import { VideoFile } from '../../../../shared/models/videos' // @ts-ignore import * as videojs from 'video.js' import 'videojs-hotkeys' import 'videojs-dock' import 'videojs-contextmenu-ui' import 'videojs-contrib-quality-levels' import './peertube-plugin' import './videojs-components/peertube-link-button' import './videojs-components/resolution-menu-button' import './videojs-components/settings-menu-button' import './videojs-components/p2p-info-button' import './videojs-components/peertube-load-progress-bar' import './videojs-components/theater-button' import { P2PMediaLoaderPluginOptions, UserWatching, VideoJSCaption, VideoJSPluginOptions, videojsUntyped } from './peertube-videojs-typings' import { buildVideoEmbed, buildVideoLink, copyToClipboard, getRtcConfig } from './utils' import { getCompleteLocale, getShortLocale, is18nLocale, isDefaultLocale } from '../../../../shared/models/i18n/i18n' import { segmentValidatorFactory } from './p2p-media-loader/segment-validator' import { segmentUrlBuilderFactory } from './p2p-media-loader/segment-url-builder' import { RedundancyUrlManager } from './p2p-media-loader/redundancy-url-manager' import { getStoredP2PEnabled } from './peertube-player-local-storage' // Change 'Playback Rate' to 'Speed' (smaller for our settings menu) videojsUntyped.getComponent('PlaybackRateMenuButton').prototype.controlText_ = 'Speed' // Change Captions to Subtitles/CC videojsUntyped.getComponent('CaptionsButton').prototype.controlText_ = 'Subtitles/CC' // We just want to display 'Off' instead of 'captions off', keep a space so the variable == true (hacky I know) videojsUntyped.getComponent('CaptionsButton').prototype.label_ = ' ' export type PlayerMode = 'webtorrent' | 'p2p-media-loader' export type WebtorrentOptions = { videoFiles: VideoFile[] } export type P2PMediaLoaderOptions = { playlistUrl: string segmentsSha256Url: string trackerAnnounce: string[] redundancyBaseUrls: string[] videoFiles: VideoFile[] } export interface CustomizationOptions { startTime: number | string stopTime: number | string controls?: boolean muted?: boolean loop?: boolean subtitle?: string peertubeLink: boolean } export interface CommonOptions extends CustomizationOptions { playerElement: HTMLVideoElement onPlayerElementChange: (element: HTMLVideoElement) => void autoplay: boolean videoDuration: number enableHotkeys: boolean inactivityTimeout: number poster: string theaterMode: boolean captions: boolean videoViewUrl: string embedUrl: string language?: string videoCaptions: VideoJSCaption[] userWatching?: UserWatching serverUrl: string } export type PeertubePlayerManagerOptions = { common: CommonOptions, webtorrent: WebtorrentOptions, p2pMediaLoader?: P2PMediaLoaderOptions } export class PeertubePlayerManager { private static videojsLocaleCache: { [ path: string ]: any } = {} private static playerElementClassName: string private static onPlayerChange: (player: any) => void static getServerTranslations (serverUrl: string, locale: string) { const path = PeertubePlayerManager.getLocalePath(serverUrl, locale) // It is the default locale, nothing to translate if (!path) return Promise.resolve(undefined) return fetch(path + '/server.json') .then(res => res.json()) .catch(err => { console.error('Cannot get server translations', err) return undefined }) } static async initialize (mode: PlayerMode, options: PeertubePlayerManagerOptions, onPlayerChange: (player: any) => void) { let p2pMediaLoader: any this.onPlayerChange = onPlayerChange this.playerElementClassName = options.common.playerElement.className if (mode === 'webtorrent') await import('./webtorrent/webtorrent-plugin') if (mode === 'p2p-media-loader') { [ p2pMediaLoader ] = await Promise.all([ import('p2p-media-loader-hlsjs'), import('./p2p-media-loader/p2p-media-loader-plugin') ]) } const videojsOptions = this.getVideojsOptions(mode, options, p2pMediaLoader) await this.loadLocaleInVideoJS(options.common.serverUrl, options.common.language) const self = this return new Promise(res => { videojs(options.common.playerElement, videojsOptions, function (this: any) { const player = this let alreadyFallback = false'error', () => { if (!alreadyFallback) self.maybeFallbackToWebTorrent(mode, player, options) alreadyFallback = true })'error', () => { if (!alreadyFallback) self.maybeFallbackToWebTorrent(mode, player, options) alreadyFallback = true }) self.addContextMenu(mode, player, options.common.embedUrl) return