped.getComponent(subMenuName) if (!SubMenuComponent) { throw new Error(`Component ${subMenuName} does not exist`) } this.subMenu = new SubMenuComponent(this.player(), options, menuButton, this) const subMenuClass = this.subMenu.buildCSSClass().split(' ')[0] this.settingsSubMenuEl_.className += ' ' + subMenuClass this.eventHandlers() player.ready(() => { // Voodoo magic for IOS setTimeout(() => { this.build() // Update on rate change player.on('ratechange', this.submenuClickHandler) if (subMenuName === 'CaptionsButton') { // Hack to regenerate captions on HTTP fallback player.on('captionsChanged', () => { setTimeout(() => { this.settingsSubMenuEl_.innerHTML = '' this.settingsSubMenuEl_.appendChild(this.subMenu.menu.el_) this.update() this.bindClickEvents() }, 0) }) } this.reset() }, 0) }) } eventHandlers () { this.submenuClickHandler = this.onSubmenuClick.bind(this) this.transitionEndHandler = this.onTransitionEnd.bind(this) } onSubmenuClick (event: any) { let target = null if (event.type === 'tap') { target = event.target } else { target = event.currentTarget } if (target && target.classList.contains('vjs-back-button')) { this.loadMainMenu() return } // To update the sub menu value on click, setTimeout is needed because // updating the value is not instant setTimeout(() => this.update(event), 0) } /** * Create the component's DOM element * * @return {Element} * @method createEl */ createEl () { const el = videojsUntyped.dom.createEl('li', { className: 'vjs-menu-item' }) this.settingsSubMenuTitleEl_ = videojsUntyped.dom.createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-settings-sub-menu-title' }) el.appendChild(this.settingsSubMenuTitleEl_) this.settingsSubMenuValueEl_ = videojsUntyped.dom.createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-settings-sub-menu-value' }) el.appendChild(this.settingsSubMenuValueEl_) this.settingsSubMenuEl_ = videojsUntyped.dom.createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-settings-sub-menu' }) return el } /** * Handle click on menu item * * @method handleClick */ handleClick () { this.menuToLoad = 'submenu' // Remove open class to ensure only the open submenu gets this class videojsUntyped.dom.removeClass(this.el_, 'open') super.handleClick() this.mainMenu.el_.style.opacity = '0' // Whether to add or remove vjs-hidden class on the settingsSubMenuEl element if (videojsUntyped.dom.hasClass(this.settingsSubMenuEl_, 'vjs-hidden')) { videojsUntyped.dom.removeClass(this.settingsSubMenuEl_, 'vjs-hidden') // animation not played without timeout setTimeout(() => { this.settingsSubMenuEl_.style.opacity = '1' this.settingsSubMenuEl_.style.marginRight = '0px' }, 0) this.settingsButton.setDialogSize(this.size) } else { videojsUntyped.dom.addClass(this.settingsSubMenuEl_, 'vjs-hidden') } } /** * Create back button * * @method createBackButton */ createBackButton () { const button = this.subMenu.menu.addChild('MenuItem', {}, 0) button.name_ = 'BackButton' button.addClass('vjs-back-button') button.el_.innerHTML = this.player_.localize(this.subMenu.controlText_) } /** * Add/remove prefixed event listener for CSS Transition * * @method PrefixedEvent */ PrefixedEvent (element: any, type: any, callback: any, action = 'addEvent') { let prefix = ['webkit', 'moz', 'MS', 'o', ''] for (let p = 0; p < prefix.length; p++) { if (!prefix[p]) { type = type.toLowerCase() } if (action === 'addEvent') { element.addEventListener(prefix[p] + type, callback, false) } else if (action === 'removeEvent') { element.removeEventListener(prefix[p] + type, callback, false) } } } onTransitionEnd (event: any) { if (event.propertyName !== 'margin-right') { return } if (this.menuToLoad === 'mainmenu') { // hide submenu videojsUntyped.dom.addClass(this.settingsSubMenuEl_, 'vjs-hidden') // reset opacity to 0 this.settingsSubMenuEl_.style.opacity = '0' } } reset () { videojsUntyped.dom.addClass(this.settingsSubMenuEl_, 'vjs-hidden') this.settingsSubMenuEl_.style.opacity = '0' this.setMargin() } loadMainMenu () { this.menuToLoad = 'mainmenu' this.mainMenu.show() this.mainMenu.el_.style.opacity = '0' // back button will always take you to main menu, so set dialog sizes this.settingsButton.setDialogSize([this.mainMenu.width, this.mainMenu.height]) // animation not triggered without timeout (some async stuff ?!?) setTimeout(() => { // animate margin and opacity before hiding the submenu // this triggers CSS Transition event this.setMargin() this.mainMenu.el_.style.opacity = '1' }, 0) } build () { this.subMenu.on('updateLabel', () => { this.update() }) this.settingsSubMenuTitleEl_.innerHTML = this.player_.localize(this.subMenu.controlText_) this.settingsSubMenuEl_.appendChild(this.subMenu.menu.el_) this.panelChildEl.appendChild(this.settingsSubMenuEl_) this.update() this.createBackButton() this.getSize() this.bindClickEvents() // prefixed event listeners for CSS TransitionEnd this.PrefixedEvent( this.settingsSubMenuEl_, 'TransitionEnd', this.transitionEndHandler, 'addEvent' ) } update (event?: any) { let target: HTMLElement = null let subMenu = this.subMenu.name() if (event && event.type === 'tap') { target = event.target } else if (event) { target = event.currentTarget } // Playback rate menu button doesn't get a vjs-selected class // or sets options_['selected'] on the selected playback rate. // Thus we get the submenu value based on the labelEl of playbackRateMenuButton if (subMenu === 'PlaybackRateMenuButton') { setTimeout(() => this.settingsSubMenuValueEl_.innerHTML = this.subMenu.labelEl_.innerHTML, 250) } else { // Loop trough the submenu items to find the selected child for (let subMenuItem of this.subMenu.menu.children_) { if (!(subMenuItem instanceof component)) { continue } if (subMenuItem.hasClass('vjs-selected')) { // Prefer to use the function if (typeof subMenuItem.getLabel === 'function') { this.settingsSubMenuValueEl_.innerHTML = subMenuItem.getLabel() break } this.settingsSubMenuValueEl_.innerHTML = subMenuItem.options_.label } } } if (target && !target.classList.contains('vjs-back-button')) { this.settingsButton.hideDialog() } } bindClickEvents () { for (let item of this.subMenu.menu.children()) { if (!(item instanceof component)) { continue } item.on(['tap', 'click'], this.submenuClickHandler) } } // save size of submenus on first init // if number of submenu items change dynamically more logic will be needed getSize () { this.dialog.removeClass('vjs-hidden') this.size = this.settingsButton.getComponentSize(this.settingsSubMenuEl_) this.setMargin() this.dialog.addClass('vjs-hidden') videojsUntyped.dom.addClass(this.settingsSubMenuEl_, 'vjs-hidden') } setMargin () { let [width] = this.size this.settingsSubMenuEl_.style.marginRight = `-${width}px` } /** * Hide the sub menu */ hideSubMenu () { // after removing settings item this.el_ === null if (!this.el_) { return } if (videojsUntyped.dom.hasClass(this.el_, 'open')) { videojsUntyped.dom.addClass(this.settingsSubMenuEl_, 'vjs-hidden') videojsUntyped.dom.removeClass(this.el_, 'open') } } } SettingsMenuItem.prototype.contentElType = 'button' videojsUntyped.registerComponent('SettingsMenuItem', SettingsMenuItem) export { SettingsMenuItem }