// Thanks to Yanko Shterev: https://github.com/yshterev/videojs-settings-menu import { SettingsMenuItem } from './settings-menu-item' import { toTitleCase } from '../utils' import videojs from 'video.js' import { SettingsDialog } from './settings-dialog' import { SettingsPanel } from './settings-panel' import { SettingsPanelChild } from './settings-panel-child' const Button = videojs.getComponent('Button') const Menu = videojs.getComponent('Menu') const Component = videojs.getComponent('Component') export interface SettingsButtonOptions extends videojs.ComponentOptions { entries: any[] setup?: { maxHeightOffset: number } } class SettingsButton extends Button { dialog: SettingsDialog dialogEl: HTMLElement menu: videojs.Menu panel: SettingsPanel panelChild: SettingsPanelChild addSettingsItemHandler: typeof SettingsButton.prototype.onAddSettingsItem disposeSettingsItemHandler: typeof SettingsButton.prototype.onDisposeSettingsItem documentClickHandler: typeof SettingsButton.prototype.onDocumentClick userInactiveHandler: typeof SettingsButton.prototype.onUserInactive private settingsButtonOptions: SettingsButtonOptions constructor (player: videojs.Player, options?: SettingsButtonOptions) { super(player, options) this.settingsButtonOptions = options this.controlText('Settings') this.dialog = this.player().addChild('settingsDialog') this.dialogEl = this.dialog.el() as HTMLElement this.menu = null this.panel = this.dialog.addChild('settingsPanel') this.panelChild = this.panel.addChild('settingsPanelChild') this.addClass('vjs-settings') this.el().setAttribute('aria-label', 'Settings Button') // Event handlers this.addSettingsItemHandler = this.onAddSettingsItem.bind(this) this.disposeSettingsItemHandler = this.onDisposeSettingsItem.bind(this) this.documentClickHandler = this.onDocumentClick.bind(this) this.userInactiveHandler = this.onUserInactive.bind(this) this.buildMenu() this.bindEvents() // Prepare the dialog this.player().one('play', () => this.hideDialog()) } onDocumentClick (event: MouseEvent) { const element = event.target as HTMLElement if ( element && element.classList && (element.classList.contains('vjs-settings') || element.parentElement.classList.contains('vjs-settings')) ) { return } if (!this.dialog.hasClass('vjs-hidden')) { this.hideDialog() } } onDisposeSettingsItem (event: any, name: string) { if (name === undefined) { const children = this.menu.children() while (children.length > 0) { children[0].dispose() this.menu.removeChild(children[0]) } this.addClass('vjs-hidden') } else { const item = this.menu.getChild(name) if (item) { item.dispose() this.menu.removeChild(item) } } document.removeEventListener('click', this.documentClickHandler) if (this.isInIframe()) { window.removeEventListener('blur', this.documentClickHandler) } this.hideDialog() if (this.settingsButtonOptions.entries.length === 0) { this.addClass('vjs-hidden') } } onAddSettingsItem (event: any, data: any) { const [ entry, options ] = data this.addMenuItem(entry, options) this.removeClass('vjs-hidden') } onUserInactive () { if (!this.dialog.hasClass('vjs-hidden')) { this.hideDialog() } } bindEvents () { document.addEventListener('click', this.documentClickHandler) if (this.isInIframe()) { window.addEventListener('blur', this.documentClickHandler) } this.player().on('addsettingsitem', this.addSettingsItemHandler) this.player().on('disposesettingsitem', this.disposeSettingsItemHandler) this.player().on('userinactive', this.userInactiveHandler) } buildCSSClass () { return `vjs-icon-settings ${super.buildCSSClass()}` } handleClick () { if (this.dialog.hasClass('vjs-hidden')) { this.showDialog() } else { this.hideDialog() } } showDialog () { this.player().peertube().onMenuOpen(); (this.menu.el() as HTMLElement).style.opacity = '1' this.dialog.show() this.setDialogSize(this.getComponentSize(this.menu)) } hideDialog () { this.player_.peertube().onMenuClosed() this.dialog.hide() this.setDialogSize(this.getComponentSize(this.menu)); (this.menu.el() as HTMLElement).style.opacity = '1' this.resetChildren() } getComponentSize (element: videojs.Component | HTMLElement) { let width: number = null let height: number = null // Could be component or just DOM element if (element instanceof Component) { const el = element.el() as HTMLElement width = el.offsetWidth height = el.offsetHeight; (element as any).width = width; (element as any).height = height } else { width = element.offsetWidth height = element.offsetHeight } return [ width, height ] } setDialogSize ([ width, height ]: number[]) { if (typeof height !== 'number') { return } const offset = this.settingsButtonOptions.setup.maxHeightOffset const maxHeight = (this.player().el() as HTMLElement).offsetHeight - offset // FIXME: typings const panelEl = this.panel.el() as HTMLElement if (height > maxHeight) { height = maxHeight width += 17 panelEl.style.maxHeight = `${height}px` } else if (panelEl.style.maxHeight !== '') { panelEl.style.maxHeight = '' } this.dialogEl.style.width = `${width}px` this.dialogEl.style.height = `${height}px` } buildMenu () { this.menu = new Menu(this.player()) this.menu.addClass('vjs-main-menu') const entries = this.settingsButtonOptions.entries if (entries.length === 0) { this.addClass('vjs-hidden') this.panelChild.addChild(this.menu) return } for (const entry of entries) { this.addMenuItem(entry, this.settingsButtonOptions) } this.panelChild.addChild(this.menu) } addMenuItem (entry: any, options: any) { const openSubMenu = function (this: any) { if (videojs.dom.hasClass(this.el_, 'open')) { videojs.dom.removeClass(this.el_, 'open') } else { videojs.dom.addClass(this.el_, 'open') } } options.name = toTitleCase(entry) const newOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { entry, menuButton: this }) const settingsMenuItem = new SettingsMenuItem(this.player(), newOptions) this.menu.addChild(settingsMenuItem) // Hide children to avoid sub menus stacking on top of each other // or having multiple menus open settingsMenuItem.on('click', videojs.bind(this, this.hideChildren)) // Whether to add or remove selected class on the settings sub menu element settingsMenuItem.on('click', openSubMenu) } resetChildren () { for (const menuChild of this.menu.children()) { (menuChild as SettingsMenuItem).reset() } } /** * Hide all the sub menus */ hideChildren () { for (const menuChild of this.menu.children()) { (menuChild as SettingsMenuItem).hideSubMenu() } } isInIframe () { return window.self !== window.top } } Component.registerComponent('SettingsButton', SettingsButton) export { SettingsButton }