res(player) }) }) } private static async maybeFallbackToWebTorrent (currentMode: PlayerMode, player: any, options: PeertubePlayerManagerOptions) { if (currentMode === 'webtorrent') return console.log('Fallback to webtorrent.') const newVideoElement = document.createElement('video') newVideoElement.className = this.playerElementClassName // VideoJS wraps our video element inside a div let currentParentPlayerElement = options.common.playerElement.parentNode // Fix on IOS, don't ask me why if (!currentParentPlayerElement) currentParentPlayerElement = document.getElementById( currentParentPlayerElement.parentNode.insertBefore(newVideoElement, currentParentPlayerElement) options.common.playerElement = newVideoElement options.common.onPlayerElementChange(newVideoElement) player.dispose() await import('./webtorrent/webtorrent-plugin') const mode = 'webtorrent' const videojsOptions = this.getVideojsOptions(mode, options) const self = this videojs(newVideoElement, videojsOptions, function (this: any) { const player = this self.addContextMenu(mode, player, options.common.embedUrl) PeertubePlayerManager.onPlayerChange(player) }) } private static loadLocaleInVideoJS (serverUrl: string, locale: string) { const path = PeertubePlayerManager.getLocalePath(serverUrl, locale) // It is the default locale, nothing to translate if (!path) return Promise.resolve(undefined) let p: Promise if (PeertubePlayerManager.videojsLocaleCache[path]) { p = Promise.resolve(PeertubePlayerManager.videojsLocaleCache[path]) } else { p = fetch(path + '/player.json') .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => { PeertubePlayerManager.videojsLocaleCache[path] = json return json }) .catch(err => { console.error('Cannot get player translations', err) return undefined }) } const completeLocale = getCompleteLocale(locale) return p.then(json => videojs.addLanguage(getShortLocale(completeLocale), json)) } private static getVideojsOptions (mode: PlayerMode, options: PeertubePlayerManagerOptions, p2pMediaLoaderModule?: any) { const commonOptions = options.common const webtorrentOptions = options.webtorrent const p2pMediaLoaderOptions = options.p2pMediaLoader let autoplay = options.common.autoplay let html5 = {} const plugins: VideoJSPluginOptions = { peertube: { mode, autoplay, // Use peertube plugin autoplay because we get the file by webtorrent videoViewUrl: commonOptions.videoViewUrl, videoDuration: commonOptions.videoDuration, userWatching: commonOptions.userWatching, subtitle: commonOptions.subtitle, videoCaptions: commonOptions.videoCaptions, stopTime: commonOptions.stopTime } } if (mode === 'p2p-media-loader') { const redundancyUrlManager = new RedundancyUrlManager(options.p2pMediaLoader.redundancyBaseUrls) const p2pMediaLoader: P2PMediaLoaderPluginOptions = { redundancyUrlManager, type: 'application/x-mpegURL', startTime: commonOptions.startTime, src: p2pMediaLoaderOptions.playlistUrl } const trackerAnnounce = p2pMediaLoaderOptions.trackerAnnounce .filter(t => t.startsWith('ws')) const p2pMediaLoaderConfig = { loader: { trackerAnnounce, segmentValidator: segmentValidatorFactory(options.p2pMediaLoader.segmentsSha256Url), rtcConfig: getRtcConfig(), requiredSegmentsPriority: 5, segmentUrlBuilder: segmentUrlBuilderFactory(redundancyUrlManager), useP2P: getStoredP2PEnabled() }, segments: { swarmId: p2pMediaLoaderOptions.playlistUrl } } const streamrootHls = { levelLabelHandler: (level: { height: number, width: number }) => { const file = p2pMediaLoaderOptions.videoFiles.find(f => === level.height) let label = file.resolution.label if (file.fps >= 50) label += file.fps return label }, html5: { hlsjsConfig: { capLevelToPlayerSize: true, autoStartLoad: false, liveSyncDurationCount: 7, loader: new p2pMediaLoaderModule.Engine(p2pMediaLoaderConfig).createLoaderClass() } } } Object.assign(plugins, { p2pMediaLoader, streamrootHls }) html5 = streamrootHls.html5 } if (mode === 'webtorrent') { const webtorrent = { autoplay, videoDuration: commonOptions.videoDuration, playerElement: commonOptions.playerElement, videoFiles: webtorrentOptions.videoFiles, startTime: commonOptions.startTime } Object.assign(plugins, { webtorrent }) // WebTorrent plugin handles autoplay, because we do some hackish stuff in there autoplay = false } const videojsOptions = { html5, // We don't use text track settings for now textTrackSettings: false, controls: commonOptions.controls !