// FIXME: something weird with our path definition in tsconfig and typings // @ts-ignore import { Player } from 'video.js' import { LoadedQualityData, VideoJSComponentInterface, videojsUntyped } from '../peertube-videojs-typings' import { ResolutionMenuItem } from './resolution-menu-item' const Menu: VideoJSComponentInterface = videojsUntyped.getComponent('Menu') const MenuButton: VideoJSComponentInterface = videojsUntyped.getComponent('MenuButton') class ResolutionMenuButton extends MenuButton { label: HTMLElement labelEl_: any player: Player constructor (player: Player, options: any) { super(player, options) this.player = player player.tech_.on('loadedqualitydata', (e: any, data: any) => this.buildQualities(data)) player.peertube().on('resolutionChange', () => setTimeout(() => this.trigger('updateLabel'), 0)) } createEl () { const el = super.createEl() this.labelEl_ = videojsUntyped.dom.createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-resolution-value' }) el.appendChild(this.labelEl_) return el } updateARIAAttributes () { this.el().setAttribute('aria-label', 'Quality') } createMenu () { return new Menu(this.player_) } buildCSSClass () { return super.buildCSSClass() + ' vjs-resolution-button' } buildWrapperCSSClass () { return 'vjs-resolution-control ' + super.buildWrapperCSSClass() } private addClickListener (component: any) { component.on('click', () => { const children = this.menu.children() for (const child of children) { if (component !== child) { child.selected(false) } } }) } private buildQualities (data: LoadedQualityData) { // The automatic resolution item will need other labels const labels: { [ id: number ]: string } = {} data.qualityData.video.sort((a, b) => { if (a.id > b.id) return -1 if (a.id === b.id) return 0 return 1 }) for (const d of data.qualityData.video) { // Skip auto resolution, we'll add it ourselves if (d.id === -1) continue const label = d.id === 0 ? this.player.localize('Audio-only') : d.label this.menu.addChild(new ResolutionMenuItem( this.player_, { id: d.id, label, selected: d.selected, callback: data.qualitySwitchCallback }) ) labels[d.id] = d.label } this.menu.addChild(new ResolutionMenuItem( this.player_, { id: -1, label: this.player_.localize('Auto'), labels, callback: data.qualitySwitchCallback, selected: true // By default, in auto mode } )) for (const m of this.menu.children()) { this.addClickListener(m) } this.trigger('menuChanged') } } ResolutionMenuButton.prototype.controlText_ = 'Quality' MenuButton.registerComponent('ResolutionMenuButton', ResolutionMenuButton)