import videojs from 'video.js' import { PeerTubeLinkButtonOptions } from '../../types' const ClickableComponent = videojs.getComponent('ClickableComponent') class PeerTubeLiveDisplay extends ClickableComponent { private interval: any private contentEl_: any constructor (player: videojs.Player, options?: PeerTubeLinkButtonOptions) { super(player, options as any) this.interval = this.setInterval(() => this.updateClass(), 1000) this.updateSync(true) } dispose () { if (this.interval) { this.clearInterval(this.interval) this.interval = undefined } this.contentEl_ = null super.dispose() } createEl () { const el = super.createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-live-control vjs-control' }) this.contentEl_ = videojs.dom.createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-live-display' }, { 'aria-live': 'off' }) this.contentEl_.appendChild(videojs.dom.createEl('span', { className: 'vjs-control-text', textContent: `${this.localize('Stream Type')}\u00a0` })) this.contentEl_.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.localize('LIVE'))) el.appendChild(this.contentEl_) return el } handleClick () { const hlsjs = this.getHLSJS() if (!hlsjs) return this.player().currentTime(hlsjs.liveSyncPosition) this.updateSync(true) } private updateClass () { const hlsjs = this.getHLSJS() if (!hlsjs) return // Not loaded yet if (this.player().currentTime() === 0) return const isSync = Math.abs(this.player().currentTime() - hlsjs.liveSyncPosition) < 10 this.updateSync(isSync) } private updateSync (isSync: boolean) { if (isSync) { this.addClass('synced-with-live-edge') this.removeAttribute('title') this.disable() } else { this.removeClass('synced-with-live-edge') this.setAttribute('title', this.localize('Go back to the live')) this.enable() } } private getHLSJS () { const p2pMediaLoader = this.player()?.p2pMediaLoader if (!p2pMediaLoader) return undefined return p2pMediaLoader().getHLSJS() } } videojs.registerComponent('PeerTubeLiveDisplay', PeerTubeLiveDisplay)