== undefined ? commonOptions.controls : true, loop: commonOptions.loop !== undefined ? commonOptions.loop : false, muted: commonOptions.muted !== undefined ? commonOptions.muted : undefined, // Undefined so the player knows it has to check the local storage poster: commonOptions.poster, autoplay: autoplay === true ? 'any' : autoplay, // Use 'any' instead of true to get notifier by videojs if autoplay fails inactivityTimeout: commonOptions.inactivityTimeout, playbackRates: [ 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2 ], plugins, controlBar: { children: this.getControlBarChildren(mode, { captions: commonOptions.captions, peertubeLink: commonOptions.peertubeLink, theaterMode: commonOptions.theaterMode }) } } if (commonOptions.enableHotkeys === true) { Object.assign(videojsOptions.plugins, { hotkeys: { enableVolumeScroll: false, enableModifiersForNumbers: false, fullscreenKey: function (event: KeyboardEvent) { // fullscreen with the f key or Ctrl+Enter return event.key === 'f' || (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'Enter') }, seekStep: function (event: KeyboardEvent) { // mimic VLC seek behavior, and default to 5 (original value is 5). if (event.ctrlKey && event.altKey) { return 5 * 60 } else if (event.ctrlKey) { return 60 } else if (event.altKey) { return 10 } else { return 5 } }, customKeys: { increasePlaybackRateKey: { key: function (event: KeyboardEvent) { return event.key === '>' }, handler: function (player: videojs.Player) { player.playbackRate((player.playbackRate() + 0.1).toFixed(2)) } }, decreasePlaybackRateKey: { key: function (event: KeyboardEvent) { return event.key === '<' }, handler: function (player: videojs.Player) { player.playbackRate((player.playbackRate() - 0.1).toFixed(2)) } }, frameByFrame: { key: function (event: KeyboardEvent) { return event.key === '.' }, handler: function (player: videojs.Player) { player.pause() // Calculate movement distance (assuming 30 fps) const dist = 1 / 30 player.currentTime(player.currentTime() + dist) } } } } }) } if (commonOptions.language && !isDefaultLocale(commonOptions.language)) { Object.assign(videojsOptions, { language: commonOptions.language }) } return videojsOptions } private static getControlBarChildren (mode: PlayerMode, options: { peertubeLink: boolean theaterMode: boolean, captions: boolean }) { const settingEntries = [] const loadProgressBar = mode === 'webtorrent' ? 'peerTubeLoadProgressBar' : 'loadProgressBar' // Keep an order settingEntries.push('playbackRateMenuButton') if (options.captions === true) settingEntries.push('captionsButton') settingEntries.push('resolutionMenuButton') const children = { 'playToggle': {}, 'currentTimeDisplay': {}, 'timeDivider': {}, 'durationDisplay': {}, 'liveDisplay': {}, 'flexibleWidthSpacer': {}, 'progressControl': { children: { 'seekBar': { children: { [loadProgressBar]: {}, 'mouseTimeDisplay': {}, 'playProgressBar': {} } } } }, 'p2PInfoButton': {}, 'muteToggle': {}, 'volumeControl': {}, 'settingsButton': { setup: { maxHeightOffset: 40 }, entries: settingEntries } } if (options.peertubeLink === true) { Object.assign(children, { 'peerTubeLinkButton': {} }) } if (options.theaterMode === true) { Object.assign(children, { 'theaterButton': {} }) } Object.assign(children, { 'fullscreenToggle': {} }) return children } private static addContextMenu (mode: PlayerMode, player: any, videoEmbedUrl: string) { const content = [ { label: player.localize('Copy the video URL'), listener: function () { copyToClipboard(buildVideoLink()) } }, { label: player.localize('Copy the video URL at the current time'), listener: function () { const player = this as videojs.Player copyToClipboard(buildVideoLink({ startTime: player.currentTime() })) } }, { label: player.localize('Copy embed code'), listener: () => { copyToClipboard(buildVideoEmbed(videoEmbedUrl)) } } ] if (mode === 'webtorrent') { content.push({ label: player.localize('Copy magnet URI'), listener: function () { const player = this as videojs.Player copyToClipboard(player.webtorrent().getCurrentVideoFile().magnetUri) } }) } player.contextmenuUI({ content }) } private static getLocalePath (serverUrl: string, locale: string) { const completeLocale = getCompleteLocale(locale) if (!is18nLocale(completeLocale) || isDefaultLocale(completeLocale)) return undefined return serverUrl + '/client/locales/' + completeLocale } } // ############################################################################ export { videojs }