import debug from 'debug' import videojs from 'video.js' import { logger } from '@root-helpers/logger' import { PeerTubeMobileButtons } from './peertube-mobile-buttons' const debugLogger = debug('peertube:player:mobile') const Plugin = videojs.getPlugin('plugin') class PeerTubeMobilePlugin extends Plugin { private static readonly DOUBLE_TAP_DELAY_MS = 250 private static readonly SET_CURRENT_TIME_DELAY = 1000 private peerTubeMobileButtons: PeerTubeMobileButtons private seekAmount = 0 private lastTapEvent: TouchEvent private tapTimeout: ReturnType private newActiveState: boolean private setCurrentTimeTimeout: ReturnType constructor (player: videojs.Player, options: videojs.PlayerOptions) { super(player, options) this.peerTubeMobileButtons = player.addChild('PeerTubeMobileButtons', { reportTouchActivity: false }) as PeerTubeMobileButtons if (videojs.browser.IS_ANDROID && screen.orientation) { this.handleFullscreenRotation() } if (!this.player.options_.userActions) this.player.options_.userActions = {}; // FIXME: typings (this.player.options_.userActions as any).click = false this.player.options_.userActions.doubleClick = false'play', () => { this.initTouchStartEvents() }) } private handleFullscreenRotation () { this.player.on('fullscreenchange', () => { if (!this.player.isFullscreen() || this.isPortraitVideo()) return screen.orientation.lock('landscape') .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot lock screen to landscape.', err)) }) } private isPortraitVideo () { return this.player.videoWidth() < this.player.videoHeight() } private initTouchStartEvents () { const handleTouchStart = (event: TouchEvent) => { if (this.tapTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.tapTimeout) this.tapTimeout = undefined } if (this.lastTapEvent && event.timeStamp - this.lastTapEvent.timeStamp < PeerTubeMobilePlugin.DOUBLE_TAP_DELAY_MS) { debugLogger('Detected double tap') this.lastTapEvent = undefined this.onDoubleTap(event) return } this.newActiveState = !this.player.userActive() this.tapTimeout = setTimeout(() => { debugLogger('No double tap detected, set user active state to %s.', this.newActiveState) this.player.userActive(this.newActiveState) }, PeerTubeMobilePlugin.DOUBLE_TAP_DELAY_MS) this.lastTapEvent = event } this.player.on('touchstart', (event: TouchEvent) => { // Only enable user active on player touch, we listen event on peertube mobile buttons to disable it if (this.player.userActive()) return handleTouchStart(event) }) this.peerTubeMobileButtons.el().addEventListener('touchstart', (event: TouchEvent) => { // Prevent mousemove/click events firing on the player, that conflict with our user active logic event.preventDefault() handleTouchStart(event) }, { passive: false }) } private onDoubleTap (event: TouchEvent) { const playerWidth = this.player.currentWidth() const rect = this.findPlayerTarget(( as HTMLElement)).getBoundingClientRect() const offsetX = event.targetTouches[0].pageX - rect.left debugLogger('Calculating double tap zone (player width: %d, offset X: %d)', playerWidth, offsetX) if (offsetX > 0.66 * playerWidth) { if (this.seekAmount < 0) this.seekAmount = 0 this.seekAmount += 10 debugLogger('Will forward %d seconds', this.seekAmount) } else if (offsetX < 0.33 * playerWidth) { if (this.seekAmount > 0) this.seekAmount = 0 this.seekAmount -= 10 debugLogger('Will rewind %d seconds', this.seekAmount) } this.peerTubeMobileButtons.displayFastSeek(this.seekAmount) this.scheduleSetCurrentTime() } private findPlayerTarget (target: HTMLElement): HTMLElement { if (target.classList.contains('video-js')) return target return this.findPlayerTarget(target.parentElement) } private scheduleSetCurrentTime () { this.player.pause() this.player.addClass('vjs-fast-seeking') if (this.setCurrentTimeTimeout) clearTimeout(this.setCurrentTimeTimeout) this.setCurrentTimeTimeout = setTimeout(() => { let newTime = this.player.currentTime() + this.seekAmount this.seekAmount = 0 newTime = Math.max(0, newTime) newTime = Math.min(this.player.duration(), newTime) this.player.currentTime(newTime) this.seekAmount = 0 this.peerTubeMobileButtons.displayFastSeek(0) this.player.removeClass('vjs-fast-seeking') this.player.userActive(false) }, PeerTubeMobilePlugin.SET_CURRENT_TIME_DELAY) } } videojs.registerPlugin('peertubeMobile', PeerTubeMobilePlugin) export { PeerTubeMobilePlugin }