// Big thanks to: https://github.com/kmoskwiak/videojs-resolution-switcher import * as videojs from 'video.js' import * as WebTorrent from 'webtorrent' import { VideoFile } from '../../../../shared/models/videos/video.model' import { renderVideo } from './video-renderer' // https://github.com/danrevah/ngx-pipes/blob/master/src/pipes/math/bytes.ts // Don't import all Angular stuff, just copy the code with shame const dictionaryBytes: Array<{max: number, type: string}> = [ { max: 1024, type: 'B' }, { max: 1048576, type: 'KB' }, { max: 1073741824, type: 'MB' }, { max: 1.0995116e12, type: 'GB' } ] function bytes (value) { const format = dictionaryBytes.find(d => value < d.max) || dictionaryBytes[dictionaryBytes.length - 1] const calc = Math.floor(value / (format.max / 1024)).toString() return [ calc, format.type ] } // videojs typings don't have some method we need const videojsUntyped = videojs as any const webtorrent = new WebTorrent({ dht: false }) const MenuItem = videojsUntyped.getComponent('MenuItem') const ResolutionMenuItem = videojsUntyped.extend(MenuItem, { constructor: function (player: videojs.Player, options) { options.selectable = true MenuItem.call(this, player, options) const currentResolution = this.player_.getCurrentResolution() this.selected(this.options_.id === currentResolution) }, handleClick: function (event) { MenuItem.prototype.handleClick.call(this, event) this.player_.updateResolution(this.options_.id) } }) MenuItem.registerComponent('ResolutionMenuItem', ResolutionMenuItem) const MenuButton = videojsUntyped.getComponent('MenuButton') const ResolutionMenuButton = videojsUntyped.extend(MenuButton, { constructor: function (player, options) { this.label = document.createElement('span') options.label = 'Quality' MenuButton.call(this, player, options) this.el().setAttribute('aria-label', 'Quality') this.controlText('Quality') videojsUntyped.dom.addClass(this.label, 'vjs-resolution-button-label') this.el().appendChild(this.label) player.on('videoFileUpdate', videojs.bind(this, this.update)) }, createItems: function () { const menuItems = [] for (const videoFile of this.player_.videoFiles) { menuItems.push(new ResolutionMenuItem( this.player_, { id: videoFile.resolution, label: videoFile.resolutionLabel, src: videoFile.magnetUri, selected: videoFile.resolution === this.currentSelection }) ) } return menuItems }, update: function () { this.label.innerHTML = this.player_.getCurrentResolutionLabel() this.hide() return MenuButton.prototype.update.call(this) }, buildCSSClass: function () { return MenuButton.prototype.buildCSSClass.call(this) + ' vjs-resolution-button' } }) MenuButton.registerComponent('ResolutionMenuButton', ResolutionMenuButton) const Button = videojsUntyped.getComponent('Button') const PeertubeLinkButton = videojsUntyped.extend(Button, { constructor: function (player) { Button.call(this, player) }, createEl: function () { const link = document.createElement('a') link.href = window.location.href.replace('embed', 'watch') link.innerHTML = 'PeerTube' link.title = 'Go to the video page' link.className = 'vjs-peertube-link' link.target = '_blank' return link }, handleClick: function () { this.player_.pause() } }) Button.registerComponent('PeerTubeLinkButton', PeertubeLinkButton) const WebTorrentButton = videojsUntyped.extend(Button, { constructor: function (player) { Button.call(this, player) }, createEl: function () { const div = document.createElement('div') const subDiv = document.createElement('div') div.appendChild(subDiv) const downloadIcon = document.createElement('span') downloadIcon.classList.add('icon', 'icon-download') subDiv.appendChild(downloadIcon) const downloadSpeedText = document.createElement('span') downloadSpeedText.classList.add('download-speed-text') const downloadSpeedNumber = document.createElement('span') downloadSpeedNumber.classList.add('download-speed-number') const downloadSpeedUnit = document.createElement('span') downloadSpeedText.appendChild(downloadSpeedNumber) downloadSpeedText.appendChild(downloadSpeedUnit) subDiv.appendChild(downloadSpeedText) const uploadIcon = document.createElement('span') uploadIcon.classList.add('icon', 'icon-upload') subDiv.appendChild(uploadIcon) const uploadSpeedText = document.createElement('span') uploadSpeedText.classList.add('upload-speed-text') const uploadSpeedNumber = document.createElement('span') uploadSpeedNumber.classList.add('upload-speed-number') const uploadSpeedUnit = document.createElement('span') uploadSpeedText.appendChild(uploadSpeedNumber) uploadSpeedText.appendChild(uploadSpeedUnit) subDiv.appendChild(uploadSpeedText) const peersText = document.createElement('span') peersText.textContent = ' peers' peersText.classList.add('peers-text') const peersNumber = document.createElement('span') peersNumber.classList.add('peers-number') subDiv.appendChild(peersNumber) subDiv.appendChild(peersText) div.className = 'vjs-webtorrent' // Hide the stats before we get the info subDiv.className = 'vjs-webtorrent-hidden' this.player_.on('torrentInfo', (event, data) => { const downloadSpeed = bytes(data.downloadSpeed) const uploadSpeed = bytes(data.uploadSpeed) const numPeers = data.numPeers downloadSpeedNumber.textContent = downloadSpeed[0] downloadSpeedUnit.textContent = ' ' + downloadSpeed[1] uploadSpeedNumber.textContent = uploadSpeed[0] uploadSpeedUnit.textContent = ' ' + uploadSpeed[1] peersNumber.textContent = numPeers subDiv.className = 'vjs-webtorrent-displayed' }) return div } }) Button.registerComponent('WebTorrentButton', WebTorrentButton) type PeertubePluginOptions = { videoFiles: VideoFile[] playerElement: HTMLVideoElement autoplay: boolean peerTubeLink: boolean } const peertubePlugin = function (options: PeertubePluginOptions) { const player = this let currentVideoFile: VideoFile = undefined const playerElement = options.playerElement player.videoFiles = options.videoFiles // Hack to "simulate" src link in video.js >= 6 // Without this, we can't play the video after pausing it // https://github.com/videojs/video.js/blob/master/src/js/player.js#L1633 player.src = function () { return true } player.getCurrentResolution = function () { return currentVideoFile ? currentVideoFile.resolution : -1 } player.getCurrentResolutionLabel = function () { return currentVideoFile ? currentVideoFile.resolutionLabel : '' } player.updateVideoFile = function (videoFile: VideoFile, done: () => void) { if (done === undefined) { done = () => { /* empty */ } } // Pick the first one if (videoFile === undefined) { videoFile = player.videoFiles[0] } // Don't add the same video file once again if (currentVideoFile !== undefined && currentVideoFile.magnetUri === videoFile.magnetUri) { return } const previousVideoFile = currentVideoFile currentVideoFile = videoFile console.log('Adding ' + videoFile.magnetUri + '.') player.torrent = webtorrent.add(videoFile.magnetUri, torrent => { console.log('Added ' + videoFile.magnetUri + '.') this.flushVideoFile(previousVideoFile) const options = { autoplay: true, controls: true } renderVideo(torrent.files[0], playerElement, options,(err, renderer) => { if (err) return handleError(err) this.renderer = renderer player.play().then(done) }) }) player.torrent.on('error', err => handleError(err)) player.torrent.on('warning', err => { // We don't support HTTP tracker but we don't care -> we use the web socket tracker if (err.message.indexOf('Unsupported tracker protocol: http') !== -1) return // Users don't care about issues with WebRTC, but developers do so log it in the console if (err.message.indexOf('Ice connection failed') !== -1) { console.error(err) return } return handleError(err) }) player.trigger('videoFileUpdate') return player } player.updateResolution = function (resolution) { // Remember player state const currentTime = player.currentTime() const isPaused = player.paused() // Hide bigPlayButton if (!isPaused) { this.player_.bigPlayButton.hide() } const newVideoFile = player.videoFiles.find(f => f.resolution === resolution) player.updateVideoFile(newVideoFile, () => { player.currentTime(currentTime) player.handleTechSeeked_() }) } player.flushVideoFile = function (videoFile: VideoFile, destroyRenderer = true) { if (videoFile !== undefined && webtorrent.get(videoFile.magnetUri)) { if (destroyRenderer === true) this.renderer.destroy() webtorrent.remove(videoFile.magnetUri) } } player.setVideoFiles = function (files: VideoFile[]) { player.videoFiles = files player.updateVideoFile(undefined, () => player.play()) } player.ready(function () { const controlBar = player.controlBar const menuButton = new ResolutionMenuButton(player, options) const fullscreenElement = controlBar.fullscreenToggle.el() controlBar.resolutionSwitcher = controlBar.el().insertBefore(menuButton.el(), fullscreenElement) controlBar.resolutionSwitcher.dispose = function () { this.parentNode.removeChild(this) } player.dispose = function () { // Don't need to destroy renderer, video player will be destroyed player.flushVideoFile(currentVideoFile, false) } if (options.peerTubeLink === true) { const peerTubeLinkButton = new PeertubeLinkButton(player) controlBar.peerTubeLink = controlBar.el().insertBefore(peerTubeLinkButton.el(), fullscreenElement) controlBar.peerTubeLink.dispose = function () { this.parentNode.removeChild(this) } } const webTorrentButton = new WebTorrentButton(player) controlBar.webTorrent = controlBar.el().insertBefore(webTorrentButton.el(), controlBar.progressControl.el()) controlBar.webTorrent.dispose = function () { this.parentNode.removeChild(this) } if (options.autoplay === true) { player.updateVideoFile() } else { player.one('play', () => { // On firefox, we need to wait to load the video before playing if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') !== -1) { player.pause() player.updateVideoFile(undefined, () => player.play()) return } player.updateVideoFile(undefined) }) } setInterval(() => { if (player.torrent !== undefined) { player.trigger('torrentInfo', { downloadSpeed: player.torrent.downloadSpeed, numPeers: player.torrent.numPeers, uploadSpeed: player.torrent.uploadSpeed }) } }, 1000) }) function handleError (err: Error | string) { return player.trigger('customError', { err }) } } videojsUntyped.registerPlugin('peertube', peertubePlugin)