import { PeertubePlayerManagerOptions } from '../../types' export class WebTorrentOptionsBuilder { constructor ( private options: PeertubePlayerManagerOptions, private autoPlayValue: any ) { } getPluginOptions () { const commonOptions = this.options.common const webtorrentOptions = this.options.webtorrent const p2pMediaLoaderOptions = this.options.p2pMediaLoader const autoplay = this.autoPlayValue === 'play' const webtorrent = { autoplay, playerRefusedP2P: commonOptions.p2pEnabled === false, videoDuration: commonOptions.videoDuration, playerElement: commonOptions.playerElement, videoFiles: webtorrentOptions.videoFiles.length !== 0 ? webtorrentOptions.videoFiles // The WebTorrent plugin won't be able to play these files, but it will fallback to HTTP mode : p2pMediaLoaderOptions?.videoFiles || [], startTime: commonOptions.startTime } return { webtorrent } } }